Wei Yimin didn’t think much about it, so he agreed to team up with Xu Fan and Lei Ming.

Their team of strong combinations, but no other cultivators dare to say anything, after all, this task is indeed relatively dangerous, and the strong naturally tend to cooperate with the strong.

Lei Ming received the jade medal from the leader cultivator, because the combat effectiveness of the three of them was relatively high, so the danger and uncertainty of the area they were divided into was also higher.

After all the formations have been completed, each team has been assigned an area to rub the map.

It didn’t take long for the treasure ship to arrive at one of the entrances of the Huaqing Secret Realm.

“Be sure to follow what I said precautions, and once you enter the Huaqing Secret Realm, remember that it is best not to walk alone.” After the leading cultivator said this, he activated the space formation and sent all the cultivators into the Huaqing Secret Realm.

Xu Fan felt that his eyes were dark, and he had entered the Huaqing Secret Realm after coming back to his senses.

All the cultivators were shocked after entering the Huaqing Secret Realm, everything here was full of primitive vitality, and many rare exotic flowers and plants bloomed with a seductive aroma.

One cultivator was deeply attracted by a purple strange flower and wanted to reach out to touch it, but was quickly stopped by another cultivator, “Be careful, don’t touch the spirit plant that you haven’t seen before!” ”

There are so many exotic flowers and exotic beasts here, most of which they have not seen in the immortal world, and one who is not careful may fall into danger.

Sure enough, when he looked at it again, a colorful demon snake suddenly crawled out of the heart of the flower, spitting out letters and about to attack the cultivator who wanted to touch the strange flower.

That cultivator broke out in a cold sweat, he naturally recognized the breed of this demon snake – the fantasy fierce snake, and the toxins secreted by it could even kill the cultivators of the Great Luo Golden Immortal cultivation!

If you are really bitten by this demon snake, I am afraid that you will have to lose half your life if you don’t die.

When everyone saw this scene, they all broke out in a cold sweat, and their vigilance towards the Huaqing Secret Realm was also higher.

The task they received was said to be a rubbing map, but in fact, it also recorded the dangerous spirit plants and demon beasts in the secret realm of Huaqing while rubbing the map.

“You immortal friends should still be careful, you must be cautious, and do not touch the spirit plants you don’t know at will.” One of the monks spoke slowly.

All the cultivators nodded, this place is indeed strange, everything must be careful, cautious first.

“Since we want to print the map, let’s stop here first.”

The general direction of the area to be printed on the map had been deeply engraved in the minds of all the cultivators, so after arriving at the Huaqing Secret Realm, of course, they had to act separately.

The monks who formed the team said goodbye to each other, “I hope that after the 15th, we will all meet again in peace.” ”

Fifteen days later, all the cultivators need to gather in this place, and then be uniformly teleported out of the Huaqing Secret Realm.

“Brother Xu, we should go northeast and print the map of the Shen Glen.” Lei Ming said to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan nodded, and the group walked towards the northeast.

What they know now is not much information about the Huaqing Secret Realm, and they only roughly understand some rough directions and locations.

“Xu Xianyou, the map we want to rub is also in the northeast direction, can I go with you first?” A white-clothed friar asked Xu Fan.

The white-clothed friar, surnamed Lin, teamed up with him with a female cultivator and a male cultivator, and the map that the three of them wanted to print was the tomb of Vientiane next to Shen Ying Valley.

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Since they are in the same direction, if they travel together, they can also increase their chances of survival if they encounter any danger.

Xu Fan thought about it and decided to go with them and separate when they reached their destination.

So the six of them walked together, taking care of each other along the way.

Xu Fan is not too anxious, he is quite curious about the species in the Huaqing Secret Realm, so he is observing while walking, today he will take that spirit grass, tomorrow he will provoke a strange beast, and the thunder will follow him, and the waves are very happy.

But this could break the heart of the monk surnamed Lin, “Xu Xianyou, that is a highly poisonous spirit toad!” Don’t touch it! Xu

Fan took out a jade bottle and used two kodama chopsticks to clamp up the ugly spirit toad, and the spirit toad croaked, secreting a lot of white venom, which fell into the jade bottle tickingly.

This spirit toad is indeed highly toxic, but if the liquid it secretes is diluted, it is a good elixir, which can nourish yin and yang, and it is very marketable.

After squeezing the last drop of Zero Toad’s venom, Xu Fan threw aside the Spirit Toad that had been squeezed dry.

Spirit Toad: Thank you for the invitation, now it’s a waste toad థ౪థ.

As soon as the monk surnamed Lin breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Xu Fan provoking a huge dryad there.

The tree produced many tempting fruits, Xu Fan quickly slipped away after picking the fruits, the dryad was there, incompetent and furious, stretching out the long branches and making a roar.

“That monk—give me my treasure back—”

The monk surnamed Lin shook his head, fortunately this dryad couldn’t move its roots and couldn’t keep up with their speed.

When he was rejoicing in his heart, he almost lost his eyes when he saw the scene in front of him. The dryad actually pulled its roots out of the soil, spun the invincible whirlwind roots, waved its branches and began to chase them.

Damn, this is too fast, hurry up!

Therefore, this journey, which should have been cautious, became extremely colorful due to Xu Fan’s participation.

Thanks, don’t want to be so colorful, okay?! The monk surnamed Lin, who was bitter and bitter, said that he originally thought that I was holding a thigh, but he did not expect to experience the closest taste to death.

After three days like this, the monk surnamed Lin became ashen in the constant chasing and escaping, and he felt that his ability to escape had become stronger.

Isn’t that another takeaway?

Finally, it was almost time to reach the Shen Glen Valley, and the monk surnamed Lin breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally did not have to face the risk of being chased and killed by all kinds of strange things.

“Xu Xianyou, Lei Xianyou, Wei Xianyou, Shen Ying Valley is almost here, let’s not pass here.” The monk surnamed Lin saluted Xu Fan and the others, and then took their team to bid farewell to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan smiled slightly, “Lin Xianyou has gone all the way.” ”

The monk surnamed Lin has a black line on his face, it is better to say that it is a smooth journey.

He has been quite happy in the Huaqing Secret Realm these two days, because although many exotic plants are rare in the immortal world, many systems can identify them, so he has collected a lot of interesting things in the past few days.

Seeing that Shen Yougu was about to arrive, he planned to hurry up and finish printing the map of Chen Yougu, and then turn around to other places in the Huaqing Secret Realm.

After all, with his character, there is no need to be too anxious, and the adventure will definitely come to the door.

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