At the moment when Lin Cong made a move, he suddenly heard Xu Fan slowly speak, “Blossom.”

This low voice was like a demon’s whisper, and before Lin Chong could react, what had happened, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, waist, and hips.

He is simply careless about the pain, where is there any backhand?

He slowly crouched down, covered his waist with one hand and his hips with the other, and let out a painful roar.

“Ah, it hurts, it hurts! What the hell did you do to me?!

Xu Fan smiled slightly, “Lin Xianyou, can you admit defeat?”

Lin Cong never knew what tricks Xu Fan used, he only felt that he had never been in such pain since he was born, this pain seemed to enter the bones, and some people despised and injured before, but they had never hurt so much.

The monks in the audience looked at this scene of spicy eyes, and only felt a piece of white flowers, and I don’t know why, even I felt a cold back.

Good guys, how much does it have to hurt to roll on the ground. You must know that they have all achieved immortal bodies, and their tolerance is much stronger than that of ordinary mortals.

What weird trick did Xu Fan use? Just now, I seemed to see a palm, this palm is at most an internal injury, how can even that place begin to hurt.

On that day, many monks seemed to remember the fear of being dominated by hemorrhoids.

“No, I don’t admit defeat! How could you be a lowly person who beat me! You must have made a trick! Lin Cong shouted at Xu Fan from gritted teeth, when this competition is over, he must make Xu Fan pay the price he deserves, he is crushing Xu Fan’s corpse into ten thousand pieces!

Xu Fan naturally also saw Lin Cong’s vicious thoughts, if Lin Cong’s eyes could kill, I am afraid that Xu Fan would have already disappeared at this moment.

“Lin Xianyou, as long as you admit defeat, I will take back this palm power, after all, we are still classmates, and we must have some friendship of classmates.”

“Love you ××!” Lin Cong gritted his teeth and cursed word by word, Xu Fan, this kid looked sanctimonious, but he didn’t expect to be so ruthless.

Ah~It hurts~~~ Xu

Fan is now only three steps away from Lin Cong, Lin Chong endured the pain, and secretly began to charge up to attack Xu Fan and catch Xu Fan by surprise.

And as soon as he had this thought, the pain in his body became even more intense, and he couldn’t even save his strength and couldn’t speak.

“Lin Xianyou, do you admit defeat?”

Lin Cong trembled and stretched out his finger and pointed at Xu Fan, “You…”

“Since you have not answered, then I will count three, if you do not answer after three times, then it is considered to admit defeat.”

Lin Cong continued, “You… You” can’t say the whole sentence.

Xu Fan smiled, “One, two, three.”

“Since you have no objection, you are admitting defeat.” Lin Xianyou, agreed. Xu Fan saluted, slowly flew off the ring, and said to the cultivator who recorded the results of the competition, “This should be considered my win, right?” Where can I register and receive my place as a core disciple?

The monk who recorded the results of the competition was stunned for a moment, he had just recovered from the results of the competition, and before this competition, he did not expect that Xu Fan would actually be the final winner.

“Oh, oh, you have replaced Cultivator Lin Cong’s core disciple status, and in two days a new core disciple waist card will be sent to your Immortal Mansion.”

Xu Fan nodded, stretched out his hand at Lin Cong, and withdrew Yu Wei, who had destroyed the eighteen palms of the hot hand, from Lin Chong’s body.

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“Father!” A doll composed of green light rushed towards Xu Fan, and before it could get close to Xu Fan’s body, it was scattered by Xu Fan.

The surrounding monks were stunned.

“This, this is the child born by Cultivator Lin Cong for Cultivator Xu Fan?”

“Are you stupid? That’s obviously made up of your energy masses!

“But that’s the child born to Friar Lin Cong!”

Xu Fan listened to the discussion of the surrounding cultivators, turned around, and smiled slightly, “This immortal friend, what did you just say?” I didn’t hear clearly? The

cultivator who was watched by Xu Fan hurriedly took a few steps back, who could withstand this kind of pressure.

“No, no, I didn’t say anything, I didn’t see anything!”

Xu Fan turned around in satisfaction and planned to fly away from here.

However, at this moment, a powerful impact force attacked towards Xu Fan.

It turned out that after Lin Cong was destroyed by Xu Fan’s hot hand and destroyed the eighteen palms of Yu Wei, he suddenly felt that his body was no longer in pain, and he felt that he could do it again.

Xu Fan made him lose such a big face, Lin Cong hated Xu Fan gritted his teeth, even if the academy wanted to punish him later, he would definitely kill Xu Fan here today.

Therefore, when Xu Fan was about to leave here, Lin Cong slowly gathered up his spiritual power and used ten to ten strengths, intending to kill him in one move.

When this change suddenly occurred, the surrounding cultivators were stunned on the spot, you must know that Lin Cong was an Immortal Venerable cultivator, and none of the cultivators present could dodge his full blow.

Seeing that the energy was about to hit Xu Fan, who knew that Xu Fan seemed to have expected this scene earlier, but obviously his back was to Lin Cong, but he dodged this attack with a very fast speed, and a shape-shifting phantom appeared behind Lin Cong.

A brick that flew into the sky made Lin Cong faint!

Fortunately, Xu Fan had long expected Lin Cong’s sinister and vicious personality, and he would definitely make a sneak attack, so he prepared early.

Xu Fan clapped his hands, “Since Lin Xianyou refuses to give up, then don’t blame me for not giving Lin Xianyou face.” You are all my witnesses, Lin Xianyou attacked me first, and I am in good defense. As

if stunned, the surrounding cultivators nodded, and then watched Xu Fan’s figure fly away.

Only Lin Cong was left to lie bare on the ground and be watched.

Lin Cong, as the original core disciple, naturally had a lot of connections in the A-class academy, and it didn’t take long for several cultivators to carry Lin Cong, who had fainted and could not wake up, back to Lin Cong’s immortal mansion.


Lei Ming and Wei Yimin were naturally watching the battle all the time, and Xu Fan had just returned, and they came to visit Xu Fan on their hind feet.

“Brother Xu, you are so happy to clean up Lin Cong, hahahaha! I have long been unaccustomed to this group of them, and they are acting as a blessing in the academy every day! Lei Ming looked at Xu Fan with a laugh, and a sense of worship arose.

Although Wei Yimin also felt very happy, he couldn’t help but be a little worried.

“It’s just that today, that Lin Cong lost such a big face, I’m afraid I won’t give up in the future, I’m afraid that Xu Xianyou’s future life will be difficult.”

Xu Fan raised his eyebrows, and he waited for the people of the Lin family to come to the door.

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