It just so happened that Xu Fan also made a palm, and this palm happened to be opposite Patriarch Li.

Patriarch Li’s palm used ten great strength, and indeed, Xu Fan repelled a big step.

Chu Wanwanfei stepped forward and helped Xu Fan, “Xu Gongzi!”

Xu Fan steadied himself and adjusted his inner breath.

“Chief Chu, I’m fine.”

Patriarch Li took Xu Fan’s palm and saw a green light entering his body, and he was originally a little panicked.

But when he thought about it, seeing that Xu Fan’s palm technique contained life force, it didn’t seem to cause much damage when it hit the human body.

This hot hand destroys the eighteen palms of the flower, as the name suggests, is to hurt, rot, and die out of the body through the blossoming thing.

It seems a bit chicken.

For example, if Elder Li controls flying sand and walking stones, Xu Fan can make the stones overgrown with moss.

But if Elder Li was manipulating metal or water, Xu Fan wouldn’t be able to use him.

Patriarch Li felt that he had figured out Xu Fan’s trick, and he was a little triumphant, “Boy, what other tricks, just come on!” As

soon as Patriarch Li’s words fell, he heard Xu Fan whisper.


An indescribable fear was born from the heart of Patriarch Li.

Can this also bloom on the human body?

He suddenly felt an indescribable taste coming from an unspeakable part.


Patriarch Li’s face changed drastically, “You kid is so vicious!”

Xu Fan ignored it, and then said, “Bone erosion.”

Patriarch Li suddenly felt pain like a knife and sweat like rain.


He crouched down, barely able to speak.

No, you can’t stay here and let others slaughter!

Patriarch Li threw out a talisman seal, and that talisman raised a puff of smoke, covering Patriarch Li’s retreat.

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He covered his kidneys and his head while half-squatting to escape.

Chu Wanwan was a little inexplicable.

What’s going on with this Li family? How did you run away after one move?

Could it be Xu Gongzi’s palm technique just now?

“Xu Gongzi, your set of palms just now is so powerful! Is it related to the power of grass and trees? Chu Wanwan asked.

Xu Fan looked unfathomable, “It’s not what Chief Chu thought. ”

This hot hand destroys the eighteen palms, it seems to be related to the power of grass and trees, a little chicken, but it is actually a conceptual exercise.

This flower can be any flower, as long as the concept exists, there is no flower.

For example, brain flower, waist flower, water splash and so on.

This shows the power of this exercise!

Xu Fan has only now practiced the 4th form of the eighteen palms of the hot hand destroying the flower, and he can already play Patriarch Li between applause.

Chu Wanwan nodded thoughtfully, “This Patriarch Li ran away, I’m afraid it will cause other trouble.”

We have to hurry up and prepare for war and prepare for war with the Li family.

Xu Fan waved and said, “This is not necessary. Patriarch Li should come back to talk about peace in the near future. Chu

Wanwan was very surprised to hear him say this.

Just beat Patriarch Li so badly, but he didn’t directly cut the grass and remove the roots.

With such a humiliation, how could Patriarch Li make peace with them in Pingkang Fang?

Could it be that there is something wonderful about Xu Gongzi’s set of palm techniques just now?

Xu Fan didn’t explain much, and was about to walk back, when he saw the demon crowd of Pingkang Fang surrounding him.

“Xu Gongzi, that move just now was too powerful!” The leopard spirit looked at Xu Fan with teary eyes.

The boar spirit also said with him, “With someone like Xu Gongzi, our Eternal Night Organization will definitely be able to set foot in the land of chaos.”

“Yes, yes!”

Xu Fan smiled slightly, “The Land of Chaos is nothing, our goal is the sea of stars.” He

looked far to the west.

The demon crowd of Pingkang Fang was boiled by his words, “Our goal is the sea of stars!” Practice! Practice! Practice! ”

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