“Mu Qing and Mu Zhen haven’t come back yet, I wonder if something happened in Liuhe?” A middle-aged man said to the Mu family patriarch.

“Mu Qing has a calm personality, he is the best child of my Mu family, there should be no incident, maybe he was tripped by something on the way back.” The head of the Mu family stroked his beard, “Young people, it’s good to go out and practice, don’t worry too much.” If you worry too much, it will stop them.

“That’s what the patriarch said.” Mu Zhen’s father, the middle-aged man, nodded.

As a result, they waited at home for three days, and did not wait for Mu Qing and Mu Zhen to come.

Mu Zhen’s father really couldn’t wait, and came to find the head of the Mu family again.

“Patriarch, it’s been three days, they haven’t come back yet, I’m really worried.”

The head of the Mu family nodded solemnly, “Then we will go to Liuhe to find them.” ”

The head of the Mu family used secret methods to track all the way, and finally found Mu Qing and Mu Zhen in a courtyard of Liuhe.

When they found them, they were sitting in a group of Shui Tribes monsters listening to Liu Suxiu’s teachings with relish, and their blood was boiling.

“Eternal night, eternal night!”

“Mu Qing!” The elder of the Mu family shouted.

Mu Qing seemed to hear someone calling him, and turned his head to look.

It was actually the head of the Mu family, and he was surprised, “Patriarch, why are you here?”

Patriarch Mu stepped forward a few steps and said a little angrily, “Why do you say I’m here?” Have you not returned with your clan brother for so many days, and you are not afraid that your family will worry? Mu

Qing’s communication with Zhang Suxi in the past few days seemed to let him hear the truth of the world, and he went home for a while and forgot about it.

Now that the head of the Mu family came to find him, he realized that he hadn’t even sent the letter back.

“Patriarch, I was wrong.” Mu Qing bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

“Come back with me.” The head of the Mu family said sharply.

Mu Qing hesitated for a moment, “No, I don’t want to go.” A

few people behind the head of the Mu family came up to pull Mu Qing and Mu Zhen.

Mu Zhen said while struggling, “Let go of me!” I’m not going back! The people here are nice and talented, and I want to continue to be with them!

Mu Qing broke free from a few people and said to the Mu family patriarch, “Patriarch, I have thought a lot in the past few days, and in communicating with Miss Zhang, I finally found the true meaning of life.

I feel that I really lived in vain in the past, and I have to fight for the Forever Night Organization for the rest of my life! ”

The head of the Mu family didn’t expect that after going out for two days, the good Mu family disciples would actually become the people of the eternal night!

He looked at Zhang Suxi viciously, “It must be this woman who misled everyone and captured her!” When

Zhang Susi heard the words of the Mu family patriarch, his face became ugly, “I respect you as Mu Qing’s elder, who knew that you were so unreasonable!”

Your Mu family has been looking for trouble in my Liuhe River many times, and I haven’t even cared about it.

You actually want to arrest me?! Then come and try it!

“What a big breath! You are a woman, I will not embarrass you. As long as you obediently follow me, I won’t do it. Patriarch Mu said.

He has also lived for tens of thousands of years, so he won’t bully a yellow-haired girl.

Seeing that the head of the Mu family looked down on her, Zhang Suxiu drew his whip.

She is a person, everything else is good, is the head iron!

Even if the Mu family elder’s cultivation is high, she is not afraid!

As soon as she took the whip and was about to make a move, Mu Qing blocked in front of her, “Girl Zhang, you go first!” ”

Mu Qing!” The head of the Mu family shouted.

“Get out of the way!” Zhang Susi shouted.

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The surrounding monsters listened to the words of the Mu family patriarch and faintly surrounded the people of the Mu family.

It’s really a bully to their willow river demon, right?!

The head of the Mu family smiled coldly, he didn’t plan to treat these monsters, they actually dared to surround the people of the Mu family?!

The head of the Mu family began to exercise, and their Mu family advocated martial arts, and the head of the Mu family was also famous for being a master of martial arts.

The head of the Mu family raised one foot and stomped on the ground, and the ground immediately shook, and the group of monsters who were shaking could not stand firmly.

Zhang Suxi jumped into the air and flung a whip towards the Mu family patriarch.

The head of the Mu family smiled contemptuously, and actually grabbed Zhang Suxiu’s whip with his bare hands.

With the force of the palm, Zhang Suxiu’s whip was actually shaken into two segments.

“I advise you not to resist in vain.” Patriarch Mu said, “I have heard of your theory of Eternal Night, but it is just a trick to deceive! The

head of the Mu family turned his head and said to Mu Qing, “You have been educating me since you were a child, and you actually believe in this theory!” What a disappointment for me!

Mu Qing’s face was hot, and he retorted, “Patriarch, no. That’s because you didn’t know about the Eternal Night Organization…”

The head of the Mu family shouted, and then said to the Mu family behind him, “Take them away!” Several

Mu family members surrounded Zhang Suxiu like Zhang Suxi who had fallen to the ground, and they were about to catch Zhang Suxiu.

It was too late, it was fast, and I don’t know what dark weapon hit these Mu families, and they were all knocked to the ground.

The Mu family patriarch’s expression changed, “Who is it?!” ”

Where is the powerful person, he didn’t notice such a cultivation!

The Mu Patriarch only heard a word in the distance.

“The head of the Mu family came to my Liuhe, Xu Mou is far from welcome!”

Zhang Susi heard this voice and raised his head, how could Xu Gongzi appear here?

Since Xu Fan unified the three demon caves, he spent most of his time in Pingkang Fang, and occasionally strolled around Liuhe and Nancheng.

But Zhang Susi had not heard the news that Xu Fan was coming to Liuhe recently, and he did not expect him to come so timely.

The head of the Mu family turned around, only to see a young man walking in from outside the door.

“Who’s coming?” Name on the newspaper! The head of the Mu family said to Xu Fan.

“The head of the Mu family doesn’t even know who I am, so he dares to trespass on my territory and plan to arrest my people?” Xu Fan said.

He had been wandering around, but later heard that the Mu family often came to Liuhe to find trouble, and there were often conflicts, so he came to this place to take a look.

Unexpectedly, I happened to meet the head of the Mu family who wanted to tie Zhang Suxiu back.

“Hmph, unknown people, of course I don’t know!” The head of the Mu family replied.

Hmph, but a young man with a very big tone.

Wait, what did he just say?

> Willow River is his territory?!

The head of the Mu family reacted to Xu Fan’s words, could this be the immortal cultivator who unified the three major demon caves?!

Is it actually so young?

This is really unexpected.

“You, you are the leader of the three demon caves?” Patriarch Mu asked.

“It’s down.” Xu Fan smiled slightly.

Patriarch Mu didn’t expect to meet Xu Fan when he went out this time.

He had long heard that although the rulers of the three major demon caves were uncertain, most of the time they were in Pingkang Fang, and he did not expect to see him in Liuhe.

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