In two days, the core disciple’s waist card was sent to Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion, and Xu Fan originally thought that the people who had left home would soon find the door, but until they entered the Huaqing Secret Realm again, the people of the Lin family did not find it.

After the first-class academy distributed the task of rubbing the map, with the efforts of all the advance personnel, it obtained a relatively complete and detailed map of the Huaqing Secret Realm.

Unlike the last time they entered the Huaqing Secret Realm, the people who were eligible to enter the Huaqing Secret Realm this time were all the core disciples of the major immortal sects and various academies.

Moreover, each core disciple is equipped with a more detailed map of the Huaqing Secret Realm to avoid the danger of the Huaqing Secret Realm and improve the survival chances of the core disciples.

Because the core disciples entered the Huaqing Secret Realm this time in search of opportunities, the competition between the major immortal sects and academies became more and more obvious.

And because there are many dangers in the Huaqing secret realm, if you are calculated or killed in the secret realm, it is also very possible.

Each core disciple is a treasure of the first-class academy, so before the core disciples set off, the first-class academy lit a soul lamp for each core disciple, which was also to prevent the disciples of other sects from doing things that killed people.

“This trip is full of dangers, although your cultivation is relatively high, it is best to travel together.” Elder Li of the A-Class Academy touched his beard and said, “I hope you can find your own adventures in the secret realm. In addition, when you encounter everything, you must remember that you are both disciples of the first-class academy, and you are not required to help each other, but you must not kill each other. Elder

Li actually didn’t say too clearly, after all, immortal cultivators are competing for chance, and it is common for whoever takes whose treasure and who robs whom.

But in the same academy, it is better to help each other and be cautious against the calculations of other immortal sects or academy cultivators.

After all, it is very dangerous in the Huaqing Secret Realm, and if you are accidentally calculated and die inside, even the murderer may not be able to find it.

The core disciples of the first-class academy naturally knew this truth, and the leading core disciples nodded and said to Elder Li, “Elder, don’t worry, I will do my best to ensure that every immortal friend can return safely. Elder

Li nodded gratifyingly, “Chang Ping, then everything will be left to you.”

Chang Ping responded, he was the highest cultivator among the first-class core disciples, and he also had the highest prestige on weekdays, so the matter of team leader was naturally handed over to him.

After everything was ready, all the core disciples and the fans of the core disciples, including Xu Fan, set off for the Huaqing Secret Realm.

This time entering the Huaqing Secret Realm was very different from the last time, almost all the core disciples held an inevitable mentality, after all, they had long heard that although the Huaqing Secret Realm was dangerous, there were many opportunities and opportunities, and now they had to compete with other core disciples of the A-class academy in addition to competing with other core disciples of the A-class academy, but also with the core disciples of other immortal sects and academies.

Therefore, everyone thought that they would rush to the Huaqing Secret Realm early, after all, if they went late, maybe the opportunity would be robbed by others.

As soon as he arrived at the Huaqing Secret Realm this time, Chang Ping, the cultivator who led the team, said to the other disciples, “Fellow immortals, since you all have fans, then we will act separately, so that we can disperse and have a greater chance of getting an adventure.” ”

The core disciples have no opinion, after all, if you form an alliance with the cultivators who are also core disciples, if you really find any treasures or adventures, you must divide them equally, but if you follow your own fans, you don’t have to divide the treasures equally, and you also guarantee that you will not be alone and calculated.

So the core disciples of the first-class academy began to act separately, but some people kept thinking about Xu Fan, after all, Xu Fan Leiming and Wei Yimin had been to the Huaqing Secret Realm last time, and they knew relatively well about the Huaqing Secret Realm, and they had a relatively big advantage.

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“Xu Xianyou, I don’t know which area you want to go to first?” One of the core disciples stopped Xu Fan.

Lei Ming glanced at the core disciple and frowned.

What does that mean? Do you still want to walk with them?

Xu Fan smiled, “Now I don’t have a clue where I’m going, after all, the Huaqing Secret Realm is so big, Xianyou doesn’t have to worry about me, it’s better to explore by yourself.” ”

That core disciple originally thought that Xu Fan knew where the secret treasure appeared more likely, after all, Xu Fan was here last time, maybe he had made a mark.

Otherwise, how could he be so anxious and hurry up to challenge Lin Cong and obtain the qualification to come to the Huaqing Secret Realm again.

If he followed Xu Fan, he would probably have a greater chance of encountering a strange encounter.

Xu Fan naturally also knew that he was a little Jiujiu, not to mention anything else, when he came to the Huaqing Secret Realm last time, there was not enough time, and he did mark many places where he found secret treasures.

“I originally wanted to form an alliance with Xu Xianyou, and since Xu Xianyou said so, then I will take the first step.” The monk saw that Xu Fan’s answer was dripping, and then left with his followers.

Xu Fan had already cured the Demon Spirit Pill, and he was waiting to find the Bursting Beast and help the Bursting Beast cultivate into a human form, so after that cultivator left, he came to Shen Yin Valley with Lei Ming and Wei Yimin again.

As soon as they arrived in the valley, they heard a bursting roar.

“Brother Xu, it seems that someone has been staring at us.” Lei Ming frowned and whispered to Xu Fan.

Wei Yimin’s face tensed, and he also felt a sense of peeping.

Xu Fan looked light, “It’s okay, someone will watch it.”

He naturally realized that there were probably other cultivators who had eyed him, probably knowing that this was his second time to come to the Huaqing Secret Realm, and he also planned to seize the treasure.

The roar of the demon beast in Shen Ying Valley became even louder.

The last time Lei Ming and Wei Yimin saw the Bursting Beast in the Deep Valley, they naturally heard the roar of the Bursting Beast, so they sensed a huge coercion, and they were not as afraid as last time.

And the cultivator who was secretly observing the dynamics of Xu Fan and the others secretly thought in his heart that this Xu Fan really left a hand when he was printing the map.

I heard that Xu Fan’s map is the area of Shen Yu Valley, this piece is clearly marked with a fairy king level monster beast, Xu Fan came to the Huaqing Secret Realm again, did not avoid here, but went straight to here, must be hiding something, maybe there are some secret treasures here.

“Senior Brother Chen, then Xu Fan really went towards the Shen Yin Valley area.” A monk whispered, “Shall we follow now?”

“Slowly, I feel a strong coercion there, it’s better to observe secretly first, and wait for Xu Fan to take the secret treasure before making other plans.”

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