The patriarchs were talking about it, and this was indeed a bit strange.

You must know that although the leader is a white peacock, his bloodline actually comes from the divine bird Phoenix, and it is not compatible with ordinary peacocks.

And in the early years, the Peacock family made a big mistake, and the previous Peacock patriarch was expelled, so thinking about it, the leader reusing the Peacock family is even more strange.

She is wise and martial and accepts the opinions of the tribe.

Balancing the forces of all ethnic groups, how can the Peacock clan be dominant?

The Bird Clan Patriarchs thought carefully that there was something strange about this matter, so they planned to wait and see.

Chu Wanwan fought with Xu Fan for dozens of rounds, and he felt even more physically and mentally exhausted. At this time, some strange red scars faintly appeared on her skin.

“What are you still stunned for? Don’t come and help me yet!

She looked at the Bird Clan Patriarchs, and her voice was like a man and a woman speaking together.

The Bird Clan Patriarchs looked at each other, but they did not intend to make a move.

The crack on Chu Wanwan’s face became more and more obvious, and she seemed to be unable to bear the pain of the scar cracking, and began to roar.

Her moves are getting messier and more and more anxious.

“Give me back the medicine! Give it back! Her

body suddenly inflated, as if it were a balloon about to explode.

Seeing this, Xu Fan hurriedly raised the golden hood, and sure enough, he dodged the meat mud from the explosion impact.

After the surface skin faded, a wrinkled man appeared.

Kong Nan saw this man and opened his eyes wide, “Grandpa…” ”

This is actually the expelled Peacock Patriarch?!”

“This old immortal actually dares to come back?”

“It’s not this that matters, it’s that he dressed up as the chief, where did the real leader go?”

Xu Fan’s fake Chu Wanwan appeared in his original form, faded the golden hood, and punched out with a tiger killer.

Last time I cleaned up the fake monk, I only used the first form, and now I just want to try the second form.

A huge whale seemed to be rolling the waves, and with the fist wind upwards the Peacock Patriarch attacked.

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The surrounding bird clan patriarchs widened their eyes when they saw this, and they were so powerful.

This punch not only carries the breath of death, but also brings vitality.

This punch hit the Peacock Clan Elder, as if absorbing his life force, making the old man completely decay.


PS:[Company power outage, black paint] [

Groove! Finally a little motivated, the company lost power

] [The boss is still noisy, take a holiday~] [

Take Nima’s holiday! 】

【How much vacation did you give yourself TMD, and you didn’t have a B number in your heart?】 】

【Besides, Xiao Zheng wore a bare-legged artifact today, you tell me it’s over today?】 【

Can I endure this?】 【

So I took all the employees of the company and went to the Internet café!!】 】【

I really didn’t expect that one day I would take employees

to work in an Internet café】【Then the boss of this pen is shouting to

play games and play games】【Playing Nima

】【Such a boss on the stall is really speechless

】【Busy in the Internet café until after three o’clock in the afternoon, the company called

】【Then we left work, it was another

muddy day】【Boring~】【

Saturday ready to fly heavy qing, what are the characteristics of heavy qing? I heard that the girl who is heavy Qing is very spicy~

] [I must see it well, I can’t wait

] [Tomorrow I am ready to open a new chapter and tell you an interesting story before] [

over!! 】

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