Although Luo Yu is already a cultivator at the end of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Stage, and his spiritual power and immortal yuan are very strong, it is not inexhaustible.

She constantly dodged Xu Fan’s attacks, but there was no way to break Xu Fan’s move, and there was no way to launch an effective attack on Xu Fan.

As a result, physical strength continues to drain, and coping becomes more and more difficult.

Luo Yu continued to dodge the attacks of these icebergs with a pale face, and suddenly made a careless move, seeing that he was about to be hit by one of the icebergs.

The blade of the iceberg seemed to have arrived in front of her eyes, and Luo Yu gritted his teeth, intending to carry this trick hard.

At the moment when she was about to be hit by an iceberg and fall, a figure suddenly appeared behind her, helped her fly the iceberg, and helped her gently fall from the air to the ring.

This figure is naturally Xu Fan.

Luo Yu saw that Xu Fan had saved her at a critical moment, and looked at Xu Fan’s face and blushed slightly.

“Thank you Xu Xianyou, I lost.” Luo Yu simply admitted defeat, and the two red glows on his face seemed to be more delicate than the sunset in the sky.

The male cultivators in the audience who called themselves Luo Yu Support Association gritted their teeth.

Damn, he actually installed it again!

Is the goddess’s face red? They can’t accept it!

Hmph, tricky little white face!

Dare to seduce their goddess! If gaze can kill people, Xu Fan has definitely been drawn to the carpal tunnel by their gaze.

“You’re welcome, after all, the ring match is also a competition, just point to point.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Ah, this little white face, he still said such words.

Listen, listen, is this speaking in human terms?

Why don’t you talk to the person who was stunned by your brick?!

The little white face is really too scheming!

Xu Fan seemed to feel the malice from the audience, and smiled and swept his gaze over the group of male cultivators below.

Those male cultivators who had just planned to kill Xu Fan with their gazes lowered their heads one after another, unable to see me or me.

They haven’t forgotten how Xiaobai’s face murderously directly stunned people with a brick, and it is said that that Chen Jiang Xianyou is still fainting and has not regained consciousness.

After Xu Fan and Luo Yu finished the friendly competition, the next thing was the competition between Liu Yang and Lei Ming, and there was no doubt that Lei Ming won.

The third game was a competition between Lei Ming and Chen Minghyuk, and this time Chen Minghe won Lei Ming by a slight advantage.

The fourth game was Liu Yang and Luo Yu competition, and this one was naturally Luo Yu who won.

The fifth game is Liu Yang and Xu Fan competition, at this moment, Liu Yang has lost two games, he looked at Xu Fan with a bitter smile, and arched his hand, “Xu Xianyou, we have already tried at that time in Fuyun Peak, it was you who won at that time, so this one does not need to be compared, I admit defeat.” Liu

Yang had naturally realized through the first two competitions that the gap between him and Luo Yu, Lei Ming and the others was still very large.

At that time, when he was in Floating Cloud Peak, Xu Fan won him, he still felt. If he faces Xu Fan in the arena, he has a certain chance of winning.

But after watching Xu Fan’s match in the ring, he has thoroughly understood the gap between himself and Xu Fan, in order to avoid being stunned by Xu Fan’s brick, or solve it with one move, directly admitting defeat may be able to save his face.

“Liu Xianyou, no more comparing?” Xu Fan asked Liu Yang.

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Liu Yang waved his hand, “At present, my ranking must be the last place, it is a foregone conclusion, so I will not compete with you, or seize the time to cultivate, and wait for my cultivation to improve again, and then come and compete with Xu Xianyou.”

Xu Fan nodded, this is good, you can end the battle early, and you can save some time.

The sixth was a competition between Xu Fan and Chen Minghe, Chen Minghe was dressed in white, his face was cold and proud like frost, and he didn’t talk much, he simply carved the word pretend into his bones, as if there were no characters in the immortal world who could enter his eyes at all.

“Chen Xianyou’s aura is so powerful!” A monk said.

“Who do you think will win this one?”

“It should be Chen Xianyou, I feel that he is the strongest cultivator in the high-level class, there is no one!”

“Cut, he is strong, but I feel that he and Lei Ming Xian have and Luo Yuxian You are evenly matched, just defeated Lei Ming Xian You is only a slight victory, Xu Xianyou just won a very big advantage over Luo Yu Xianyou, really want to win or lose, it is really not necessary.”

Because Chen Minghe was good at ice spells, not only his face was cold at this moment, but his temperament around him was also as cold as frost, and a cold wind blew through, not only his eyes were cold, but also his heart was cold.

Ah, I’m so handsome!

Today’s hairstyle is also full score, and the appearance posture is also very handsome!

This person on the other side is not as handsome as me in any dimension!

Chen Minghe secretly thought in his heart, and suddenly luck began in his hand, and a large cloud of condensed frost rushed towards Xu Fan.

This frost seemed to be boneless, but it shone with a sharp light, and upon closer inspection, it was actually composed of clumps of ice needles.

This trick should be very handsome, right?

Although Chen Minghe had a cold face, he secretly applauded the move he had just made in his heart.

Xu Fan flew to dodge these frost attacks, and then these frosts seemed to see him and kept chasing him.

A flame condensed in Xu Fan’s hand and began to fight against this frost.

This person who doesn’t know the name also has two brushes.

Chen Minghe thought secretly in his heart, and a sharp sword made of frost appeared behind him when he began to exercise.

Xu Fan jumped lightly and stepped on these sharp swords towards Chen Minghe, the whole movement was dashing, it was really a female cultivator blushing, and a male cultivator saw silence.

“WOC, so handsome!”

“Xu Xianyou, I love you!”

Chen Minghe was a little surprised, and there seemed to be a trace of expression on his face that had remained unchanged for ten thousand years.

How can this work? He would never allow anyone to pretend to be better than him!

Chen Minghe began to show off his flowing figure, constantly dodging Xu Fan’s attacks while paying attention to his perfect side face, making sure to face the cultivators who were watching the battle from this angle.

Xu Fan sensed Chen Minghe’s psychological dynamics, and two iron hammers suddenly appeared in his hand, constantly smashing towards Chen Minghe.

Chen Minghe kept dodging, less and less chance to be distracted, how could this person, how could he be so rude, looking at this move towards him, perfect cheeks, must be jealous of his handsome and handsome!

Chen Minghe only cared about constantly dodging the iron hammer, and did not notice at all that Xu Fan had quietly picked up a plate brick behind him!

It was too late and fast, and at this moment, just when Chen Minghe was busy dodging the hammer, a brick falling from the sky smashed into Chen Minghe’s face door!

At the moment when Chen Minghe fainted, there was only one thought in his heart, this old sixth, really does not talk about martial virtue, said that it is good to hit people without hitting their faces!

The crowd in the audience exclaimed and appeared again, this trick! Bricks of justice!

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