Although Chang Ping’s cultivation is constantly rising, it still can’t resist the wolf-like flower demons around him.

The Qihua Realm Master even saw that he was struggling too much, and even directly cast a spell to suppress Chang Ping’s struggle.


The Lord of the Odd Flower Realm withdrew his hand, Chang Ping had become a pile of dry bones, and even the bone marrow was sucked dry by the group of flower demons, leaving only vulnerable spirits constantly fleeing around.

But it didn’t take long to escape, and this divine soul was sucked into the hands of the Qihua Realm Lord and was pinched apart.

After the flower demons finished eating Changping, they returned to their peaceful appearance just now, and the red light in their eyes also dissipated, and they even looked innocent.

One of the flower demons glanced at Xu Fan and shyly pinned his face, “Come on, I’m optimistic about you!”

Xu Fan looked at that glance and got goosebumps, good guy, what kind of optimism is this?

Do you think he can be chosen, or do you think he is very delicious as food?

Lei Ming was stimulated by the scene of Chang Ping’s tragic death, and naturally recovered his memory, and he whispered to Xu Fan, “Brother Xu, how is this good?” Seriously

, he saw the scene of Chang Ping’s tragic death, and then looked at the flower demon who was now smiling around him, and his spine felt a cold wind blowing.

These innocent-looking flower demons were still talking and laughing with them just now, and the next second they were able to use them as prey, grinding their teeth and sucking blood, and eating blood and flesh.

Especially now that they have all been pressed to the cultivation of the Golden Immortal, there is no way to resist the attack of this group of flower demons, if it really falls on the part of being eaten clean by the flower demon one by one, he might as well directly result himself now, and he can also be relieved of a lot of pain.

“Adapt.” Xu Fan said softly, most of the Flower Realm are flower demons now, but he is not too nervous.

Chang Ping was killed by this group of flower demons, but it can be regarded as helping him solve a big trouble.

Lei Ming listened to Xu Fan’s words and tightly pulled Wei Yimin, after all, Wei Yimin just pounced to save Changping, most likely he has not recovered his memory.

Such a silly Bai Tian, if he goes up to perform by himself in a while, he may be eaten by this group of flower monsters again.

“Realm, Realm Lord, otherwise let’s rest today, and wait for tomorrow to watch the talent show of these Realm Lord Lady candidates.” One of the judges whispered to the realm master.

Although he was trapped in the Odd Flower Realm for a long time, he also retained a trace of consciousness, and he really couldn’t bear to watch as many cultivators became the revenants in the mouth of the flower monsters.

It looks like a singing and dancing, quiet and peaceful, but in fact, there is a dark tide, and the murderous intention may suddenly appear at some time.

The Lord of the Odd Flower Realm glanced at the judge and pulled the judge into his arms, “Why, you pity them? Do you want to do another talent show and selection for them?

The monk shook his head in fear, “You have the final say, you have the final say.” Although

most of his memories are blurred, he still remembers that he came with a group of people, and now he is the only one in their group.

The Qihua Realm Lord sneered, “Okay, let’s continue with the talent show.” The

core disciples who came with Chang Ping were extremely nervous in their hearts, and no one was willing to go up and perform.

Just kidding, if they don’t lose, they might die here.

A flower demon pushed Lei Ming, “Strong man, you go up, I am more optimistic about you!” ”

Hee-hee, it looks fat and juicy! It likes to eat muscle the most.

Seeing that all the monks were reluctant to perform on stage, he pointed to the thunder.

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“There you go.”

Lei Ming gritted his teeth and walked onto the stage.

It is too torturing for him to let a monk perform a show for this group of flower monsters, not to mention that after the performance, it is difficult to predict life and death, it is better to fight directly now, even if you die, you will die a happy death.

Lei Ming thought so, standing motionless on the stage.

“Hey, can’t you do it, why don’t you start performing!”

“yes, I can’t wait!”

The flower demons under the stage were talking a lot, and now in their eyes, Lei Ming had even turned into a plate of fragrant roasted human meat, just waiting for the Odd Flower Realm Lord to give an order and let Lei Ming make flower fertilizer.

“If you want to eat endlessly, hurry up and eat!” Is it interesting to tease your prey before eating? Lei Ming roared loudly, waiting for this group of flower demons to step forward, and then self-detonated, even if he died, he would have to take a few companions with him.

Seeing Lei Ming’s expression of unyielding rather death, the Lord of the Odd Flower Realm clapped a few times, “Very good, I like your posture of preferring to die unyielding, it is a fierce man, although the realm lord’s lady you are not qualified enough, but you can also give me a concubine!” Lei

Ming’s old face turned red, although the Lord of the Odd Flower Realm was beautiful, wouldn’t it be humiliating him to let him be a concubine?! He he would not agree!

“Do your spring and autumn dreams! Lao Tzu disagreed! The

flower demon under the stage sighed one after another.

“Wow, what a manly taste!”

“I like this strong man too!”

“Let him be the realm lord’s wife!”

Who knew that the Qihua Realm Lord listened to Lei Ming’s words but looked indistinguishable, “Since you don’t want to be my concubine, then make flower fertilizer!”

As soon as her voice fell, the flower demons who had just been praising the thunder suddenly changed their faces, and flew directly towards the thunder on the stage, surrounding the thunder.

“Today is a really good day, I can eat and drink enough!”

“It’s not enough to divide at all, wolves have more meat and less meat!”

“This strong, can eat a few more bites!”

Seeing that Lei Ming was about to be eaten by this group of flower demons, Xu Fan immediately made a move, although his behavior was also suppressed to the Golden Immortal stage, but the cross-step battle was not difficult for him.

I saw that he was holding the bursting beast and directly threw the bursting beast towards the group of flower monsters!

The violent beast sneezed a few times and began to gnaw the bodies of these flower monsters.

“Aa Don’t know if I am allergic to pollen? Make me vegetarian again, it’s so annoying! The

Lord of the Odd Flower Realm saw that these flower demons were being eaten by bursting beasts, but he was not in a hurry, but changed his posture and sat peacefully on the chair under the stage.

“You’re good, do you have any talent you want to show?” The Odd Flower Realm Lord fiddled with his slender fingers and looked at Xu Fan with silky eyes.

Among the judges in the audience were disciples of the first-class academy who were trapped here, and after Lei Ming and the others appeared, they naturally recognized Xu Fan.

Although this disciple did not dare to resist the Qihua Realm Master, he was very optimistic about Xu Fan and meditated in his heart.

Xu Fan, the god of bricks, if he really wants to perform talent, how can he also perform a chest crushing stone, right?

Take out your bricks and stun all the flower monsters.

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