Chu Wanwan has the support of the entire bird clan behind him, and the nine-tailed fox wants to get the help of the bird clan.

In case the bird tribe rebelled, the Peacock patriarch who was expelled from the island many years ago was found.

The peacock patriarch himself was ambitious, so he hit it off with the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox gave the old peacock a elixir, so that the old peacock turned into Chu Wanwan’s appearance and managed the bird clan in his place.

The only fly in the ointment is to maintain the potency of this elixir.

The old peacock had to soak in a special medicinal bath every three days.

This baby spirit grass can only be grown on the island and must use the freshest sap possible.

Therefore, the old peacock has been staying on the island, closed doors, and only occasionally helping the nine-tailed fox do things.

The nine-tailed fox’s plan can be described as killing two birds with one stone, on the one hand, the handle of the old peacock is grasped in his hands.

Old peacocks, on the other hand, are confined to the island because of this particular drug.

In this way, almost all of Chu Wanwan’s subordinates and forces fell into the hands of the nine-tailed fox.

After listening to the old peacock’s confession, the patriarchs of the bird clan all felt cold behind their backs.

I didn’t expect that the owner of their Pingkang Fang could actually calculate to such a point.

“How is this good?” Elder Jinji said with a frown.

“But we have always followed Chief Chu because she turned to the owner.

We have only just begun to be loyal to the owner. Now the leader is imprisoned by the owner.

The solution, of course, is to wait and see. The partridge patriarch said.

“I thought it was inappropriate. You know, the chief is the one we have always been loyal to.

As the saying goes, if you are not of our race, your heart will be different.

Now the leaders have been imprisoned by the owners.

If we don’t turn back, do you think there will be any good results? Patriarch Bai Lu frowned and

said, “What Lao Bai said makes sense.”

The kingfisher patriarch curled his hair hanging down with his fingers, “The chief is kind to me.”

Now that she is trapped, even if I fight for my life, I must rescue her. ”

These bird clan patriarchs have been following Chu Wanwan all along.

Not too loyal to the nine-tailed fox.

After deliberation, they unanimously decided to cultivate the plank road and darken the warehouse.

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That is, pretending not to discover the conspiracy of the nine-tailed fox, secretly plotting to rescue Chu Wanwan, and then countering the nine-tailed fox.

“Wanwan is my best friend, and if I want to save her, I will definitely have to contribute.” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you Xu Gongzi, you have great kindness to our bird clan, if it is useful to us in the future, we will definitely define it.”

Because Xu Fan’s status was special, all the elders unanimously believed that he was gifted and intelligent.

Be able to strategize and win thousands of miles away.

Therefore, his status in the bird tribe is very high, and he is the wisdom of the bird clan.

Specially designed to rescue Chu Wanwan and fight against the nine-tailed fox.


Xu Fan found a time and went to interrogate the old peacock again.

This time, he mainly asked about the fake monk and the nine-tailed fox.

It turned out that the owner of Pingkang Fang, the Nine-Tailed Fox, intended to encroach on the power of Liuhe

So he came up with a poison plan and asked the old peacock to find someone to fuse and refine the No. 6 drug derivative with ordinary pills and health care products, and quietly sell it in Liuhe.

On the one hand, he earns some spirit stones

, and on the other hand, he makes the demon people of Liu River addicted to drugs, so that they can be controlled by him.

The old peacock wanted to play the seriously injured Chu Wanwan, and it was inconvenient to personally participate in it, so the nine-tailed fox sent a fake monk to help him.

The area around Chu Wanwan’s cave mansion is most suitable for the growth of exotic flowers and plants.

The bird tribe has many people, which meets the important conditions for the manufacture of No. 6 drug derivatives.

The birds on the island don’t know about the exotic flowers and plants they take care of every day.

It is the raw material of the infamous No. 6 drug.

They didn’t even know that the elixir that the leader ordered them to make to make a fortune was a derivative of No. 6 medicine.

It can be said that in the 10 years that the old peacock controlled the Chuwan Cave Mansion, this bird island became a huge poisonous cave.

[Chaos Land Side Quest: Trace the truth of the No. 6 drug, complete the progress by 60%, reward a thousand years of pure cultivation, high-level magic weapon Enchantment Crystal. ] The

system is notifying again.

Xu Fan listened to the reward given by the system, what is the Enchantment Crystal?

It doesn’t sound like a serious magic weapon.

“System, what is this Enchantment Crystal?”

“The ultimate weapon for an attractive woman.”


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