Xu Fan looked for the enchantment fluctuation and came to the stairs on the second floor.

That’s right, it should be here.

He took out his black market pass and walked up the stairs.

The sound of passing through the enchantment echoed in the ears.

Sure enough, I saw a different world.

It was still noon before he entered the enchantment, but now there was a street under the night in this enchantment.

In the restaurant, Ao Xie saw that Xu Fan had just stepped on the stairs on the second floor, and it was as if he had disappeared.

He originally wanted to ask the treasurer what happened, but then he thought about it.

Looking at the look of the treasurer just now, I’m afraid I don’t know anything.

Why not give it a try, maybe the enchantment of the black market is here.

Ao Xie took out the black market pass and reached out into the void in front of him with the hand holding the pass.

Sure enough, he also followed Xu Fan into the enchantment.

At night, the street is very quiet.

Pedestrians half-covered and quietly traded with black market vendors.

“Brother Snake, this?!”

Ao Xie tugged on Xu Fan’s sleeve and shouted out in amazement.

It was also too bizarre, although he had heard of the black market.

But I didn’t expect that the person who opened this black market was so powerful, and passing through this enchantment seemed to step into another world.


Xu Fan said that people here even have such a small voice for doing business.

Maybe there’s something about the black market they don’t know.

Ao Xie lowered his voice, “Let’s go find that fake monk.”

Xu Fan nodded, “Go, go and see.” ”

There are all kinds of weird things on the black market.

There were both the treasures lost by some great demons, and some storage bags left by the dead cultivators.

There are also ancient scrolls, hard-to-find fairy herbs, elixirs, talismans and other things.

Shui Wavesang once said that fake monks’ shops were opened in the most prosperous areas of the black market.

This fake monk also raised a group of beautiful concubines, and drank and had fun in the shop every day when there was no business.

Xu Fan and Ao Xie continued to walk forward, and sure enough, they came to a prosperous pavilion.

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This building is fragrant and looks magnificent, and it should be a fake monk’s shop.

This fake monk is extremely rich and can eat well on the black market.

Xu Fan and Ao Xie were about to enter, but they were blocked by a few demons who were guarding the door.

“What people? Is there an invitation from my owner? A little demon nostrils pointed to the sky, “If not, you can’t enter the store.”

“The shop is open, isn’t it to welcome customers?”

“Our adult’s shop only welcomes customers who want to be welcomed, you don’t have an invitation, let’s go back and forth from where!”

Unexpectedly, this fake monk was quite pompous.

Ao Xie stepped forward, “I want to take a look, I can’t enter this store!” Ao

Xie injured several demons and broke into the building with Xu Fan.

When they entered the building.

I saw a fake monk and a big demon listening to music and watching the dance.

“Yu Jichen! Why are you here?!

Ao Xie looked at the big demon, this was his uncle Jiaolong’s subordinate, Yu Jichen.

“I said who it was, and I felt a feeling of nausea from afar.

It’s actually your water snake demon! Yu

Jichen was originally at odds with the Water Snake Demon, and he was even more angry when he saw Xu Fan at this time.

He has a close friendship with a fake monk on the black market, who often invites him to drink and have fun.

Recently, Jiaolong suddenly asked him to probe about the No. 6 drug and Jin Kun La.

He got the news that this gold dumpling was flowing out of the black market.

His friend, the fake monk, did all kinds of business, and there were many sources, so he came here to inquire about the news from the fake monk.

As for drinking and having fun, listening to music and watching dance, this is all incidental.

“We got news that the Jin Kun Lai containing No. 6 medicine came from the hands of the fake monk, of course, we have to come here to find him so that we can understand.” Xu Fan replied.

“What?” Yu Jichen was a little surprised, and a pair of dead fish eyes looked at the fake monk.

Although he knew that his friend occasionally dabbled in some gray areas, he did not expect that he was also related to drug No. 6.

“You idiot, don’t hurry up and catch him, don’t let him run!” Ao Xie shouted.

The fake monk looked at Yu Jichen with an innocent expression, “Brother Yu, you believe me, I really have nothing to do with this.”

Yu Jichen gritted his teeth, it’s not that he doesn’t believe in this virtuous brother, it’s that he understands this virtuous brother!

Drug No. 6 is so profitable.

Although he repeatedly reminded that Jiaolong Boss banned the circulation of medicines.

But if it is for high profits, he is a rich brother who is likely to do it.

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