After Xu Fan refined the spirit of the palace, he understood how to use the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace was originally like a treasure house, after refining the spirit of the palace, Ten Thousand Buddha Palace was like a mobile space that he carried with him, and if he came in when he encountered danger, he would not be discovered.

However, this move should be cautious in cultivating particularly high Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors. Use under the nose and be easily noticed.

However, as long as it is not in front of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, no one can find it, which also reduces the chance of the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace

being discovered by a more powerful power,

thereby killing people and taking treasures.

Although the palace spirit has now become a mole in Xu Fan’s palm, it can still communicate with Xu Fan through spiritual sense.

Xu Fan asked him how he had to get out of this space, and the palace spirit told Xu Fan that the space where the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace was located was in the gaps of various small worlds, not only erratic, but also often wandered in the turbulence of space.

This is also why space and time here are different from the outside world, and often cause time and space chaos.

If you want to get out of this space, you really need to use the turbulence of time and space, but when Xu Fan’s cultivation is upgraded to the level of the immortal king, you can fully master the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace, and at this time, you can also control the rules of this turbulence of time and space at will, and go out whenever you want.

At present, space turbulence occurs once in a seven-day cycle. It has only been three days since the last spatial turbulence, so Xu Fan and the urn will have to wait another 4 days before they can take advantage of the next spatial turbulence to leave here.

That is to say, although Xu Fan can enter the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace at any time, once he enters the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, he has to stay in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace for a few days, relying on the turbulence of time and space to go out, until his cultivation reaches the realm of the Immortal King.

Xu Fan figured out this law, but he was not in a hurry.

In the past four days, he sorted out all kinds of treasures in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and then took out some of them, and then came in again when he used them next time.

When Xu Fan walked downstairs, he saw the urn waiting for him in front of the magic treasure pavilion on the third floor.

“The fourth layer is all some exercises, do you have anything you need, I can help you get it.” Xu Fan asked the urn.

The urn thought for a long time and shook his head. I didn’t know what to think, and leaned into Xu Fan’s ear and asked, “Brother, is there a top-level one, that is the kind suitable for two people to cultivate, you know~”

The urn squeezed his eyebrows at Xu Fan and smiled wickedly.

Xu Fan coughed lightly, “What did you say?” I don’t understand. He patted the urn’s shoulder, “Cultivate well.” ”

A single dog, what kind of double cultivation exercises.

Besides, although he has been cultivated from ashes to human form, whether the urn now has that function, Xu Fan is very doubtful.

The urn laughed badly twice, “If there are any good things, we must share them together~”

Xu Fan was awe-inspiring, saying that if there is none, there will be none.

The two gagged for a while, and Xu Fan and the urn got down to business.

“If we want to get out, we have to get out of here with the help of time and space turbulence.” Xu Fan said.

“Space-time turbulence? When will there be turbulence in time and space, we won’t stay here for long. The urn looked puzzled, although this place is full of treasures, it is quite boring to stay for a long time.

After all, here are just him and Xu Fan, guarding so many spirit stones every day, they can neither look at beautiful women nor be dashing, which is not happy at all.

“Space-time turbulence, about once in 7 days, three days have passed since the last space-time turbulence, which means that after four days, we can set off.”

The urn nodded.

That’s pretty much the case.

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“It just so happens that you meditate and practice with me these days, and the aura here is much richer than the outside world, which is just suitable for cultivation.” Xu Fan said to the urn.

The two of them had been staying on the second floor of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, enjoying the washing of the spiritual energy in the spirit field.

This Zhilan Immortal Tree can not only bear fruit, but also contain spiritual energy, Xu Fan’s drastic transformation, a juanjuan spirit stream was opened up, surrounding the spirit field.

Xu Fan and the urn sat next to Lingxi to cultivate, occasionally boiling Linghua Lingwei with the water in the stream.

The water in this Spirit Stream is not just the water containing Spiritual Qi, but the whole is liquefied from Spiritual Qi.

The urn sniffed the aroma of Linghua Lingcao Tea, took a sip, and his mouth was full of spiritual energy.

“Brother, this is really a fairy day.” The urn is full of enjoyment, and after this enjoyment, I know that the beauty, the restaurant, and the soup pond are all floating clouds, and only farming life is the most dior!

He had never been so extravagant, and the happiness of a rich man was unimaginable.

Xu Fan looked at him and smiled, “Then when the turbulence of time and space comes, you stay here and enjoy, I’ll go out.” The

urn was originally lying comfortably, and when he heard this, he quickly sat up, “This is not okay!” ”

Although it is quite comfortable to guard this spiritual field, he still loves floating clouds more, and fireworks are the real king, heehee.”

Xu Fan smiled silently.

In the past few days, he has collected all the magic weapons, spirit stones, and cheats he needs into his storage bag.

In addition, some spirit grasses suitable for the year were also picked, and if you have time, you can practice Dan Pill.

In the blink of an eye, four days had passed, and Xu Fan and the urn walked out of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and they saw a strange light in the distant sky, which was different from the aurora they saw at that time, and the color was even more strange.

A huge blue-purple swirling sky appeared, as if mixed with the light of thousands of stars.

The urn was stunned by the sight.

“Groove, brother!”

This huge whirlpool almost made people panic with giant phobia, and in the continuous surging of the whirlpool, some extraterrestrial meteorites burned and fell.

“It’s still a meteor shower!” The urn’s eyes widened.

It was the first time he had seen a meteorite land from such a close distance.

But fortunately, these meteorites did not affect Xu Fan and the urn, and the danger was not too high.

The huge space-time vortex was getting closer and closer, and Xu Fan grabbed the urn and flew to the space-time vortex.


After Xu Fan and the urn were involved in the time-space vortex, they felt very strange, which was a bit similar to when they came, as if stepping into an extremely long tunnel with strange colors.

Xu Fan did not move, but felt that the tunnel seemed to be constantly moving forward, but unlike last time, he and the urn were not separated this time, but also remained awake.

They didn’t know how long they had been in the tunnel, but they saw a sudden flash of white light in front of them, and when they opened their eyes, they heard a noise.

They appeared above the Xiao family.

“Ge Laozi’s turtle king eight eggs, you know that shrinking into the shell, the surname Xiao has the ability to come out!” The head of the Chen family was shouting and cursing, and suddenly saw two people appear out of thin air.


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