Wang Cai has been dormant since he ascended to the Immortal Realm.

On this day, Xu Fan found that it suddenly woke up.

Or have to pull the wealth out for a walk.

This sleep, the turtle has not slept enough.

Wang Cai thought slowly, but it seemed to have a new taste.

Sure enough, Xu Fan led it to the nine-tailed fox and patted his head

, “Wang Cai, there is another new partner.” Let’s have fun together in the future!

Wang Cai looked at the nine-tailed fox, turned his head slowly, and did not speak.

The nine-tailed fox was not happy when he saw it, just such a big turtle, also worthy of being a partner of the master?!

He jumped on his toes to the shell of Wangcai.

“Drive, go over there!”

From today on, this big turtle will be Ye’s mount.

“Down, down, don’t, don’t mess with me!” Wang Cai said slowly.

The nine-tailed fox jumped on his turtle shell again.

Mockup, don’t mess with you yet.

It’s quite arrogant, big turtle.

“No, from today onwards, I am the eldest and you are the second! You’re going to give me a horse to ride!” Wang

Cai threw off the nine-tailed fox, he didn’t want to pay attention to this fox.

The nine-tailed fox saw that Wang Cai still had a small temper, and he was immediately angry.

His grandmother’s, uncle, I gave a hairy boy a beast servant.

It was not his first beast servant, and a big turtle dared to line up ahead of him.

He has to bully and bully well, so that this turtle knows what is called stake.

The nine-tailed fox scurries around, jumping up and down on the turtle shell.

Wang Cai annoyed him and bit his tail.

“You big turtle, you actually dare to bite your noble tail! Okay, you, today I will teach you a lesson! ”

Originally, the nine-tailed fox couldn’t help Xu Fan, so he held his breath in his heart, wanting to bully and bully Wangcai.

As a result, the birds of wealth did not bird him, and he suddenly became even more angry.

Killing intent together, used a jack to crush the turtle shell of Wangcai.

Wang Cai felt the killing intent of the nine-tailed fox, snorted lightly, and released a terrifying coercion.

The nine-tailed fox felt this coercion, as if remembering the memory of being bullied by various divine beasts in ancient times.

So powerful, so terrifying!

He shivered as he was pressed against the turtle shell.

“You, you, still want to bully the turtle.” Wang Cai said to the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox continued to tremble and whispered

, “You little stammer, don’t talk much!” Hush!

There is the kind of powerful passing by this place that can crush you with one finger.

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Wang Cai replied slowly, “Oh, is that so?” ”

It removed the coercion.

The nine-tailed fox felt that the coercion had left.

He quietly raised his head again, looked around, and maintained a high degree of vigilance.

“You, are you, are you saying, this kind!” Wang Cai released coercion again.

The nine-tailed fox realized immediately.

It turned out that the power he thought was actually the big turtle lying under his body.

What’s wrong?!

Obviously with the coercion of a divine beast, he pretends to be an ordinary big turtle and deceives the fox for fun, right?

The nine-tailed fox jumped up the tree in fright.

Can’t afford to mess with, can’t afford to mess with, slipped away.

“From today onwards, you will be my eldest brother!”

Obviously, Wang Cai is not interested in being a big brother to the fox.

He slept a long night’s sleep and now needed a walk and a walk.

Wang Cai sneaked around Pingkang Fang.

The nine-tailed fox looked at Wang Cai’s figure, messy in the wind.

What kind of person is this Xu Fan, who can actually accept such a powerful divine beast?!

In this way, it is not particularly a loss to be a beast servant for him.


After Xu Fan helped Chu Wanwan stabilize the situation in Pingkang Fang, he planned to return to Liuhe.

Counting that he had been away from Liuhe for several months, Zhang Suxi had not heard anything else from them.

It was he who retreated in the Water Snake Mansion in the name of cultivation.

The retreat was too long, for fear of arousing the suspicion of the willow river dragon.

The urn continued to help Chu Wanwan in Pingkang Fang, while Xu Fan returned to Liuhe.

After Xu Fan returned to Liuhe, he turned into a water snake demon and announced his exit.

As soon as Ao Xie heard the news, he came over excitedly.

“Brother Snake, congratulations on your clearance, today I invite you to drink.”

“Don’t drink first, nothing happened during my retreat?” Xu Fan asked.

“This…” Ao Xie’s face blushed, “something good happened.”

Xu Fan looked at Ao Xie’s blushing attitude, and probably guessed that what he was going to say should be related to Zhang Suxiu.

“Oh, what’s a good thing?”

“That’s what I told you then, the girl I liked…” Ao Xie scratched his head.

“Are you sure?” Xu Fan asked with a smile.

“No, it’s that fast! It’s just, it’s just, I touched her hand a while ago!

Xu Fan thought to himself, I thought what was going on.

That’s it?

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