
Patriarch Li finally escaped back to Li’s house, only feeling that his brain was buzzing.

The waist also hurts, and the butt also hurts, it is the kind of pain that drills into the heart.

The middle-aged man saw him hurriedly returning, and seeing him sweating profusely, he said worriedly, “Elder, are you injured?” Who hurt you? ”

Patriarch Li is one of the highest powers of the Li family.

What kind of person is so powerful that he can hurt him to such an extent?

The middle-aged man thought of Patriarch Li’s saying that he wanted to give Pingkang Fang a little color, and asked, “Could it be that he was injured by the owner of Pingkang Fang?”

Patriarch Li was speechless in pain.

This can’t look at all!

Do you see him like he can still speak? Don’t hurry up and help him back to his room!

Patriarch Li fumbled and took out a bottle of superb elixir from his storage bag, opened the cap with trembling hands, and poured the elixir into his mouth.

The middle-aged man walked around anxiously on the side.

Patriarch Li originally wanted to meditate to recuperate.

But I found that the pain could not be done at all, as if the old hemorrhoids that had grown for two hundred years were cut by a knife.

“You meditate and heal your wounds, and I will protect you!”

The middle-aged man saw that he couldn’t sit down from the elder and thought that his leg was injured.

It was difficult to continue, so he pressed hard and helped Elder Li sit down.

“Ugh!” Patriarch Li let out a roar, and beads of sweat rolled down his head, “You idiot! He

slapped the middle-aged man off with one palm.

The middle-aged man somehow wondered why he would provoke the elder.

Only kneeling on the ground, “Elder breathe anger, Elder breathe anger!”

He was anxious and shocked in his heart, he didn’t expect that the elder was injured so badly, and it actually hurt like this!

In the past, when Patriarch Li was injured, he didn’t see such a terrible pain!

“Elder, have you taken the elixir, are you getting better?” The middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his head and asked cautiously, “What hurts?”

Patriarch Li’s face turned red like pig’s liver, “Get out!” I heal my wounds myself! ”


The middle-aged man carefully retreated again.

The little white face who fought with him today was too vicious.

He actually learned such a weird and despicable palm technique, I don’t know who he inherited!

When he heals his wounds, he must cut that little white face by a thousand cuts!

Oops! It hurts him!

After a while, the elixir taken by Patriarch Li seemed to have an effect, cool and silky, and crispy.

Patriarch Li felt a little better, and just wanted to heal his injuries.

Unexpectedly, it began to hurt again, and he almost went crazy in pain.

The pain this time was even more intense than the last time, and the old man of the Li family was swollen and felt as if he had been cut by a knife.

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Weakly shouting, “Come! Come on! The

ears of the immortal cultivators were clear, and the middle-aged man naturally heard the voice of Patriarch Li and broke into the house.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw that Patriarch Li’s face was worse than just now, and he fainted weakly in front of the futon meditating.



PS: [Stuffed a small red envelope of two thousand yuan for the doctor

~] [Tell me, my injury is actually very good

] [It is estimated that by the New Year, I will be able to get out of bed

] [This is the best news I have heard in the past few days

] [The blind date girl originally agreed to come to see me at noon, but suddenly something changed to the evening] [

But Xiao Zheng will also come at night~].

[Fortunately, there are many small Yang people in the hospital~

] [So I said that I persuaded them both to go back

] [I really admired my ability to adapt] [

But I don’t belong to two boats? 】

【(⊙o⊙)… Eh

] [It should not belong, Xiao Zheng and I are still just ordinary friends

] [There is no definite relationship with the blind date girl, but also friends~]

[After the plaster, I will go home

~] [The boss went to the south to talk about business, no way I can only work remotely in the hospital~

] [According to the boss, the company may have chaos without managers]

[I thought about it for a moment, What will happen to our company? 】

[Terrorist attack? 【

A big earthquake? 【

Volcanic eruption?

[But as a shareholder and general manager, it is still necessary to take care of the company]

[such as supervising their work, seeing if anyone is touching fish, checking the progress of the work……… [

So my main task today is…. I ordered a takeaway for everyone, and another person ordered a cup of milk tea

] [My little money ~]

[So today is a little busy, originally I wanted to tell you something fun before]

[Then tell you about it tomorrow~] [


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