The results of the preliminary test of the ring match came out, except for Xu Fan and Liu Yang who entered the rematch.

Sure enough, it was three cultivators at the end of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Period, namely Luo Yu, Lei Ming, and Chen Minghe.

After Liu Yang heard the results of the competition, he smiled bitterly twice, although he was fortunate enough to enter the rematch.

However, the final result will be at the bottom, so I can only seize this opportunity well, hoping to constantly hone my cultivation through competition with other strong people.

Luo Yu is relatively good at wood spells, and she was originally very curious about Xu Fan, and after watching Xu Fan’s preliminary round, she was more interested in Xu Fan.

At first, she heard that Xu Fan was better at wood spells and ice spells, but she didn’t expect Xu Fan to be so strong in terms of strength.

She had long wanted to compete with Xu Fan, and the last time she went to find Xu Fan was turned away, this rematch just gave her such an opportunity.

Lei Ming, as a Da Luo Jinxian who is good at fire spells, is very hot in nature, but he also heard about the competition between Xu Fan and Liu Yang Liusheng in Floating Cloud Peak at that time, although he raised his vigilance, he did not expect Xu Fan to win so crisply and neatly in the preliminary round, which made him feel that Xu Fan was more threatening, and naturally showed a very belligerent mood when facing Xu Fan.

Only the strong can attract his attention!

It is precisely such a strong person who is worthy of being his opponent!

He couldn’t wait to fight Xu Fan.

Chen Minghe is relatively good at ice spells, and he is the son of the Chen family, a famous immortal cultivator family in the immortal world, who is usually very cold and arrogant, and looks disdainful of interacting with people.

Although he heard that there was a new Da Luo Golden Immortal in the class, he was not interested in Xu Fan himself, so he did not know much about Xu Fan’s various things after coming to the academy.

In his opinion, they are just some mediocre people, not enough to enter his eyes, after all, in addition to cultivation, he still only has cultivation in his heart.

These people gathered together at the competition venue with their own thoughts, waiting for the competition to be arranged.

Because of the retest of the ring match, these monks face off in pairs, and each victory will earn points, and finally select the first two cultivators with the highest points to enter the final.

It didn’t take long for the order of the matches to come out, and the first duel was between Xu Fan and Luo Yu.

Luo Yi, as a Da Luo Golden Immortal, a good-looking female cultivator, naturally many cultivators admired her very much, so she received a lot of attention.

“Luo Xianyou, you are the best!”

“Luo Xianyou, defeat this kid!”

“Luo Xianyou, you are synonymous with beauty and strength!”

“Senior Sister Luo, I love you!”

Good guy, as soon as Luo Yu came on the stage, it was just like the meeting scene of idols and fans.

She listened to the shouts of various male friends under the ring, and felt a little embarrassed, this Xu Xianyou will not treat her as an empty and beautiful vase, she is not a delicate girl!

“Xu Xianyou, your cultivation is lower than mine, you make a move first.” Luo Yu said.

Xu Fan heard her words and raised his eyebrows, was he underestimated?

“Luo Xianyou, this is not necessary. After all, it’s a competition, how can you let me make a move. Xu Fan said with a slight smile.

The spectators in the audience were full of discussions.

“Senior Sister Luo is really beautiful and powerful, and most importantly, she is very kind!”

“Hey, the person who said that you don’t need to let Senior Sister Luo make a move, the board brick in your hand has been exposed, okay?!”

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“Qi Kexiu, how can you use a plate brick to deal with the beautiful Senior Sister Luo?! Our Luoyu Support Association will definitely not agree!

Xu Fan naturally heard the voice under the stage, smiled and threw the brick in his hand behind him.

Just kidding, am I that kind of person? ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭

Hit people without hitting them in the face, I also know, good fell?

Luo Yu saw the brick that Xu Fan had just thrown behind her, her face almost turned green, good guy, she remembered the unlucky bastard who stunned with a brick in Xu Fan’s first round, and secretly raised her vigilance in her heart, for fear that Xu Fan would suddenly come to her face.

“Since Xu Daoyou said so, then I’m not welcome!” Luo Yu made a preemptive strike, condensing a mass of spiritual power in his hand, and a lot of spiritual flowers and plants suddenly grew in the ring.

These spiritual flowers and plants swayed, seemingly beautiful and thrilling, but in fact formed a tight formation, restricting Xu Fan’s actions.

A ball of spiritual fire condensed in Xu Fan’s hand, and as soon as this spiritual fire landed, it began to continuously burn these spirit flowers and plants, and the spirit flowers and grasses released a burst of purple smoke.

These smokes blinded Xu Fan’s perception, and there seemed to be wind sounds all around, and only a purple color could be seen in front of him.

“Isn’t this what Luo Xianyou is best at, the Purple Flower Spirit Grass Array! This maze has defeated many masters!

“Yes, you see that this Xu Fan is still trapped inside, and there is no way to break free.”

“If at this time, Luo Xianyou gave him a fatal blow, then wouldn’t he be killed! It’s really worthy of being a genius in the advanced class! The

corners of Xu Fan’s mouth hooked, smiled slightly, and suddenly pulled out a long sword.

He closed his eyes and sensed the movements around him with extremely keen hearing.

Suddenly, his eyes opened, and the long sword in his hand pierced in one direction!

This is it!

Xu Fan broke Luo Yu’s maze, fixed his eyes, his long sword almost stabbed Luo Yu, Luo Yu quickly retreated, a purple streamer left a burst of aroma in the air.

Xu Fan reached out and grabbed the streamer, and flew forward, Luo Yu beautifully dodged this attack.

In the eyes of Luo Yu’s admirers in the audience, it is simply a talented woman, with affection, what kind of competition is this?!

“Luo Xianyou, pick his eyes!” A male cultivator bit the corner of his clothes indignantly and said, look at his thief’s slippery eyes!

Luo Yu did not notice the movement in the audience, and she paid a high degree of attention to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan urged the ice system technique, and one iceberg after another rose up in the ring, like a sharp blade, about to break through the sky.

Seeing this, Luo Yu quickly dodged, and two vines flew out of his sleeve and were bound to the iceberg.

The mountains shook for a while, and these icebergs began to shake violently, drawing weapons like ice blades, and attacked Luo Yu in unison.

Since there were too many of these ice blades, Luo Yu urged the wood spell. But unable to stop these ice blades, she could only constantly dodge the attacks of the icebergs.

“This Xu Xianyou, it’s really powerful!”

“It turned out that I thought that Luo Yuxianyou of the high-level class was already strong enough, but I didn’t expect that there were really people outside the people, and there were mountains outside the mountains.”

“It’s too dangerous, if it’s me on the stage, I may not be able to survive a move under this Xu Fan.”

“This Xu Fan also doesn’t know how to pity Xiang Xiang Yu, and he looks like he is single for ten thousand years!”

“I’m so worried about Luo Xianyou, don’t get hurt! My heart hurts so much! ”

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