“Poison bee?! Senior Brother Lin is such a big hand!

“Yes, it is very difficult for such a powerful demon beast to find one, but I didn’t expect Senior Brother Lin to actually capture so much!”

“That’s enough for that Xu Fan to drink a pot!”

“This… What a vicious trick! Can you also use demon beasts to assist in the ring? This doesn’t seem to be a good thing!

“Who made him a member of the Lin family, there are people from the Lin family at the upper echelons of the academy, do you dare to stop him?”

“This is clearly coming for Xu Fan’s life! What kind of friendly competition and competition is this?!

“This kind of competition, of course, is to fight you to death and me to live!” If the game is won by Xu Fan, how can Lin Cong still mix in the academy?

“But this is also too cruel!”

“Actually, you’re trying to say it’s too despicable!”

The onlookers all pinched a handful of sweat for Xu Fan, after all, there are so many poisonous bees and monsters, if they are bitten, even if Xu Fan is a Daluo Golden Immortal cultivator, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured.

This group of poisonous bees flew towards Xu Fan, and seeing that they were about to bite Xu Fan, Xu Fan immediately launched a puppet technique, allowing the puppet to block the attack of the poisonous bees for him.

In addition, he began to activate the power of heavenly thunder in his body, and gathered the power of heavenly thunder in his palm, forming a huge thunder ball and attacking towards these arrow poisonous bees.

These dart poison bees really could not resist the attack of heavenly thunder, nourished, all of them were electrocuted, and after a while, a layer of dart poison bee corpses were laid on the ring, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt meat.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all stunned.

“This, just that is the power of heavenly thunder?”

“Isn’t Xu Fan good at wood spells and ice spells? How could he have the power of heavenly thunder?!

“Don’t say, the smell of this roasted demon beast is still a little fragrant!”

“Is the point here? The point is that these powerful demon beasts were all killed by heavenly thunder! How powerful the power of heavenly thunder must be to solve all the demon beasts with one move! ”

What a powerful force this is!

Although there are some people who are better at thunder spells, they have never seen a cultivator like Xu Fan who directly turns the power of heavenly thunder into an entity to attack!

“How many spells did this Xu Xianyou practice?!”

“The most abusive thing is not that he has practiced several spells, but that every spell he has mastered can beat you!”

“Today’s battle is worth watching!”

“Yes, I look at this battle, Xu Fan may not lose, Lin Cong may not win!”

Lin Cong looked at the corpse of the scorched demon beast with an ugly face, and his heart was distressed and angry, this was the dart poison bee demon beast that he had spent a lot of money to collect, but he didn’t expect it to be easily solved by Xu Fan.

And he listened to the voices of discussion below, and his heart was even more angry. What Xu Fan will win, he will lose?! When he wins, fix and repair these people and let them know what the rules of the academy are!

Lin Cong’s heart was crossed, he was backed by the Lin family and was a core disciple of the first-class academy, naturally he had a lot of cultivation resources, and he had many magic weapons.

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He threw out another magic weapon, this magic weapon was a sledgehammer, and after this sledgehammer became in the air, it changed from small to large and then large, directly turning into a giant mountain and pressing down towards Xu Fan.

This magic weapon was refined with 10,000 years of Vajra, and it was extremely hard, and there was no way to destroy it.

If this hammer goes down, Xu Fan is likely to become a mashed meat!

Who knew that Xu Fan was not in a hurry, and directly threw out another magic weapon, which connected with the sledgehammer magic weapon and emitted a metallic humming sound.

That sledgehammer magic weapon touched Xu Fan’s magic weapon, as if it became very fragile, and was even directly smashed into smashes by Xu Fan’s magic weapon!

“I’m not mistaken! You must know that Senior Brother Lin has used this magic weapon in the previous competition, and this magic weapon is most famous for its extreme hardness and difficult to destroy! What did Xu Fan use to directly destroy this magic weapon?!

“What else can be there that can shatter the 10,000-year King Kong?!” Of course, it is the magic weapon of the Heaven Order! ”

Xu Fan actually casually shot a Heaven-level magic weapon? Also used a magic weapon to resist the attack of the 10,000-year King Kong? Good fellow, what an unimaginable scene! ”

The banknote ability is it, it’s simply shocking!”

“Compared to the rich, compared to the resources, who can compare with the Lin family?”

“Throw out such a Heaven-level magic weapon, isn’t Xu Fan distressed?”

Xu Fan stood in the ring, smiled slightly, and put back the magic weapon that had just been thrown.

Lin Cong has already made two moves in a row, then it is time for him to make a move, these two moves are ruthless, it is clear that they are coming for his life, so don’t blame him for being ruthless.

Lin Chong saw that his sledgehammer magic weapon had actually been smashed, and he was angry and anxious, anxious and afraid.

Who is this Xu Fan? Even if you are a powerful cultivator, you can actually take out a heaven-level magic weapon casually! This is not the same as what he investigated!

What about a monk with no background?! Say yes to fly up from the small world?!

Which small world has such resources and strength as him?!

The more Lin Cong thought about it, the more angry he became, and he began to perform luck in his hand, intending to sacrifice his killing move, but who knew that Xu Fan did not give him this opportunity, and directly changed his figure like lightning and slashed towards Lin Song with a palm.

I saw that the palm wind emitted a brilliant green light, and the green light immediately entered Lin Cong’s body.

That’s right, the improved version, the improved version of the hot hand destroys the eighteen palms, and it’s here again!

The monks in the audience watched Lin Cong hit this palm, originally thought that Lin Cong would be slapped by this palm, and then spit out blood in his mouth, and was seriously injured, but he did not expect that this palm only exploded Lin Cong’s clothes, and it seemed that it did not cause other harm to Lin Cong.

“Cough, this is really not hurtful, it is very insulting.” A monk covered his eyes and said.

“Oh, don’t look at the impolite, don’t look at the impolite, but I really didn’t expect that this Lin Xianyou was actual, hey~” Another cultivator looked at Lin Cong’s lower body between his fingers.

“It’s too spicy eyes, a good competition, why do you want to engage in this trick?” bells and whistles, of no use at all! Lin

Cong originally couldn’t dodge, hit Xu Fan’s palm, he was originally a little flustered, thinking that he would be seriously injured, but he didn’t expect it. This slap only destroyed all his clothes.

This is simply an insult to him! You must know that Lin Cong is usually the most face-loving, but now his face is livid and he can only cover his lower body.

“Hmph, are you only going to do this kind of trick? In that case, I’ll let you taste my power! ”

Real men are fearless! Therefore, Lin Cong no longer blocked his body and attacked Xu Fan.

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