Pingkang Place.

A woman with a pure face and an imposing face meditates with her eyes closed, her wrists and ankles bound by golden chains.

This is exactly Chu Wanwan.

Chu Wanwan heard the door ringing, opened his eyes, and his face was cold.

A sumorous man walked in, “It’s been ten years, and I don’t want to force you.”

As long as you agree to marry me, I will release you. Similar

conversations had happened many times, and Chu Wanwan was already a little tired of hearing them.

More than ten years ago, Pingkang Fang completely broke with the Forever Night Organization.

In order to rescue the captured members of Yongye, Chu Wanwan accidentally exposed the fact that she was one of the leaders of the Yongye Organization.

She was later wounded by the nine-tailed fox and imprisoned.

Long before this, the nine-tailed fox intended to marry her.

But the nine-tailed fox and its demon not only likes the new and dislikes the old, but also does not jealous of men and women, and his style is very promiscuous.

Chu Wanwan was originally his subordinate, and he never commented on his style.

Who knew that the nine-tailed fox actually hit her with the idea.

Uncle can endure, aunt can not endure.

While she is dealing with the nine-tailed fox and the snake, she is strengthening her own power, intending to compete with the nine-tailed fox.

Who knew that something went wrong halfway through, and he could only be imprisoned by the nine-tailed fox.

“I don’t want to say more than necessary, I can only say that you don’t want to be delusional.”

Chu Wanwan turned his face and ignored the nine-tailed fox.

This chain controlled her cultivation and also affected the improvement of her injuries.

Fortunately, as a white peacock, she has a trace of phoenix blood.

Being able to use the trick of burning jade and stone, the nine-tailed fox did not dare to do anything to her.

Otherwise, I am afraid that she would have lost her virginity.

The nine-tailed fox had long been accustomed to Chu Wanwan’s attitude for many years, and he was not angry.

He let out a leisurely breath, and his voice became more and more seductive.

“Are you really not following me? Anyway, I am also a talent.

And it is the lord of one side, and you do not suffer a loss by following me. Chu

Wanwan saw him use another seductive trick, and frowned in disgust.

“It didn’t work well for me. Collect your magical powers! The

nine-tailed fox smiled, “Look at my recent enchantment technique, has there been any progress?” Chu

Wanwan listened to the voice of the nine-tailed fox, as if it came from an extremely distant place.

It is as close as a fine veil, burrowing into people’s brains, hearts and souls.

She pinched her palms hard with her nails, trying to keep her sanity clear with pain.

“Despicable, dirty!”

The nine-tailed fox looked at Chu Wanwan with a look of hatred and disgust.

He laughed and took a few steps forward to hold Chu Wanwan’s hand.

“Such a beautiful hand, but the owner does not feel sorry for it at all.

Look, it’s all bleeding. Chu

Wanwan threw away the nine-tailed fox’s hand, and the chains on her wrists clanged.

At this time, there was a sudden knock outside the door.

It turned out that it was the maid of the nine-tailed fox who came to report, saying that his subordinates had something to report.

After listening to this, the nine-tailed fox straightened his clothes and put them on Chu Wanwan’s ear and said.

“I still have something to do, I’ll come and see you in a few days.”

After speaking, his finger approached Chu Wanwan’s cheek.

It seems to want to touch it.

Chu Wanwan dodged the nine-tailed fox’s hand and gave him a look of disgust.

The nine-tailed fox smiled slightly, and went out to deal with things.

After the nine-tailed fox left, Chu Wanwan relented.

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Relieved, her back was already wet by this time.

She looked at her bleeding palm and fell into deep thought.

Now that the nine-tailed fox’s enchantment technique is about to be completed, I don’t know how many times she can survive.

Thinking like this, sorrow comes from it.

I don’t know what came to mind, Chu Wanwan picked up his spirits again.

She definitely can’t just give up!



But in just one month, the whole island is even more prosperous.

Xu Fan took time to go back to Liuhe, dealt with the affairs of Yongye, and called the urn to come to Bird Island together.

He had already heard from the old peacock, the false monk every other month.

They will come to the island to pick up No. 6 medicines, derivatives, pills and other goods.

Not only on the black market, but now there are hidden shop sales points in Liuhe and Nancheng.

Sales volumes also skyrocketed.

Today is the day of the scheduled pickup.

Xu Fan planned to catch turtles in an urn and catch this fake monk.

The fake monk should be more closely related to the owner of Pingkang Fang, the Nine-Tailed Fox, and catch the news that he can know more about the Nine-Tailed Fox.

But once he is caught, it means officially declaring war with the nine-tailed fox.

The rescue of Chu Wanwan was also put on the agenda.

The fake monk had just reported to the nine-tailed fox about the recent situation of the store, the revenue of the spirit stone, and the personnel who bought it.

Taking advantage of the night, I hurriedly landed on Bird Island.

He spread his tail skillfully, showing the seal of entering the inner island of Torishima Island.

This bird’s tail was obtained by the old peacock from a certain bird spirit in Chu Wanwan’s former hand.

The method is extremely cruel and rude, directly chopping off the bird’s butt and tail.

Preserved in a special way, handed over to the fake monk.

After the fake monk entered the inner island, he put away the bird’s tail and walked towards the council hall.

He and the old peacock were delivered at the meeting room every time.

Today the island seems to be exceptionally quiet, and the quiet is a little strange.

You know, as a bird island, even at night, you should occasionally hear birds chirping.

The false monk did not take this abnormality to heart, and hurried to get the elixir.

The owner promised him that if he could double the amount of pills he sold, after it completely penetrated the Liuhe River.

He gave him half of the Willow River.

The more the false monk thought about it, the more excited he became, and went straight to the lit council hall.

He walked into the hall, but no one saw it.

Strange, obviously at this point in time, could it be that the old peacock has a bad memory and forgets it?

No, it’s not right.

A bad premonition arose, and the fake monk chose to believe this premonition and immediately fled the council hall.

Who knew that a huge cage mechanism fell from the sky and held the fake monk squarely.

When the patriarchs of the bird clan saw that the false monk had been arrested, they walked out of the inner hall of the council hall one after another.

Xu Fan looked at the fake monk in the cage with a smile, at this moment, just like that moment.

Last time it was he who was held in a cage by the old peacock, and this time it was the turn of the fake monk.

The fake monk touched the cage in a panic, trying to escape, but found that he couldn’t.

“The old peacock has been caught, you can also be captured, obediently explain!”

The White Heron Patriarch said to the fake monk in the cage.

“You bird spirits actually dare to trap me! Aren’t you afraid that the owner will arrest you all? ”

The fake monk, as a fox, only feels that he has been caught by a flock of stinky birds, and he is very humiliated.

“Hmph! Quickly recruit you to do something bad for the owner, I can consider leaving you with your life.” Patriarch Bailu shouted.

As soon as the false monk saw their posture, he knew that the matter had been revealed, and said loudly: ”

Since you already know that your leaders have been trapped by the owner, don’t hurry up and release me!”

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