Chu Wanwan nodded, “Fair.” Then our previous grudge will be written off. The

eldest brother of the Li family said again, “Dissatisfied with Chief Chu, I also came here for another purpose, that is, I want to invite you and your male pet to my Li family as a guest.” When

Chu Wanwan heard the word male pet at first glance, he was stunned for a few seconds, and when he saw the eyes of the eldest brother of the Li family aimed at Xu Fan, he realized that they actually regarded Xu Fan as their male pet!

Chu Wanwan’s face was flushed, but he was furious, “Presumptuous! Xu Gongzi is my guest of Pingkang Fang, how can you wait for slander and rumors?! The

eldest brother of the Li family saw that Chu Wanwan was angry, and quickly confessed, “It’s our clumsy eyes, we didn’t recognize Xu Gongzi, Xu Gongzi is sorry!” He

couldn’t help but feel a little dissatisfied with Patriarch Li in his heart, saying that it was a male pet? It turns out that it is actually a guest of honor, can’t you get some accurate information? Almost offended people!

Xu Fan looked at their flustered expressions, but did not intend to pursue, “It’s okay, it’s just that Xu Mou is inconvenient to come to your house as a guest.” The

eldest brother of the Li family was anxious when he heard this, “Please Xu Gongzi think twice.” ”

He couldn’t hide it, so he could only tell the truth.

“Since that day, after you fought with Elder Li, Elder Li was seriously injured. The medical immortal came to see it and said that only you can heal the elder’s injuries. That’s why we’re here for you to take a tour. When

Chu Wanwan heard the elder of the Li family say this, he understood why Xu Fan was sure that the people of the Li family would definitely come.

Xu Fan listened to them say this and replied, “Good.”

“In my opinion, Xu Gongzi still has to think twice.” Chu Wanwan persuaded Xu Fan, after all, he went deep into the Li family to ensure that the Li family set up any traps.

She saw that Elder Li was both vicious and good-faced, and presumably after the matter was resolved, she would definitely not let Xu Fan go.

When the elder of the Li family heard Chu Wanwan say this, he hurriedly asked, “I wonder what worries Chief Chu and Xu Gongzi have?”

Chu Wanwan swept his sleeves, “Who knows if your Li family has set up a Hongmen banquet, just waiting for us to send it to the door!”

“How so?” The eldest son of the Li family hurriedly confessed, “Our Xu family will definitely treat Xu Gongzi as a guest. ”

Besides, this Xu Fan can make Elder Li, the most powerful member of their family, look like this, who dares to attack him?

Isn’t it long enough?

“It doesn’t hurt.” Xu Fan replied to Chu Wanwan, “I’ll take a trip.” ”

Originally, I injured Elder Li this time to intimidate the Li family.

Now that they saw Elder Li’s tragic situation, they naturally did not dare to think anything wrong with Pingkang Fang.

Chu Wanwan still wanted to persuade, but the second elder of the Li family jumped out, “If Chief Chu is not at ease, it is better to let me stay here as a hostage!” ”


PS: [The first day of becoming a little foreigner

] [(⊙o⊙)…

] [After taking some cold medicine, except for a little discomfort in

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the throat, there is nothing special] [With some lozenges, the throat feels nothing uncomfortable

] [Maybe the source of my strain is better~

] [Originally I thought so

] [Then at night, I began to have a high fever] [

Weak and

uncomfortable] [At nine o’clock, I sweated and felt better

] [But it’s still uncomfortable, my throat is uncomfortable, and my legs are uncomfortable

] [My luck is really nobody

] [It’s too bitter to be hospitalized~

] [But there are also happy things, my eldest brother in the next bed, and another college student in the next bed

] [Haha, these two can TM amuse me] [

That eldest brother is the instructor of the driving school

] [I am a familiar person, and I quickly caught up talking] [I

asked him, how did you get into the hospital, big brother? [

The eldest brother told me faintly that he was teaching subject three, and a student who was driving and collided with someone else

] [I nodded and said in agreement]

[“These students have read stupidly in recent years, and it is inevitable that they will meet a few brushes.

[Then, I asked the female college student in the bed next to me and asked her]

[Hey, girl, what’s wrong with you?

[The female college student said to me faintly, “I am the student who burned the pen

“] [I: ……..]

[My TMD laughing leg twitching pain

] [These two people are happy to kill me, really relieved my unpleasantness of the day

] [Ahahahaha

~] [Let’s talk about it tomorrow, I’m tired today] [


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