The nine-tailed fox flew and dodged, “Not bad, boy.” This palm method is pure, but it’s a pity that the cultivation is not home! Xu

Fan saw that the nine-tailed fox dodged this move, and he was not in a hurry, and made another move to destroy the whale.

The nine-tailed fox sensed the vitality in this punch technique and the hidden intention of death in it, and frowned, “Something,”

he sacrificed the Origin Magic Weapon, which was like a small bowl, swallowing Xu Fan’s Tiger Killer Falling Fist into it.

“It’s a pity it’s not much.”

Xu Fan saw that even the tiger and whale fell fist and swallowed, although his face was not visible.

But there are also some concerns in my heart, it seems that cultivation is still not enough, and we have to step up and improve.

This is how you can use the maximum power of all your moves.

The nine-tailed fox understood Xu Fan’s tricks and began to condense mana to fight back.

Xu Fan’s face rose solemnly and the golden hood seemed to have the power of thunder and lightning.

Now the golden cover has the ability to fight back, as long as the nine-tailed fox’s big move hits the golden cover.

He is bound to be countered by big moves. The moment the nine-tailed fox was countered by the big move, it was the best moment for Xu Fan to make a move.

The nine-tailed fox made a big move, and a huge energy attacked towards the golden light mask.

“It’s just a turtle cover, with Uncle Ben’s skill, it can be broken with one move, I advise you to obediently tie up and capture.”

Xu Fan looked at the big move from the attack and meditated in his heart.

Three, two, one.

That big move hit the golden light mask, which was not only unexpected by the nine-tailed fox, but also unexpected by Xu Fan.

The hum of metal is deafening.

This hood didn’t break?

The nine-tailed fox thought suspiciously.

This big move actually did not bounce back?

Xu Fan thought equally puzzled.

The nine-tailed fox observed on the side for a while, understood that it was the mechanism of the golden cover, and a cold sweat broke out behind it.

Good risk!

Fortunately, his cultivation exercises were different from other practitioners.

The energy generated by his moves cannot attack his essence and cause damage to his essence.

If you change to another cultivator or big demon, you will do your best to use such a move.

I am afraid that I will be seriously injured by my own tricks, or I will be killed.

Xu Fan saw that the nine-tailed fox was fine, was silent for a few seconds, and took out a bed, a table, and a set of tea sets from the storage bag.

He brewed another cup of tea with the spirit spring water stored in the jade bottle, and looked at the nine-tailed fox with the teacup.

Nine-tailed Fox: (⊙o⊙)

It seems that he has to keep up again.

Fortunately, he is used to it.

Wait until his cultivation can beat the nine-tailed fox before going out.


PS: [Heavy qing can’t go ~

] [It’s a little dangerous, you may be blocked where you go

~] [Big Saturday’s really idle has nothing to do

] [So I slept until ten o’clock in the morning, got up to write a novel, and then ate a sheep scorpion with a fox dog friend

] [When I wrote this novel, I was in the bathing center~

] [The front desk told me today that my savings card is running out of money] [

There are more than

eight hundred left] [Earn some money every day, all for massage

~] [Four hundred to eight hundred at a time

] [Here to advise young people, stay away from massage, cherish wallets

] [Continue to tell everyone~

] [I have been a collection of thousands of favors since I was a child, but my life is very outrageous, and I have encountered many evil things

] [Everything stems from a happy event] [

That winter, I remember very clearly

] [My grandma took me to catch up with the banquet, at that time, who had happy events in the big countryside, just held a big banquet at home

] [That day, the snow thief was big, almost to my waist, and then my grandma carried me to someone’s]

[At that time, it was cold enough for me, and the heat was hot when I entered

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the house] [A bunch of people in the house, small tables and big tables

] [A group of people snorted melon seeds and chatted about the sky] [

The unique lively atmosphere

of the countryside] [Then the big table began, I sat at a table with a few children


[maybe there were a lot of drinks, halfway through eating, I ran out to pee

] [At that time, rural people in the winter prepared a bucket at home to pee or something] [

But there were many people in the house, and there were girls, which made me embarrassed

] [I ran out, the yard was quite clean, and it was facing the window] [So I ran to the backyard

] [I remember that I was next to a tractor and peeing

] [It was cold, as soon as I took off my pants] [Snow, wind, I drilled into my pants

] [


was peeing halfway, A big dog came out of the side

] [Groove!!


[I don’t know what happened later] [Because I was scared and fainted at that time~

] [I don’t know

if it bit me, anyway, I was at home as soon as I woke up] [

Then I found that my fourth uncle and grandfather were in my house, which is my mother’s uncle

] [My fourth uncle and grandfather are gods in the village] [The fourth uncle and grandfather are blind in one eye, because of what, I don’t know

] [Anyway, when he was a child, he talked all day, and I liked to go to his house the most when I was a child, because he had many martial arts secrets at home

] [What a point, what palm method, all that kind of book]

[There are also some books of gods and gods


[At that time, I remember that in order to practice acupuncture hands

] [According to the book, I poked my fingers every day to tie the bag with soybeans]

[Now think about the real pen~].

[The fourth uncle has a son and a daughter] [His son is the only doctor in our village, studying Western medicine~

] [I really don’t know what my fourth uncle and grandfather think, really technology and fantasy coexist] [

The most important thing is his daughter,

his daughter and my mother have grown up together, the relationship is very good

] [But his daughter is crazy, I don’t know what the specific reason is

] [Some people say that his daughter saw something when she was young, and some people say that it was because my fourth uncle and grandfather did something] [So the revenge was on his daughter

] [Anyway, it seems that there are one or two crazy people or fools in every village

] [My fourth uncle and grandfather

said that I was lost by a dog and lost some soul, what messy things]

[I can’t remember the specifics, probably this is the meaning]

[Say that I may be weak in the future and easy to recruit! ]

[Let my mother be careful

] [At that time, although my family did not believe in this set of arguments, but after that, they took me more seriously

] [After all, he was the only male in the family~

] [I quickly forgot about this at that time, except for leaving sequelae and being afraid of dogs, there was nothing]

[Then there was a time, when I went to my

grandmother’s house, something happened] [My grandmother’s family does not live in the village, living on the most mountainous side

] [Let’s get here first, you may have to press your foot later

] [Mad, the familiar technician has asked for leave, and the rest are a little crooked dates] [

I don’t know who to choose~].

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