Xu Fan and Chu Wanwan went to Li’s house together.

Patriarch Li’s stuporous appearance has become more and more obvious, and now he can’t even speak, only his eyes can still move.

“Pingkang Fang Master, Xu Gongzi.” The head of the Li family waited outside the door of the Li family for a long time, “Please.” ”

There are many children of the Li family, and they all came to watch for a while.

Their group of juniors have always regarded Patriarch Li as a pillar, like a mountain, who would have thought that there would be someone who would beat Elder Li like this.

Although Patriarch Li said that it was not passed on in secrets, the core children of the Li family were all known, and it was said that it was the male pet of Chu Wanwan, the owner of Pingkang Fang, who beat Patriarch Li like this.

This is really a mountain outside the mountain, and there are people outside the people.

Looking closely at this Xu Gongzi here, he looked like he was just an ordinary person, and he couldn’t see what was powerful.

After the head of the Li family welcomed Chu Wanwan and Xu Fan into the door, he asked these onlookers of the Li family to quickly disperse.

He also felt that the elder of his family originally went to find trouble, but he was injured into such a humiliating position.

But after all, the elder Li family supported half of the Li family, and if he really let it go, I am afraid that it will be the interests of his Li family that will be damaged later.

A 10,000-year-old dragon demon pill in exchange for the safety of Patriarch Li is worth it!

It’s just that after that, their Li family is afraid that they will be crushed by Pingkang Fang.

That’s it, can’t you afford to provoke or hide? After that, it will no longer go head-to-head with Pingkang Place.

The head of the Li family prepared a table of wine and dishes, but Xu Fan and Chu Wanwan had no intention of eating at the Li family.

“There is no need for the banquet, I’ll go directly to see Elder Li.” Xu Fan said to the head of the Li family.

When the head of the Li family heard him say this, he naturally agreed.

Originally, the banquet was to find a reason, and the real purpose was to let Xu Fan heal Patriarch Li.

Now that Patriarch Li’s situation is not good, it is natural that the sooner the better. Xu Fan’s attitude of being straight to the point and acting without hesitation naturally made the Li family elder undesirable.

“Good. Then thank you Xu Gongzi. Patriarch Li led Xu Fan into Patriarch Li’s residence, “I have other matters to deal with, so I won’t bother the two of you much, and leave.”

Xu Fan nodded, and the Li family patriarch retreated.

Otherwise, this is absolute strength.

Even if you hurt someone else, as long as the strength is strong, that person still has to come to beg you.

Xu Fan and Chu Wanwan walked into the courtyard and happened to see the medical immortal pacing in the courtyard.

The female doctor immortal glanced at Xu Fan and Chu Wanwan, “The elder is in the house. You two come with me. After

Xu Fan entered the house, he saw Elder Li lying in bed like a zombie, and only his eyes could move, indicating that he was alive.

When Elder Li saw Xu Fan, he was angry, but now he couldn’t even blink his eyes, and he could only watch this little white face dangling in front of him.

Xu Fan glanced at Patriarch Li, this is not quite like the symptoms of his hot hand destroying the eighteen palms!

He glanced at the medical immortal, and the female medical immortal hurriedly explained to him, “Because Elder Li was too painful, I sealed his pain with medical techniques, and it became what it is now. You just need to untie the Dao technique from Elder Li, and if I break his stuporous form again, it should be fine.”

Xu Fan raised his eyebrows, feeling that this female medical immortal thought that she had put a Dao technique on Elder Li.

Although Elder Li could only move his eyes, Xu Fan was eyeing the female doctor fairy in front of him, and his face turned red with anger.

Seeing this, Xu Fan chuckled, “Elder Li is so excited, do you still want to compete with me?” Elder

Li was even more angry.

Now man is a knife trick, he is a fish, and he has to bow his head.

“At such an age, don’t shout and kill every day, otherwise it’s not conducive to your health.”

Elder Li’s hair was smoking, and he was very healthy!

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If it weren’t for this little white face, how could he have come to this point today!

“Looking at Elder Li like this, it seems that he is not very satisfied with me. Or I’ll leave now? Xu Fan said with a bad smile.

Elder Li is even more anxious, don’t go! This little white face is gone, he can only look like this for the rest of his life.

Elder Li desperately wanted to move his mouth and let Xu Fan stay.

Xu Fan looked at Elder Li’s anxious look and asked, “Elder Li is so anxious, but he wants me to stay?”

Patriarch Li blinked his eyes wildly, yes, yes!

“I’ll stay and help Elder Li heal his injuries, what should Elder Li say?”

Patriarch Li blinked wildly again.

Good boy, take advantage of people’s danger, huh?!

Elixirs, spirit stones, exercises, you just say what you want, right?

When I’m well, I’ll give you a whole set of gift packages to return to Tianxi!

The female medical immortal on the side had seen enough of Elder Li’s liveliness, and coughed lightly on the side, “Young Master Xu, stop teasing Elder Li, let’s hurry up and treat him.” ”

Although Elder Li is disrespectful to her words, she still has to treat Elder Li quickly, otherwise it will be bad to delay the opportunity.

Xu Fan was not too anxious, it was very simple to make Elder Li no longer suffer from the aftermath of the eighteen palms destroyed by the hot hand, he only needed to suck out the palm power that had penetrated into Elder Li’s body.

He placed his palm three inches above Elder Li’s head and began his luck.

A tender green light emerged from Elder Li’s body.

The female doctor fairy looked at the green light in amazement, which seemed to contain a very small baby.

The baby was pale green, but the size of an adult’s fist, and as soon as it came out, he opened his eyes, ”

Ah, it turned out that Yu Wei, who had destroyed eighteen palms with hot hands, would actually form such a thing.

Elder Li felt light, and looked at this thing intently.

This thing looks like a small baby, but it is actually a mass of pure energy, as soon as it comes out of Elder Li’s body, it wants to feed back to the original owner, so it flew towards Xu Fan.

“Father-sama, father-sama!”

The female doctor fairy was shocked.

It’s over!

What the hell did this Xu Gongzi do to Elder Li?!

Xu Fan got goosebumps, such an innocent looking little thing, it had been strung all over in Elder Li’s body.

No, it’s not clean!

Xu Fan drew his sword to block the green thing, “Ugly refusal!” ”

That energy body is extremely aggrieved, can you feel Xu Fan’s dislike of him, hehe, is my father a suspect that people’s houses are not clean?

It did not die, rushed up again, and was scattered by Xu Fan’s sword.

Can’t you use your hot hands to destroy the eighteen palms anymore, this rounding, isn’t it that he and Elder Li have a baby?!

If you use this once, pick up one more cheap baby, it will be uncomfortable to think about.

“Ah this…” the female doctor immortal considered her words, “Xu Gongzi, you have already solved the Dao Art, right?

Xu Fan nodded, “It’s up to you next.”

Xu Fan said and went out of the house, intending to return to Pingkang Fang with Chu Wanwan.

The female doctor immortal also began to relieve the pain for Elder Li.

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