Ping Hong Place.

Xu Fan was playing chess with Chu Wanwan in the pavilion, when he suddenly heard a demon under his hand coming to report.

“Chief, Xu Gongzi, the Li family asks for a meeting.”

When Chu Wanwan heard this, he glanced at Xu Fan.

Xu Gongzi really expected things like gods, and the people of the Li family actually came to the door.

“Take him to the hall.” Chu Wanwan waved his hand, “Xu Gongzi and I will go over in a while.”


Several juniors of the Li family entered the Pingkang Fang Reception Hall under the guidance of the demon.

“Big brother, the female monster here is so beautiful.” A young man stared curiously at the maids coming and going.

No wonder the female fairy is so famous, if their Li family has so many beautiful sisters, he would have been addicted to the gentle village long ago and did not want to cultivate!

The eldest brother of the Li family looked at the little brother who couldn’t make a weapon, “Put away your eyes!” I came today to apologize, and I also want to invite Chief Chu and her male pet to the house as guests. The

second elder of the Li family didn’t care about what his eldest brother said, and said with a nu mouth, “This Chu chief still raises male pets, and at first glance, he is not the kind of person who follows the rules, and he will not care about this kind of thing!” ”

Besides, people are not merry young people, think of him so handsome and dashing, maybe the chief of Chu is happy, and it is not necessary to fall in love with him at first sight!”

I have long heard that the current owner of Pingkang Fang, Chu Wanwan, is the second most beautiful woman in Pingkang Fang, and these maids are already so beautiful, I don’t know what Chu Wanwan will look like.

The eldest brother of the Li family did not know the calculation of the younger brother, and was sitting waiting for Chu Wanwan to arrive.

They waited for a quarter of an hour, and Chu Wanwan and Xu Fan were late.

The moment Chu Wan entered the hall in the evening, the second elder of your family was as indifferent as Brother Pig, and he almost shed a hara.

The eldest brother of the Li family was also shocked by Chu Wanwan’s beauty for a moment, and quickly avoided his gaze, “Li Su meets the chief of Chu.”

After that, he rolled his second brother’s sleeves.

The second elder of the Li family eased up, “Oh, oh, Li Mi met the chief of Chu.”

Chu Wanwan frowned, these two brothers actually looked at Xu Fan as nothing, the most excessive thing was that the younger brother’s eyes were dripping and straight, which was annoying.

Xu Fan saw that the two brothers ignored themselves, and did not say much, this is as always sitting in the main seat of the living room.

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Chu Wanwan sat down next to him.

When these two brothers saw this scene, their hearts were simply stunned.

The moment Xu Fan came in, they realized that this was probably the male pet that the elder said about Chu Wanwan.

They also did not take Xu Fan to heart, but they did not expect that Xu Fan actually sat on the main throne.

This Chu Wanwan, so spoiled this male pet?

It can actually let the male pet be the main seat.

“Why are you here?” Chu Wanwan asked.

The eldest brother of the Li family wanted to answer, but was preempted by the second elder of the Li family.

“Chief Hui Chu, our family master heard that there was a conflict between the elders of the family and Pingkang Fang a while ago, so he specially asked us to come and apologize.”

Chu Wanwan leaned back on his seat and held his forehead, “Oh, apologize? Patriarch Li has injured so many of my people in Pingkang Fang, can it be solved with an apology?

“Of course not. The head of the family also asked us to prepare a generous gift to express my Li family’s apologies. The eldest brother of the Li family replied and took out a jade box from his sleeve.

“Generous gift? Present it. Chu Wanwan said to the maid next to him.

The maid beside her walked down the steps, took the jade box from the eldest son of the Li family, and presented it.

Xu Fan opened the wooden box, and inside it turned out to be a demon pill shining with golden light.

This demon pill exuded a strong demon qi, and Chu Wanwan felt the demon qi, and his face changed.

This turned out to be a 10,000-year-old demon pill!

Li family is such a big hand!

Not only that, this demon pill also faintly exuded a coercive pressure, which seemed to have a trace of the aura of a true dragon.

Xu Fan buckled the jade box and nodded towards Chu Wanwan.

This thing is really good, it is actually the inner dan of the 10,000-year-old dragon, but I don’t know how the Li family got him.

The eldest brother of the Li family observed the expressions of Xu Fan and Chu Wanwan and saw that they were more satisfied, so he spoke.

“As early as thousands of years ago, my Li family ancestor once submitted a 10,000-year-old dragon, and the demon pill of this dragon has been preserved to this day, and I use this thing to apologize to the leader, I don’t know if the leader of Chu is satisfied?”

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