This Purple Gold Treasure Boat is a fine flying magic weapon, not only gorgeous in appearance, but also extremely fast.

One after another, the monks boarded the ship.

The leading cultivator was an Immortal Venerable, and he was originally unwilling to take this drudgery, but there was no way, who let him have neither a backer nor too strong strength in the Immortal World, so he could only take this errand and lead this group of first-class academy students to the Huaqing Secret Realm as an advance officer.

“This mission is very dangerous, if you want to survive, you must seriously do what I say, otherwise you will accidentally lose your life, which is no wonder to anyone!” The leading monk said solemnly.

Most of the people involved in this task are designated candidates, and strange people like Lei Ming are a minority after all.

Therefore, many of them cried and lost their faces, “Senior Chen, after listening to your words, can we come back safely?”

“If you don’t listen to me, the chances of dying there are greater!” The leading Friar Chen is most annoyed by these self-pitying people, since they have no other choice, it is better to fight, “Give me a good cheer, let’s take this task, although the danger is extremely high, but if there is an adventure, it is earned!” What does their face look like when they cry and mourn! ”

There are still a few cultivators who are indignant, there is definitely a shady scene behind this, so choose those who have no backers to explore the way for those core disciples.

However, most monks know the priorities, life is like ××, if you can’t resist, it’s better to learn to enjoy.

“The first rule to enter the Huaqing Secret Realm, that is, to go in a team, the chance of surviving in a team is greater!”

“The second rule to enter the Huaqing Secret Realm is not to betray your teammates.”

This has not happened before, after entering the Huaqing Secret Realm, not only must you guard against the ferocious beasts that may appear in it, but you are also more likely to be killed by your teammates because of the adventure you discovered.

“The 3rd rule for entering the Huaqing Secret Realm, within fifteen days, as long as you are still alive, you must hand over the map in your hand to me, otherwise it will be regarded as the task has not been completed, even if you come out of the secret realm alive, you will have to accept the punishment of the academy.”

“Do you hear clearly?”

“Hear me clearly.”

“If you hear clearly, start sub-zoning now.” The leading monk took out a rough map.

This is exactly the approximate map left by the cultivators who have entered the Huaqing Secret Realm before, this map is very brief, probably only indicating how many areas the Huaqing Secret Realm is divided into.

And Xu Fan’s task was to complete the specific maps of these areas and eliminate dangerous areas to ensure that when the core disciples entered the Huaqing Secret Realm, they could avoid danger to the greatest extent.

“You need to probe, and the place where the map is printed includes a total of 10 areas, so you can divide into 10 teams and work together on the whole mission.” Immortal Venerable Chen took out 10 jade cards, “Put this jade card on your body, as long as you walk through the 10 areas, it will naturally record the map of the area you have walked through.” Now you can form a team, and after the team is finished, each team will come to me to receive the jade card. ”

Now in addition to the leading cultivators, the highest cultivators on the ship are Xu Fan, Lei Ming, and Wei Yimin.

The three of them naturally became fragrant food, and every cultivator wanted to form a team with them. After all, if there is a high cultivation in the team, it may be able to improve his survival rate.

“Senior Xu, can I join you?” A monk asked Xu Fan.

He had seen Xu Fan’s ring match at that time and knew that Xu Fan’s combat power was very strong.

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“Just you, why not, the first place to eat? Do you think Senior Xu can let you hold your thighs? The other cultivator pushed the monk, and then said to Xu Fan earnestly, “Senior Xu, look at me, are you still missing a thigh pendant?” I’m good at wood spells and healing spells.

Xu Fan smiled and waved his hand, because the number of people participating in this mission was only more than thirty people in total, and if they formed a team, they could only be in groups of three or four at most.

He pointed to the thunder that was surrounded by a group of cultivators over there, “I have already said to Lei Xianyou, with him.”

Lei Ming was the most impatient with this kind of thing, and opened the cultivator who was surrounding him and walked towards Wei Yimin.

Wei Yimin was holding his sword and sitting in the corner without saying a word. Because his aura was cold and cold, he looked like he was thousands of miles away, and few cultivators came to ask him about his formation.

“Hey! Do you want to join us! Lei Ming scratched his head and asked Wei Yimin.

Wei Yimin continued to sit there without saying a word, as if immersed in his own world.

Lei Ming pushed him, if this kid hadn’t let Brother Xu come, he wouldn’t have bothered this kid.

“What about you, it’s a classmate, do you want to team up with us?”

Wei Yimin seemed to come to his senses for a moment, and said coldly, “Are you asking me? Don’t you know I’m hurt? Aren’t you afraid that I’ll hold you back?

“A big man, grind chirp! Team up or not, give an accurate word! The more Lei Ming looked at it, the more he felt that he couldn’t look at Wei Yimin, didn’t he lose a few games, this can be hit like this.

Then he lost to Xu Fan two times in a row, and he didn’t win the competition after the ring match, he hasn’t reached the Dao heart shaken, what good Dao heart Wei Yimin has to shake.

The little white face is fragile in the heart, and there are many things.

Xu Fan sneezed silently, and suddenly felt as if he had been hit by an arrow in his knee.

He saw that Lei Ming had not yet said anything about Wei Yimin, so he walked over, intending to ask Wei Yimin personally.

He just saw Wei Yimin hearing Lei Ming’s words, and lowered his head in silence.

“A man can be brought down, but he can never be defeated. There is something wrong with your Dao heart, I can help you. Xu Fan said to Wei Yimin.

Wei Yimin raised his head in surprise, with a questioning meaning in his eyes.

He had been immersed in his own world, and he didn’t pay much attention to Xu Fan when he was in the ring, and now that Xu Fan said such a thing, he saw Xu Fan in his eyes.

“Oh, you can also see that my heart is shaken. I feel that my Dao is lost, and you invite me to form a team, aren’t you afraid that I will drag you back? With my current strength, I may not even be able to defeat the cultivators of the Golden Immortal Period. Wei Yimin laughed bitterly twice, after he lost to the core disciple, he was not slumped.

But their Wei family respects strength, and now that he has lost his Dao Heart, he will naturally be regarded as an outcast.

The former Heavenly Pride had fallen to such a point, how could he be willing?

“I just ask you once, join or not?”

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