As soon as Xu Fan finished asking this sentence, he somehow aroused the suspicion of the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox quickly stretched out his hand and almost probed Xu Fan’s face. At this moment, Xu Fan dodged the nine-tailed fox’s hand again.

“Old peacock, your skills are not reduced back then.”

The nine-tailed fox condensed two points of mana, and a ball of fox fire quickly attacked Xu Fan’s face, “I’m old, how can I see, my skills are sharper than when I was younger.”

Xu Fan dodged this fox fire, “What the owner said is, old age is not old and strong!” ”

The nine-tailed fox has become suspicious, and tested Xu Fan’s cultivation with fox fire, it seems that this place cannot stay for long.

Xu Fan silently approached the exit, intending to retreat quickly if the situation was wrong.

The nine-tailed fox’s cultivation was too profound, and it only took two points of mana to almost catch him off guard.

Seeing Xu Fan approaching the exit, the nine-tailed fox became even more suspicious of Xu Fan’s identity.

He also made more neat moves towards Xu Fan, and his moves were all towards Xu Fan’s face.

“I wonder how the old man provoked the owner?” Xu Fan asked while answering, “Please also ask the owner to make it clear.”

The nine-tailed fox maneuvered with Xu Fan, “The old peacock I know is not as powerful as you. Say, who are you? ”

This man’s cultivation is also mediocre, the nine-tailed fox thought to himself, but there is no need to rush to catch him and accompany him to have a good time.

I don’t know who is so bold, and this kind of cultivation dares to provoke him Nine-tailed Fox.

Since this person dares to pretend to be an old peacock, he also knows about drug No. 6.

Most likely, he also interrogated Huang Jing.

I just don’t know if this person is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, or if he has a backer behind him and wants to have a black meal with him.

Xu Fan saw that the nine-tailed fox was unhurriedly making a move, and he knew in his heart that he had not exerted his full strength.

He can take advantage of the nine-tailed fox to underestimate the enemy, first slip away, and then blend into Pingkang Fang later to listen to Chu Wanwan’s news.

The nine-tailed fox picked off Xu Fan’s veil, “Show your true face!” If you are handsome, Uncle Ben may be able to let you go.

The more the nine-tailed fox wrestled with Xu Fan, the more interested he was in Xu Fan.

This person seems to be just a cultivation above the scattered immortal and under the golden immortal, but he can fight back and forth with the nine-tailed fox.

Although part of the reason is that the nine-tailed fox did not exert its full strength, this is enough to show that Xu Fan’s ability is outstanding and the future is promising.

You must know that most of the people who can leapfrog the challenge are cultivation geniuses.

If this person is handsome, he can pocket both men and women.

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Xu Fan didn’t want to fight with the nine-tailed fox anymore, and he made a feint and wanted to escape.

Who knew that the nine-tailed fox seemed to have anticipated Xu Fan’s next move and directly blocked Xu Fan’s way to escape.

“Want to run? How could it be so easy! Come to my Pingkang Place, you have to leave something! Two

long silks flew out of the wide sleeves of the nine-tailed fox, restraining Xu Fan.

Pulled into his arms, “I actually used Chu Wanwan’s face, and I don’t care who you are, let me kiss Xiang Xiang first!” Saying

that, the nine-tailed fox pouted and kissed Xu Fan.

Xu Fan’s face was shocked when he saw this, good guy, I really can’t do it!

He gave birth to impatience and instantly turned into the face of an old peacock.

The nine-tailed fox was originally getting closer and closer, wanting to kiss Fang Ze, who knew that Chu Wanwan’s face in front of him suddenly turned into an old peacock.

This wrinkle, this pleat.


The nine-tailed fox was shocked, and even Nagaya loosened.

Xu Fan broke free of the long aya and wiped the cold sweat on the corner of his forehead, “The taste of the owner is so heavy, don’t you even let go of the banzai old man?” The

nine-tailed fox’s face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth and said, “Sir, I am happy!” “He has a hard mouth.

But looking at the face of the old peacock, I really can’t get my mouth down.

What a psychological shadow this had to cause him, and he almost kissed him!

If you accidentally kiss this, won’t you have nightmares night and night, and the dreams are all old peacocks!

The nine-tailed fox saw Xu Fan holding the face of the old peacock, and for a while he lost the mood to pity Xiang Xiang Yu.

“Since you toast and don’t eat and punish wine, then Uncle will let you taste my power!”

The nine-tailed fox said, condensing countless fox fires in his hands, and attacked Xu Fan.

Xu Fan kept dodging, and one could not dodge.

It was rubbed by the fox fire over the corner of his clothes, revealing half of his abs.

The nine-tailed fox looked at Xu Fan’s clothes and whistled, “I didn’t expect that although the old peacock is old, his figure is quite material!”

Xu Fan listened to his ridicule, and began to condense tricks in his hand,

“The big sun is like a palm!”

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