one year later.

After the Mu family formed an alliance with the Chen family and the Li family, they became more and more rampant.

Because the Mu family and Liu He are close, the friction with Liu He is becoming more and more intense, and fights will occur from time to time.

“Bah, but a bunch of smelly fish and rotten shrimp.” A Mu family disciple wiped his fists, “Hitting this group of demons really dirtys my hands.”

“Don’t say more, retreat quickly.” Mu Qing said to the children of the Namu family.

They have always shot a shot to change places, otherwise if the big demon of Liu He comes, the younger generation of their group of Mu family may not be able to retreat with their whole body.

The fish essence and shrimp essence lay dying on the ground.

They are also too unlucky, and they were caught and beaten for no reason, isn’t it just to see them as bullies?

Woo hoo….

Originally, those big demons would definitely not care about their life or death, but now the entire Liuhe demon crowd has joined Yongye, Yongye is a big family, and when they go back, they will shake people to take revenge.

The fish spirit struggled to stand up, but saw the group of people from the Mu family go and return, “After beating, I am hungry alone, otherwise I still picked it up and roasted it, and beat the tooth sacrifice.” When

the shrimp essence heard this, he jumped up, damn this group of brats, even if they beat people, they are actually so cruel, they really don’t leave a way for the demon to live!

“Brother Qing, that shrimp essence has stood up again, it seems that he still didn’t fight hard enough!”

The shrimp essence was extremely angry when he heard this, “I’m going to fight with you!” ”

Oh, here you go!”

The fish essence took the shrimp essence’s hand, “If you can move, hurry up and run first, and go to move the rescuers.”

“Good brother, I can’t go! How can I throw you here.

“Listen to me, let’s go!”

“No, to die together.”

The children of the Mu family plucked their ears, “There is no end, here you non my nong, don’t think about leaving!”

Seeing this, the carp essence said, “I shout one, two, three, let’s go together!” The

shrimp spirit nodded and bent down to get ready.


The carp essence hugged the waist of the Mu family’s children, “I hugged him, hit him quickly!” There

was only a gust of wind behind him, and when I looked back, the shrimp essence had already popped out a hundred meters away, “I–go-move the rescuers——, don’t you die-”

Carp essence: Damn, say yes and don’t give up? What about good brotherhood? Say yes together?

The children of the Mu family pulled down the carp essence and picked up a stone and smashed it at the carp essence.

“Okay, faint. Brother Qing, eat grilled fish at noon today! He

and Mu Qing were about to walk back with the carp essence that turned into a prototype, but they didn’t expect to be stopped by someone, and the rescue soldiers invited by this shrimp essence came so quickly?!

“Stop! You actually dare to move the members of my Eternal Night Organization, are you impatient? It

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turned out that Zhang Suxi happened to be preaching here, and suddenly ran into a shrimp essence running head-on.

The shrimp essence had just listened to Zhang Suxiu’s preaching two days ago, and naturally recognized Zhang Suxiu, so he asked Zhang Suxi to go with him to rescue the carp essence.

Mu Qingjian was a beautiful girl, and did not want to be rough, but persuaded, “This girl, we just fought two monsters, I think there should be some misunderstanding.”

“What misunderstanding?! Isn’t this man carrying in his hand our Eternal Night Sect? Zhang Susi pointed to the fish that the Mu family’s disciples were carrying.

Mu Qing looked not far away, and the shrimp essence was looking at it sneakily, “It’s these two people, they couldn’t help but beat us halfway, and they planned to eat my good brother carp essence!” Zhang

Suxi listened to the shrimp essence say this, and no longer theorized with the two people of the Mu family, and directly threw his hand.

“Let go of that carp essence!”

“The fish I caught, I said it, I won’t let it go, what can you do to me!” The children of the Mu family shouted.

“Being so wanton in my Willow River territory, then don’t blame me for being unkind!” Zhang Suxi swung a whip at the Mu family disciple, and the man could not dodge, and he was hit with a whip in his face.

“You!” The children of the Mu family were whipped and extremely angry, and immediately threw the carp essence on the ground and punched Zhang Suxiu.

Mu Qing stopped his clan brother’s punch, “Don’t be impulsive!

He turned to Zhang Susi and said, “The so-called non-my race will have a different heart. Girl, you are an immortal cultivator like us, why are you fighting with us for the sake of demons?

“So narrow-minded! In our eternal night, not only are all people equal, but also people and demons are equal. People are born of people, demons are born of monsters, they all have feelings, and they all hurt! Does the relationship between the two have to be one exploiting the other? Zhang said, “In Forever Night, we are half-brothers and sisters!” Fight together for the future of Eternal Night and your own future!

“Brother Qing, she whipped me, and you still stopped me from teaching her a lesson!” Listen to what she says! The children of the Mu family were both aggrieved and angry.

Mu Qing looked at Zhang Suxi as if she was shining, this girl, she is not only beautiful, but also kind!

“Brother Qing!” The children of the Mu family called out to Mu Qing.

“Shut up!” Mu Qing said to his clan brother, and turned his head to look at Zhang Suxi, “This girl, although what you said is reasonable, this is all some empty truth. Although you girls are kind, you are too simple and easy to be deceived by superficial phenomena. If it is true that as you say, people are equal to each other, how can there be immortals and mortals? How can a person who cultivates low be regarded as an ant by a person who cultivates high? It can be seen that these are not realistic and not factual. Mu Qing looked at Zhang Suxi seriously, “So in the same way, people and demons also have different paths, so we should stand together.”

Zhang Susi smiled slightly, she was the least afraid to argue.

“It is precisely because of inequality in the world that the eternal night exists. Even if this undertaking is so difficult, our original intention of the Forever Night Organization will not change. Eternal night, eternal existence! Seeing

that he couldn’t move her, Mu Qing shook his head, intending to leave with his clan brother.

Who knew that Zhang Suxi did not stop, “I see that you seem to have a lot of ideas, I wonder if you are willing to follow me to my home to discuss?” The

Mu family disciples sneered, “Who wants to talk to you about what bullshit!” We’re leaving! ”

Good man does not fight with women, he does not see this woman today.

Zhang Susi did not pay attention to him, but said to Mu Qing, “If you don’t believe us in Eternal Night, I’ll take you to see it today!” ”

Of course, Mu Qing has heard of the Eternal Night Organization, only heard the elders say that the sect is very powerful, and it is necessary to be vigilant, but I didn’t expect to really run into it today, and now when he sees Zhang Suxiu, he is really a little interested.

Since there are such pure people in the sect, there must be merit, it is better for him to follow the past and take a look, I believe that with his meticulous logic, he will definitely not fall into it, and maybe he can help Zhang Suxi see the Eternal Night Organization clearly.

“Good.” Mu Qing said to Zhang Suxi.

“Brother Qing?!” The children of the Mu family looked at Mu Qing suspiciously, don’t you hurry home and go to the old nest of others?

Nothing is wrong, right?!

PS: [Full of blood resurrection] [

But it’s still a little vain ~ Ming’er talk to everyone well].

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