“Release me, I will say a few nice words for you in front of the owner, maybe I can still keep the lives of your birds!”

Seeing him say this, the kingfisher patriarch said angrily, “The nine-tailed fox captures our leader, and my bird clan will be at odds with him, and will not share the sky!” ”

Do you still need a few nice words from this old fox?

“Your leaders have been arrested, what can you bird spirits do?

It is better to obediently obey the owner and help the owner, and the future will be bright when the time comes.

Isn’t it much stronger than following Chu Wanwan? The fake monk grabbed the cage, “Let me out, everything is negotiable.” ”

Chu Wanwan, this white peacock is the cultivation genius of their bird tribe for nearly a thousand years, the symbol and glory of the bird clan, and the spiritual pillar of the bird clan.

Now hearing the false monk say this, the patriarchs of the bird clan were extremely angry.


“Tomorrow we will reverse the nine-tailed fox and rescue the leader of Chu!”

“Sure enough, foxes and birds don’t share the sky, and heaven is so!”

The false monk heard the patriarch of the bird tribe say this, and persuaded, “Don’t be angry and anxious.

Maybe your leader is very happy. The owner is handsome and dashing, and it is her blessing to want to marry Chu Wanwan! When

the kingfisher patriarch heard this, the nine-tailed fox actually wanted to forcibly marry Chu Wanwan before imprisoning her, and he was even more angry and his eyes were torn.

The Lord humiliates his subjects to death.

Now that their leader has suffered such humiliation, their group of subordinates are determined to fight the nine-tailed fox to death!

“Foxes love chickens, righteously! What is there to say about this? ”

The fake monk hasn’t figured out the situation yet, and he is still talking.

This means that Chu Wanwan, the proud white peacock, is compared to an ordinary mortal chicken.

When the Jinji Patriarch heard this, he burst into tears.

He shouted viciously, “Foxes eat chickens, indeed since ancient times.”

But today you are speaking wildly and insulting the chief!

I’ll kill your fox today!

After that, he turned into a huge brocade chicken and flew to the cage where the fake monk was trapped, and began to peck the fake monk with a sharp beak.

The fake monk looked at the shining metal beak and quickly hid inside the cage.

But did not dodge, was pecked on the ground ouch and shouted.

“Fox meat, fishy and undelicious!”

The Jinji patriarch took a sip and spat out the shredded meat in his mouth.

The false monk had already turned into its original form at this time, and a yellow-skinned fox was vaguely held in the cage.

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“Dissipate gas, dissipate gas.” The Bailu Patriarch comforted the Jinji Patriarch, “Young Master Xu is still here.” Patriarch

Jinji adjusted his mentality, “Jin made a gaffe, which made Xu Gongzi laugh.

Xu Fan said that he could understand the mood of the Jinji Patriarch.

However, he also had to interrogate the fake monk, so he had to leave the fake monk with a small life.

Now the fake monk was pecked and fainted, and he was not worried about him using the trick of the golden cicada to get rid of the shell again.

Xu Fan opened the cage and took out the yellow-skinned fox.

The fake monk felt the temperature of Xu Fan’s hand and woke up again.

Looking up at the patriarchs of the bird clans around him, he began to tremble.

So many beaks!

This will be a shadow that he will not be able to erase for the rest of his life, and he may never be able to face the original beloved roast chicken again.

Xu Fan grabbed the back of the yellow-skinned fox’s neck and fed him some elixir to help him recover from his injuries.

Otherwise, the fake monk would probably have burped before the interrogation began.

Xu Fan locked up the fake monk next door to the old peacock and interrogated him.

In the mouth of the fake monk, Xu Fan learned the sales location and income of all No. 6 drug derivatives.

However, in a few months, the derivatives of No. 6 drug have formed a huge chain of interests in Liuhe and Nancheng.

Since the last time he was found by Ao Xie and Xu Fan on the black market.

The fake monk has been thinking about how to sell these problematic drugs through better channels.

He hitched a ride on some dark threads of the big demon who was originally an addict, and sold and infiltrated through these dark threads.

In just a few months, all the spirit stones of the white flower flowers poured into the hands of the Pingkang Fang owner Nine-tailed Fox.

The nine-tailed fox used these spirit stones to recruit more capable demons.

“Do you know where the nine-tailed fox locked Chu Wanwan?”

“I don’t know.” The fake monk shivered and looked at the Jinji Patriarch standing next to Xu Fan.

“Can you keep him away! I will say anything you ask! The

Jinji Patriarch snorted and said to Xu Fan, “Xu Gongzi, I will go first, you continue to interrogate.”

Xu Fan smiled, “You can stay here and continue watching.” The patriarch is here, and the fake monk is extra honest. Hearing

Xu Fan say this, the fake monk

closed his eyes and shouted, “Let him go, let him go!” Let him go, and I’ll be honest. ”

[Chaos Land Branch: Find out the truth about Drug No. 6.] Complete 80% of the progress, and reward 1,000 years of pure cultivation. 】


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