The nine-tailed fox had vaguely sensed that something had happened to the fake monk, and he used a special communication method to contact the old peacock again.

The old peacock was pondering in his cell on Bird Island when he suddenly heard the voice of the nine-tailed fox in his head.

“Come to me today.”

The old peacock’s hand shook and replied, “Obey.” Now

his grandson Kong Nan is in Xu Fan’s hands.

He did not dare to act rashly, and could only follow Xu Fan’s instructions to respond to the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox didn’t often contact him this way.

Since the order was issued for the old peacock to assist the fake monk in the production and sale of the No. 6 drug derivative.

Just let him keep pretending to be Chu Wanwan on Bird Island, and he didn’t often summon him.

The old peacock waited for a moment and shouted to the surrounding jailers, “Come on, I will make meritorious deeds.”

Xu Fan was notified by the jailer and came to the cell.

“The nine-tailed fox asked me to meet him at Pingkang Fang today.” The old peacock said to Xu Fan, “You released my grandson Kong Nan, I can help you delay time.” ”

The nine-tailed fox cultivation is profound, Xu Fan is definitely not his opponent, and

he will definitely want to delay the time to face the nine-tailed fox head-on, which is a good time for him to propose a quid pro quo.

Xu Fan saw through the old peacock’s abacus and said, “This news is very useful. Rest assured, Kong Nan will be fine. ”

He doesn’t need the old peacock to stall for time.

Coincidentally, he could go to meet the nine-tailed fox of Pingkang Fang for a while.

Xu Fan confirmed with the old peacock the way and place of their meeting in the past, and went to the other bird clan patriarchs to talk about it.

“Xu Gongzi, don’t ah, this matter is too risky, I think it’s better to let the old peacock go to find the nine-tailed fox.”

The Kingfisher Patriarch said.

Patriarch Bailu pondered for a moment, “This is indeed not a good time to face the nine-tailed fox.

I think what Kingfisher said is reasonable, or let the old peacock delay time first. The

Jinji patriarch said, “I just don’t know if the old peacock will temporarily turn against the water, and this matter still has to be carefully considered.”

Xu Fan saw that this group of patriarchs were very concerned about his safety, and said with a faint smile, “Patriarchs don’t have to worry, I naturally have countermeasures.”

“If Xu Gongzi wants to go, we will go together and fight with the nine-tailed fox to break the net!”

The Oriole Patriarch said indignantly, “Everyone knows that the nine-tailed fox is very strong and can’t beat him.

But the leader is still imprisoned by him, if we don’t go, when will we save the leader ?!

Seeing this, Xu Fan soothed, “The strength of the nine-tailed fox is indeed strong.

I can go this time to first explore his old base, and then inquire about the news of the Chu chief.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing one’s opponent can one fight a hundred battles.

“If the old peacock doesn’t go, the nine-tailed fox must know that something happened to Bird Island.”

We don’t need to go to him, he will probably come to the door, and what else to talk about exploring his reality?


“So I say, let the old peacock go!”

“What if the old peacock turns against the water?”

“Then go up together, attack Pingkang Fang, and capture the nine-tailed fox alive!”

The patriarchs quarreled and did not make a final decision.

Seeing this, Xu Fan unhurriedly turned into Chu Wanwan, “Look, do I look like the leader of Chu?” Originally

, the patriarchs quarreled and did not notice Xu Fan. Hearing his words, I looked at him.

“Xu, Xu Gongzi?” The Kingfisher Patriarch rubbed his eyes, “Chief! When

Patriarch Bailu saw Xu Fan, he was also taken aback, “You are Xu Gongzi?!” ”

You know, even if the old peacock becomes Chu Wanwan with the help of the nine-tailed fox.

It is also necessary to assist with drugs, and it comes at a great cost.

Xu Fan effortlessly turned into Chu Wanwan.

The clan elders sighed strangely and gasped, “Like, too similar!”

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Xu Fan said with a smile, “Then if I use this image to meet the nine-tailed fox, the patriarchs should not be worried.” ”

Since Chu Wanwan was imprisoned by the nine-tailed fox, the old peacock has been showing people in the image of Chu Wanwan.

Xu Fan turned into Chu Wanwan to see the nine-tailed fox, which was simply killing two birds with one stone.

He was able to maintain this image and go to meet the nine-tailed fox as an old peacock.

He can also use Chu Wanwan’s image to disrupt Pingkang Fang and find out the news of Chu Wanwan.

The bird clan patriarchs were convinced and thanked Xu Fan again.

Xu Fan immediately left for Pingkang Fang to meet the nine-tailed fox.


Pingkang Place.

The nine-tailed fox is sitting watching a cabaret.

Several maids fanned, beat their legs, and fed him grapes.

Suddenly, a waiter came forward, “Grandpa Zu, the leader of Chu Wanwan asks to see you.” The

nine-tailed fox raised an eyebrow, “Oh? Let him in. ”

He didn’t often summon the old peacock, but now he called the old peacock to ask about the false monk.

And check if Bird Island is still stable.

Xu Fan dressed as Chu Wanwan and walked in with a white veil.

The nine-tailed fox originally liked Chu Wanwan’s appearance very much.

Now look at this Chu Wanwan with a layer of white veil, both delicate.

There is also a sense of beauty that holds the pipa half-covered.

For a moment, the nine-tailed fox was a little itchy in his hands, wanting to unveil this veil.

Xu Fan saw the nine-tailed fox’s lecherous expression, and saw the hand he was about to stretch out, so he guessed what the nine-tailed fox was thinking.

Good fellow, even if you know that under this layer of skin is an old peacock.

They can still move the spirit chicken, and this nine-tailed fox is not picky.

Xu Fan dodged the salty pig hand of the nine-tailed fox and coughed in the voice of an old peacock.

When the nine-tailed fox heard this cough, he remembered the old face of the old peacock.

Suddenly wilted, slapped his hands twice.

Let these handmaids and performers go down.

“How’s Bird Island? Have you been stable lately? The nine-tailed fox peeled a grape with its white fingers and put it in his mouth.

“Nothing unusual lately.” Xu Fan replied.

“Did Huang Jing come to you normally two days ago to get the goods?”

Huangjing is the real name of the fake monk.

“Yes. I wonder what the owner called me to? Xu Fan asked.

“Your skin has been used for almost ten years, although you have to bathe every three days to strengthen the medicinal properties of the elixir, but it is time to change it.”

The nine-tailed fox stood up lazily and stretched out his hand to probe Xu Fan’s face.

Xu Fan subconsciously dodged back.

“What are you hiding?” The nine-tailed fox’s hand stopped in mid-air and said sharply.

Xu Fan felt the coercion released by the nine-tailed fox, and the cultivation of this nine-tailed fox was indeed very profound!

“Ahem, subconsciously hidden.”

“I won’t eat you again.”

After the nine-tailed fox finished speaking, he seemed to realize that his words were ambiguous, and remembered the old face of the old peacock, and his face turned green.

The old peacock turned into Chu Wanwan, and it was indeed covered with a layer of skin.

Xu Fan became Chu Wanwan, but did not use any auxiliary means.

If the nine-tailed fox touches his face, there is a high probability that it will find an abnormality.

“I don’t know what the owner said about skin change, is the procedure complicated?

It has been too long to leave the island, and I am afraid that it will arouse the suspicion of the other bird clan patriarchs. ”

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