Xu Fan saw the nine-tailed fox rushing towards him, but he was not in a hurry.

Sure enough, the nine-tailed fox’s fatal blow hit Xu Fan without pain.

Xu Fan even patted her head like a puppy.

“Bite you, bite you, I’m going to bite you to death this bad thing!”

Because of the master-servant contract, the nine-tailed fox tried his best to hurt Xu Fan.

Instead, it is like a little tiger that has not yet had a full moon, and as soon as he opens his eyes, he has to learn the roar of the evil tiger.

“Give up, you can’t help me.”

Xu Fan said against the nine-tailed fox’s forehead.

The nine-tailed fox whined, and found that he really couldn’t hurt Xu Fan, and fell to the ground and cried.

“You, you wait, uncle, I will kill you one day!”

Xu Fan looked at her crying and stroked his head hair, “As you wish.” The

nine-tailed fox saw that this kid actually dared to pet himself.

I opened my mouth and bit it, but I found that I couldn’t bite at all.

After discovering this fact, the nine-tailed fox was angry and aggrieved, crying and arching Xu Fan.

The nine-tailed fox who thought about him actually had such a day.

Not only became a brat beast servant with low cultivation, but was actually stroked by him.

It’s a shame!

No, you can’t give up.

Be sure to kill this kid!

The nine-tailed fox didn’t want to let Xu Fan pet him anymore, so he jumped out of Xu Fan’s arms.

“Stinky boy, you’re waiting.”

Xu Fan smiled slightly, looked at him and ran away with his teeth.

Sure enough, in the next few days, Xu Fan would always be attacked inexplicably.

When Xu Fan was leisurely drinking tea, he suddenly felt a gust of wind.

A beast swooped up at his shoulder and tried to bite him in the neck.

“Bite you, bite you, bite you!”

Alas, bite does not move.

The result was a saliva.

Xu Fan pulled the nine-tailed fox down and slapped it twice on the butt.

The nine-tailed fox ran away in anger.

When Xu Fan was lying on the bed and sleeping, he suddenly felt that his face was cold.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the nine-tailed fox with its blood basin wide open.

“Lao Tzu is going to swallow you!”

Xu Fan wiped the saliva on his face expressionlessly.

Grabbed the back of the nine-tailed fox’s neck and hung it on a tree.

“Let me down!”

The nine-tailed fox struggled, unable to do without the branch.

After sneaking up on it a few times, the nine-tailed fox understood.

No matter what way he tried to attack Xu Fan, it was impossible to succeed, and the more he gave up in discouragement.

Bask in the sun outside half-dead every day.

How can it still be that he can not live?

It’s better to die than to live, this kid is still alive.

His nine-tailed fox must have lived longer than this kid!


> On this side, Chu Wanwan has been busy since taking over Pingkang Fang.

Because Xu Fan stopped the production line of No. 6 drugs, now Pingkangfang’s income is only the entertainment industry.

There is no way to bear the expenses of Pingkang Fang, and even need Chu Wanwan to allocate money on Bird Island to receive Pingkang Fang.

In addition, after stopping the No. 6 pharmaceutical production line.

The Li family is still at night, but the Mu family is about to move.

Constantly create friction with the boundary of Pingkang Fang, and find the matter of Pingkang Fang.

On this day, Chu Wanwan was busy until late at night.

Xu Fan happened to be walking in the courtyard when he saw Chu Wanwan walking out of the council hall of Pingkang Fang.

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“Chief Chu, busy until so late?”

Chu Wanwan smiled wearily, “Yes, one thing after another recently.

I don’t know if Xu Gongzi can help me with some advice.

Xu Fan was aware of the difficult problems Chu Wanwan faced and said to her.

“After the No. 6 drug production line is stopped, it will indeed affect the regional balance of power to a certain extent.

If the Li family and the Mu family join forces to target Pingkang Fang, it is indeed a little difficult.

However, I heard that the Li family did not act rashly.

In this way, the contradiction between the Mu family and us depends on me.

It is possible to move the water east with one trick and sow discord.

Find someone to provoke a conflict between the Li family and the Mu family, so that the two families will have no time to take care of Pingkang Fang. After

Chu Wanwan listened to Xu Fan’s suggestion, his eyes lit up.

That’s a good idea.

And this time she dealt with the dispute between Pingkang Fang and the Mu family, and she always faintly felt that there was a push behind it.

After Xu Fan’s guidance, she suddenly realized.

It is very likely that the Li family arched the fire behind and wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

“Thank you Xu Gongzi for mentioning it.” Chu Wanwan saluted and asked, “At present, the expenses of Pingkang Fang are not enough to make ends meet.

I don’t know what good countermeasures Xu Gongzi has.

Xu Fan smiled slightly under the moonlight, “Chief Chu holds the golden mountain in his hand without knowing it.” ”

Gold Mountain? What gold mountain?

Xu Fan said, “Before I left Bird Island, I built a pill production base in Bird Island.

The production base of pills has formed a certain scale.

Chief Chu has now mastered Pingkang Fang, so why not use the power of Pingkang Fang to help the Torishima Pill Production Base go to another level.

Let it become the pillar industry of Ping Kang Place?

In my opinion, within a few years, Torishima Elixir Production Base will definitely become the largest production base in the Land of Chaos.

Chu Wanwan listened to Xu Fan’s plan, and admired him even more in his heart, and asked, “Then the mission organized by Yongye…”


The urn came from Bird Island to Pingkang Place.

He came to the courtyard to find Xu Fan with a smile.

“Brother, I heard that you received another vixen.”

As soon as he reached the center of the courtyard, he saw a fat nine-tailed fox with white hair spread on the ground basking in the sun.

“That’s it?” The urn saw the nine-tailed fox and wanted to touch it, “Oh, it’s quite advanced, 9 tails!” The

nine-tailed fox put on a posture that could not be killed, grinned at the urn, and bit it in one bite.

Boy, I can’t clean up Xu Fan, can’t I clean you up?

Now someone wants to step on my head?

Let you see how powerful your nine-tailed fox uncle is.

“Ouch, let go!” The urn flicked his hand, trying to shake off the nine-tailed fox that had bitten on his hand.

He just kind of missed the little fox in the small world.

So I heard that Xu Fan received another fox, so I wanted to come and see.

I didn’t expect this fox to be so fierce, and before he touched him, he opened his mouth to bite.

Xu Fan heard the sound of the urn outside, and walked out just in time to see the nine-tailed fox biting the urn.

Xu Fan watched the play for a while before saying to the nine-tailed fox,

“Let him go.”

The nine-tailed fox heard Xu Fan’s words and bit even harder.

He saw Xu Fan coming over again, afraid that Xu Fan would spank him, so he let go.

“Bah, a smell of ash, uncle, I don’t bite rarely!”

The nine-tailed fox flicked its tail and jumped onto the tree.

When he got to the tree, Xu Fan should not be able to catch him and beat him again.

Alas, life is not easy, the nine-tailed fox sighed.

“This fox has quite a personality!” The urn shook his hand and said.

Xu Fan lifted his forehead.

Brother, what do you think?

After all, he is a 10,000-year-old fox, and he has a bad temper.

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