After the interrogation of the fake monk, Xu Fan walked out of the cell leisurely.

I happened to come across the urn that came back from wandering around Bird Island.

“How’s the trial, brother?”

Xu Fan said, “No. 6 pharmaceutical derivatives are developing rapidly in Liuhe and Nancheng. The fake monk explained a lot of sales points, and they also colluded with some of Jiaolong’s subordinates.

“This nine-tailed fox is quite powerful!” The urn smiled and said, “Ye still thinks about meeting him.”

“I still have to inform Zhang Suxi and tell them to be careful.”

“You can also tell Ao Xie’s silly boy and let him check these shops.”

Xu Fan nodded, “Now that the momentum of the development of the Forever Night Organization is good, it should also play some help.” ”

That’s it, black eats black!

Let the Forever Night Organization occupy these shops and use these shops as contact points.

Continue to develop and grow forever night.

After Xu Fan sent a message to Zhang Suxi and Qi Huaxuan, he continued to cultivate and improve on Bird Island.

According to the fake monk, the cultivation of the nine-tailed fox is unfathomable.

With Xu Fan’s current strength, there was no way to compete with the nine-tailed fox.

False monks generally report to the nine-tailed fox every other month.

After Xu Fan caught the fake monk, the supply of the store was insufficient, and there was no way to operate normally.

After the nine-tailed fox gets the news, it will definitely summon the false monk.

And the fake monk is now in prison, and there is no way to see the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox must know that he had an accident, and he will most likely contact the old peacock.

The old peacock couldn’t get in touch with him, and Torishima would be exposed to the nine-tailed fox’s field of vision.

Even if the nine-tailed fox doesn’t care about the situation of the No. 6 medicine on weekdays, wait until the day when the monk reports the situation next month.

The false monk has not appeared, and it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the nine-tailed fox.

Therefore, in a month at most, the nine-tailed fox must have noticed something different in Bird Island.


Pingkang Place.

The nine-tailed fox seemed to feel something.

The fake monk is the henchman of the nine-tailed fox and specializes in helping him do shady things.

So he put a layer of prohibition on the fake monk, and once the fake monk said the key word, he would sense it.


PS: [Tell you about the particularly fun things in the past, really things were very interesting

when I was a child] [Northeast countryside, everyone knows that they believe in ghosts and gods, and there are mysterious legends

] [I grew up in the countryside of Northeast China when I was a child

] [My hometown is called Xiaolu Farm, because it specializes in raising deer for the country

] [My grandfather used to be a bandit] [

Later he was adapted into the army, and he had to fight at that time].

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[Then he injured his leg, so he didn’t make it

, and his brother went to the battlefield in his place] [Then his brother died on the battlefield, and my grandpa was so lucky to survive


[My grandfather married my grandmother, and settled down in the village] [

I have heard people say since I was a child,

My grandpa was a tyrant in the village when he was young] [No one dares to mess with anyone, who quarrels with him, not BB, directly whip it

] [My grandpa and grandma have a total of four sons and four daughters

] [At that time, my grandpa belonged to a small landowner in the village and was very rich

] [The family opened the only small shop

in the village] [Then my second grandfather is the village branch secretary, my aunt is a teacher, and my grandfather is the first person in the village to buy a car]

[At that time, my family all lived in a big yard

] [It can be regarded as a


[My mother’s family is relatively poor, I don’t know how they got good at that time

] [Anyway, my birth is relatively bumpy] [

When my mother was pregnant with her first child, because she believed in the rural remedies

] [Then the first child was gone, and this was

me] [At that time, my mother gave me the idea of this damage B, it is said that my grandfather chased me for several miles with a shotgun, and finally my grandfather stopped them]

But speaking of it, I should be grateful for this damage B

] [Because if it wasn’t for his idea, it might not have been my business

] [After the first child was gone, then I was born

] [My birth is good news

] [But my grandfather and grandmother, I never thought that I was the only male in my life~] [

The last heir of the Xu family!!] 】

[Next, several of my cousins and cousins were also born smoothly, and then count the sisters in front of me

] [It’s all nothing~

] [I became a single seedling, how to say, I grew up holding it in the palm of my hand since I was a child] [

But I don’t know if God deliberately played

me] [I was able to survive when I was a child, it was very difficult

] [experienced a bunch of things that almost cost me my life

] [I’ll tell you a little more tomorrow, I’ll be here today]


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