Yu Jichen wiped his face and said with difficulty, “Brother, you go with us first.”

If you are innocent, you will definitely be released in the end.

If you really do this, I will intercede with Boss Jiaolong and let him spare your life.”

“Would you rather believe this man who has an enmity with you than my words?”

The fake monk stared at Yu Jichen and asked.

Yu Jichen struggled for a moment, but he didn’t expect the fake monk to hit him in the back, “Since you don’t believe me, then you go and die first!” Yu

Jichen slapped the fake monk and spat out a stream of fishy blood.

“Come, stop them!”

In an instant, many demons poured out upstairs and downstairs, surrounding Xu Fan and Ao Xie layer by layer.

“Since you are here, leave your life behind!”

By killing them all on the black market, he could continue his unfinished plan.

When he sells all the remaining goods, he will be the uncrowned king of the Willow River!

Yu Jichen seemed to be unable to believe it, fell to the ground, and everyone looked at the fake monk.

The fake monk saw that Yu Jichen had been seriously injured, but he had not yet broken his breath, so he planned to add another palm and completely kill him.

Xu Fan’s eyes were quick, and he threw over a purple treasure rope and tied the fake monk.

The false monk’s cultivation was profound, and this purple treasure rope could only bind him for three minutes.

But this was also enough for Xu Fan to change shape and save Yu Jichen.

Until he was saved by Xu Fan, Yu Jichen was still stunned.

The blow he suffered today was too great, and the virtuous brother who was good with him wanted him to die, but the water snake demon who had a feud with him saved him.

“Brother Xian, I will call you Brother Xian again at the end, why are you?!”

Yu Jichen really couldn’t figure it out.

Are all those happy times in the past fake?

After all, those true feelings in the past were mispaid?

While breaking free from the purple treasure rope, the fake monk said to the demons surrounding Xu Fan and the others.

“What are you doing, give it to me!” Catch them, life or death! ”

The instructions of these demon false monks rushed forward and fought with Xu Fan and Ao Xie.

Because Yu Jichen was seriously injured, it was inconvenient to move.

Ao Xie was afraid that he would really be killed by these demons, so he could only carry him to fight with these demons.

Xu Fan slapped a demon, and Yu Jichen was turned to death.

Yu Guang looked at Xu Fan’s figure, constantly thinking in his head before falling into a coma.

Why is this water snake demon’s figure so heroic?

Did he turn out to be a dominant palm?

How he felt, his cultivation seemed to have improved again.

Don’t turn it upside down, Lao Tzu is going to vomit blood.


PS: [Brain-dead boss

] [I always thought he was a fool, I was wrong, I shouldn’t insult a fool

[ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

] [I talked about a girl on the Internet a few days ago, and the girl was in

Changzhou] [It just so happens that this Saturday and Sunday, there is a music festival in

Changzhou] [So after this pen called our dad ten more times, he pulled me and the technical house to Changzhou at night] [

I TMD wants to die! 】

[Then, we went to West Lake in the daylight

] (mobile phone shot, deal with it, the sun is too strong, so the shot is a little dark)

[It’s really a brain disease] [

That girl looks … It’s quite beautiful, and she also brought one of her girlfriends

] [Gee ~ sensible

] [I TMD walked for more than four hours, from half past ten to four o’clock

in the afternoon] [a bottle of water in the West Lake

, ten dollars] [(⊙o⊙)…]

[In order to show that he has money, our boss also invited the girl and her friend to eat oden] [

ten yuan a string, lying in the groove!! [

That’s all, when I went around to a luxury car 4s shop on the other side of West Lake

] [The girl said, “Wow, the car inside is so beautiful~

“] [My boss is like a sand sculpture, patting his chest and telling people to go inside for a spin

] [Then he deliberately told me, “Fan, it’s time to change your Land Rover”] [My heart said, “I’ll

change NMLGB!!!” [

I made an excuse, “Forget it, don’t go, I’m a little hungry

“] [I want to give the boss a step down, just the few cars in TMD, we are probably unable to afford to sell us]

[The boss said, “Go inside and take a break, there are free small desserts in the 4s store”]

[Then I wore a half-cut sleeve for fifteen yuan a piece, Stepping on a pair of fake Jordan bought for two hundred yuan, I walked into the luxury car 4S store

] [The person who received us was a beautiful woman in professional clothes with a very affinity smile

] [Since they all came in, then I naturally pretended to be very pressed

] [I was about to say some professional words to show that I was a hidden rich second generation

] [Then the boss said a word, directly broke the defense for me]

[“That, Do you have a menu here? I’ll take a look”

] [Me:……..

] [You TMD dish Nima] [You

came to eat!?

The saleswoman was stunned for a moment, and then said gently, “What type do you want?] I can introduce you to

“] [I said, “I just want to use the home type”

] [Then she introduced us to the Cayenne, and there is a model I don’t know, I forgot what is the name

] [A few of us pretended to look at it for a while

] [Then I said that I thought about it and slipped away

] [After going out, the boss was still there bragging pen] [

I: …….].

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