> How could two people appear out of thin air here?

With his cultivation, someone appeared around, and he should have been able to detect it immediately, but these two people seemed to appear out of thin air.

The head of the Chen family raised his vigilance, “Who are you?” The

Xiao family master in the large array recognized Xu Fan, five years had passed since Xu Fan was caught in the spatial rift last time, and the Xiao family master did not expect Xu Fan to appear in such a posture, and even dressed exactly the same as five years ago.

“Passing by, passing by, sorry to bother.” Xu Fan saw clearly that he actually appeared in the center of the confrontation between the two parties.

He pulled the urn and was about to leave.

The head of the Chen family looked at Xu Fan a little familiarly, but he couldn’t remember it for a while, “Wait, don’t leave first.”

The head of the Xiao family shouted to Xu Fan, “Chief Xu, go quickly, I don’t want to burden you!” ”

Xu Fan held his forehead, good fellow, big brother, if you really want me to go, can you stop shouting so loudly?

Just pretend not to know.

Sure enough, when the head of the Chen family heard the words of the head of the Xiao family, he immediately stopped Xu Fan, “You are Xu Fan?” ”

It turned out that after Xu Fan killed the three great powers that day, he directly fell into the gap in time and space, and the people of Tianfu naturally refused to give up, and sent the Immortal Monarch everywhere to search for Xu Fan’s whereabouts.

But after three years of searching to no avail, I gave up searching. Xu Fan’s disappearance has triggered a new round of power changes in the Land of Chaos.

The three major demon caves are Zhang Suxiu, Chu Wanwan and Ao Xie, which are still stable, and the Li family and the Mu family in the four major families are also loyal.

It’s just that since that battle, the head of the Xiao family’s cultivation has fallen somewhat, so he was spotted by the Chen family, and the two have constant friction.

Later, the Xiao family leader simply opened a large array and refused to fight.

Xu Fan didn’t bother to stir up their affairs, so he denied it, “Your Excellency should have recognized the wrong person.”

The head of the Chen family was stunned on the side, thought for a moment and said, “Sorry, it should be that I recognized the wrong person, you go.”

Then he turned his head and said to the head of the Xiao family, “I’m tired, let’s let go of you, the old turtle surnamed Xiao, today, and we’ll fight again tomorrow!”

Although the head of the Chen family said this, he gave his subordinates a look, wanting his subordinates to go to Tianfu to snitch, and then invite other powers to subdue Xu Fan.

After all, he had heard that this Xu Fan had eliminated the three Great Luo Golden Immortal cultivators in one fell swoop, and he couldn’t afford to provoke him, so he could only use a delaying strategy first.

The head of the Xiao family saw Xu Fan suddenly appear out of thin air, naturally he wanted to draw Xu Fan to his side, after all, now their Xiao family is weak and needs a strong help.

Now the old fox of the head of the Chen family, saw Xu Fan appear, so he wanted to avoid the battle first, and did not ask him if he agreed or not.

“Chief Xu, can’t let him go! The person who notified Tianfu five years ago to arrest your fellow brother Xu Fan was the head of the Chen family! I’m afraid that as soon as he leaves this time, I’m afraid he will snitch on Tianfu again!” When

the Chen family master heard the Xiao family master’s words, he immediately felt a little weak, and wanted to escape as soon as he slipped through the smoke.

As a result, Xu Fan reflexively grabbed his clothes, good guy, originally he didn’t want to care about this, but he didn’t expect to find this Erwuzai by chance.

Originally, I wasn’t sure that it was the main thing of this Chen family, but as soon as he saw his weak heart, Xu Fan immediately determined that he didn’t run, and it must be this old thing’s complaint.

Xu Fan’s cultivation has been promoted to the Great Luo Golden Immortal when he was in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and he can defeat three Great Luo Golden Immortals when he is still a Golden Immortal, and at this time, he has risen to the Great Luo Golden Immortal, of course, it is even more powerful, and the head of the Cheng family is not his opponent at all.

Xu Fan almost knocked out the Yuan God of the Chen family’s head fan.

“Sorry, in order to prevent you from suing again, I think it’s better that you are still dead!”

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The head of the Xiao family was stunned as he watched from the sidelines, the last time he saw Xu Fan, he was not strong enough to this point.

You must know that the head of the Chen family is also the highest type of cultivation in the Land of Chaos, and he also has the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Unexpectedly, when he met Xu Fan of the same level, he was killed in seconds with just one move, and in just 5 years, Xu Fan had grown to such a realm, which made him have to sigh, Tianzheng talent.

If God really had an illegitimate child, it should be Xu Fan like this.

Sure enough, all intrigues are paper tigers in the face of absolute powerlessness.

“Spare me.” The head of the Chen family spat out a mouth full of teeth, “Don’t dare to snitch anymore.” ”

Do you know how much this big pocket hurts your body and mind?

“I have only one advantage as a person, that is, cutting grass and roots, and never leaving any troubles.” Xu Fan slowly spoke.

The head of the Chen family looked at him in shock, is this different from what was said in the script?

What about the good messenger of justice?

Is cutting grass and removing roots an advantage?

What about the eternal night organization that says yes and has love?

This is a big devil.

How did your 37-degree mouth say such cold words?

However, without waiting for the Chen family master to react, Xu Fan gave him the most neat way to die, and even with the subordinates led by the Chen family master today, no one was spared.

The head of the Xiao family saw that Xu Fan had finished dealing with the head of the Chen family, and he did not dare to think about it any more, so that the large array opened, wanting to welcome Xu Fan in.

Xu Fan shook his head and bid farewell to him.

It had been a while since he left the Three Great Demon Caves, and he had to go back and take a look.

Xu Fan and the urn first returned to Pingkang Fang, again. Contacted Zhang Susi and Ao Xie to meet at Pingkang Fang.

Several people gathered together, Chu Wanwan they were very excited, and after making a simple work report to Xu Fan, they asked Xu Fan’s experience in the past few years.

Xu Fan briefly explained the matter of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and took out some magic weapons and heaven-step exercises to Chu Wanwan and the others.

The magic weapon given to Chu Wanwan was a long silk with a wood attribute, a whip with an ice attribute for Zhang Suxiu, and a long sword with a thunder attribute for Ao Xie.

The three of them were very happy to get the magic weapon.

“Xu Gongzi, then you mean to leave the Land of Chaos.” Chu Wanwan was a little reluctant.

Xu Fan nodded, “I’ve spent too much time here, so the matter of the Eternal Night Organization in the Land of Chaos will be left to you next.” Ao

Xie and Zhang Susi nodded.

“If anything, you can contact me using the communication horcrux.” Xu Fan had already thought about the next thing, and gave each of Chu Wanwan’s three people a communication spirit weapon.

As long as the aura is injected, this communication spirit weapon will emit light, alerting people that news has arrived.

In this way, Xu Fan could not only guide the work of Chu Wanwan and the others remotely, but Chu Wanwan could also contact Xu Fan if they had anything.

After explaining everything, Xu Fan did not stay in the Land of Chaos longer, and left the Land of Chaos with the urn, Wang Cai and the Nine-Tailed Fox.

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