The monk was terrified, “Release me!”

“Thank you all, today I bring you my talents, devouring people alive!” The man-eating flower demon stretched out its slender tongue, licked his own flaming red lips, and swallowed the monk in one mouthful.

“Rude movements, 1 point!” One of the judges in the audience looked at it and shook his head.

“Too cruel, 1 point!” Another judge also scored.

Xu Fan looked at these judges carefully, and felt a little familiar, where did he seem to have seen it?

Good fellow, isn’t this one of the cultivators who didn’t come back from the last time they sent by their A-class academy to print the map of the Huaqing Secret Realm?

Looking at their cool dress, they are already completely the local natives of the Qihua Realm, and they are simply integrated here, and there is simply no sense of violation.

The man-eating flower demon was very unconvinced, “Let the realm master evaluate, the race is different, the aesthetic is different, and the evaluation you have no authority at all!”

“You are also too daring, I am the 238th room concubine of the realm master, where is your turn to talk to me here!” The judges in the audience said angrily.

“Cannibal flowers are hypocrisy!” One of the judges cocked his orchid finger and rolled his eyes, “I can sit here and give you a comment, it’s enough to give face, don’t give face.” ”

The audience saw this scene: good, good, pinch up!

Chang Ping saw this scene: Buckle 666

Lei Ming saw this scene: Xu Fan saw this scene with a confused

face: Pick your eyes

, these two junior brothers of the same academy, I don’t know if you remember your sassy heroic posture back then?

Xu Fan really didn’t expect that this Odd Flower Realm Lord was also a strange person, and he detained so many cultivators here to accompany her to play the concubine selection competition, making it look like a family.

The man-eating flower demon was generally scored, of course, very unconvinced, but was mercilessly ridiculed by the judges, and immediately became the original form, wanting to swallow two judges, but was slapped and flew out by the suddenly appeared strange flower realm master.

“My concubine actually dares to mess around on her big face, and she is impatient!” Although the Lord of the Odd Flower Realm has a stunning face, he is indistinguishable between men and women.

Xu Fan couldn’t tell for a while, whether she was male or female.

It’s just that those judges saw the arrival of the strange flower mirror master and quickly pasted it.

“Realm master, yesterday I called people Britney, why don’t you ignore people today!” One of the judges, Big Bird, was attached to the body of the strange flower mirror owner.

“Realm Master, isn’t it enough for me to be alone? Why is the concubine selection ceremony held again! The other judge looked at the Odd Flower Realm Lord with teary eyes.

The macho man is coquettish, hissing ~ has a special charm.

Big brother, your nose hair is exposed, you know?!

“Hmph, vulgar powder!” The Odd Flower Realm Lord pushed away the judges who came up, “I thought you were all very manly, but none of them turned out to be what I wanted!”

“Come, isn’t there a few more guests from Qihua Realm, let them come up and campaign for performance!”

Hearing the Odd Flower Realm Lord’s order, the flower demons chuckled and nodded, “Realm Lord, I’ve brought them all here. Xu

Fan was watching the play, and the surrounding flower demons were about to suddenly surround them.

“Guests, please!”

“Please come on stage and perform your talents.”

When Chang Ping saw this scene, he shook his head frantically, can he not go up?

“This, can I refuse this request?”

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I don’t know what’s going on, he always has a bad hunch. If you are selected, you will look like the judges! It’s horrible!

“Hmph, this is not up to you!” The flower demons snorted coldly, and suddenly changed their expressions from the enthusiastic look just now.

Chang Ping wanted to resist, but his cultivation had already been pressed to the Golden Immortal Step, but it was equivalent to the level of a small flower demon here, so naturally he couldn’t resist and was pushed to the stage.

“Let’s start performing.” The Odd Flower Realm Lord glanced at Chang Ping.

Chang Ping was stared at by the strange flower mirror master, gritted his teeth, and had to bow his head under the eaves.

“The talent show I brought was swordsmanship.”

Saying that, Chang Ping drew his long sword and began to perform swordsmanship on the stage.

“This looks really good, it’s quite masculine!”

“Ahahaha, it’s pretty good.”

“I think this one should be selected.”

The flower monsters under the stage whispered.

However, the Odd Flower Realm Lord slowly spoke, “It’s plain, it’s not interesting.

Chang Ping listened to the Qihua Realm Lord’s comment and breathed a long sigh of relief.

This should not be chosen, although the Odd Flower Realm Lord is very beautiful, but it is too beautiful to be too enchanting, people can’t think of blasphemous thoughts at all, they only feel like red pink skeletons, which is very scary.

The surrounding judges listened to the comments of the Odd Flower Realm Lord, and sure enough, they did not give high scores.

After Chang Ping was eliminated, he was about to step down when he suddenly heard the Odd Flower Realm Lord say, “It’s too ordinary, and it’s not much use to stay in my Odd Flower Glasses alive, so it’s better to throw it away as flower fertilizer.” ”

Chang Pingcai sent down a breath, and was hoisted high, what, what to make flower fertilizer?

No one told him that if he was eliminated, it would become flower fertilizer!

Who knew that the surrounding flower demons heard the words of the Fantasy Realm Lord, as if they had been pressed some switch, just now there was a bright atmosphere, fusing to watch the concubine selection ceremony, and now they were all red one by one, their faces became gloomy, and they rushed towards Chang Ping.

“Flower fat, I like to eat the flesh and blood of the monks the most!”

“Don’t even grab it with me! Let me take a bite first!

“This kind of cultivator is the most delicious!”

The judges saw the flower monsters showing a blood-drinking, fierce fangs, some shivering, and some seemed to have seen the strange.

Lei Ming froze on the spot when he saw this scene, and something seemed to flash in his mind.

“Brother Xu, shall we go help him?”

Lei Ming asked unconsciously, after saying this sentence, he himself was stunned, what is going on?

Xu Fan listened to Chang Ping’s screams with a solemn face, Chang Ping’s survival instinct seemed to be stimulated, and Xiu Wei also began to rise from the golden immortal layer by layer, constantly struggling, trying to get rid of the flower demons who rushed up around him and wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Wei Yimin seemed to be unable to endure this scene any longer, and rushed directly forward, wanting to help Chang Ping get rid of those flower demons.

However, there was not much he could do, and these flower demons did not attack Wei Yimin, but just constantly tore off the essence blood and flesh on Chang Ping’s body.

“Ah, the smell of Reiki!”

“I haven’t had such a full meal in a long time!”

Lei Ming’s eyes widened and he pulled Wei Yimin back.

And the strange flower mirror owner just looked at Chang Ping’s continuous struggle coldly.

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