The Immortal Sect Exchange Meeting soon came, and on this day, the elders of the A-class Academy all set out to greet the guests of the Immortal Sect who came from afar.

Xu Fan also officially formed the strongest security team of the A-class academy and led the team members to start daily patrols.

Oh, due north, meet a lewd male cultivator who molests the nuns.

“Isn’t your Caiqi Sect here to serve male cultivators? Little beauty, you have become a good thing with me today, and when the time comes, when we get married, won’t it be a good thing in the immortal world? A monk narrowed his eyes and stopped the nun with a wink.

“Bubble pee as you are! Just because you deserve it?! “That female cultivator is very angry, although it is true that their Caiqi Sect often marries with other Immortal Sects, they are not anything that can be seen by any miscellaneous thing!

“You actually dare to scold me? Ben Gongzi will make you look good today! Seeing that the teasing could not be achieved, the male cultivator immediately started to move.

Who knew that before he could react, he was stopped by the security team that rushed in.

“The academy prohibits picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and a warning is recorded.” Xu Fan grabbed the male cultivator’s hand.

“Who are you? Dare to stop me, do you know who I am? I’m just…”

“The security team of the A-class academy, advise Xianyou not to cause trouble.”

As soon as the male cultivator heard that he was a person from the first-class academy, he immediately converged a little, after all, he was still on someone else’s territory.

“Forget it, don’t see it with you guys!”

After speaking, the male cultivator left.

Xu Fan shook his head, today I met this kind of chores, three times five divided by two was solved, there was no challenge at all.

He just thought of another place to patrol, but he was actually stopped.

The cultivator who stopped him looked very proud, and looked at Xu Fan from top to bottom, “You are the leader of the core disciples of the first-class academy now?”

“It’s Xu.”

“Hmph, it’s only been two thousand years since I left the academy, are the current core disciple leaders all pulling like this?” That cultivator snorted coldly, thinking that when he was still in the academy, how could he let a Da Luo Golden Immortal sit in the leading position of a core disciple?!

It’s really not as good as one!

The core disciple behind Xu Fan heard this cultivator’s sneer, and immediately became angry, “What are you?” What qualifications do you have to say that about our Senior Brother Xu?!

“What am I?” According to the generation, you all have to call me senior brother!” I am the former core disciple of the A-class Academy, and now the core disciple of the Chenghai Sect, Chen Yidao! That cultivator’s nostrils were pointing to the sky, thinking that he was obviously a cultivator in the middle of the Immortal Venerable Period, and he was only one step away from the leading cultivator of the core disciple of the A-class Academy, but he did not take it, of course, he felt regretful.

Now looking at Xu Fan’s cultivation of Daluo Golden Immortal, he can actually become the leader of the core disciples, of course, it is inevitable to sneer a few words.

“Chen Yidao? Haven’t heard of it. The other core disciple was angry and replied, “Since you graduated from the first-class academy, you should know to abide by the rules of the home economics academy and not make us trouble.”

“Graduated from a first-class college, if the graduates of first-class colleges are so mixed, can they not mention the name of first-class colleges?”

“Hey, if I had been cultivating in Immortal Venerable for two thousand years after graduation, then I would have found a tree and crashed to death!”

The core disciples of the security team made sarcastic remarks to Chen Yidao one by one, Chen Yidao was extremely angry, when did he suffer such slow treatment and insults, of course, he counted all this on Xu Fan.

Chen Yidao pointed directly at Xu Fan, “I’m not bullying the small, I just want to compete with you as a former senior, how about it?” Xu

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Fan had not yet answered, and the core disciples of the security team had already begun to want to stand out for Xu Fan.

“Do you want a face? He also prides himself on being a senior brother!

“Do you really think that our Senior Brother Xu is afraid of you? After graduating 2000 years, I didn’t even mix up my personal appearance, and now I can only bully and bully the disciples who are still in the academy!

“I don’t know you guys in general, how about Xu Fan, you can’t accept the offer, right?” Chen Yidao even used a radical method, “If you don’t dare to take the call, you will obediently kneel on the ground and kowtow three times, calling me senior brother three times.” Chen

Yidao always felt that he had not become the leader of the core disciples because of this group of related households. He couldn’t beat the leading cultivator of his current session, couldn’t he still clean up Xu Fan?

This group of core disciples were really blind, and they were actually willing to succumb to Xu Fan, a big Luo Golden Immortal, and it was not a shame!

Xu Fan’s fists had already itched, and just now he was just looking at this Chen Yidao, and this small body could take a few moves from him.

“Since Chen Xianyou wants to discuss, then I will thank Bumin!”

As soon as Xu Fan’s words fell, Chen Yidao immediately struck, and he pulled out the long knife on his back and slashed towards Xu Fan.

The blade seemed to be able to split the air, wrapped in a large amount of spiritual power to split, Xu Fan flew to dodge his attack, only to see that the piece of ground where he had just stood was split into a huge crack!

“This person is so faceless, he was originally a high cultivator, and he actually engaged in sneak attacks!”

“I said how did this name sound so familiar just now, isn’t it the infamous one-knife stream?”

“What one-knife flow?”

“Just two thousand years ago, when I had just entered the academy, I heard that a core disciple had been expelled for mutilating the same sect! It’s this Chen Yidao! ”

I have to say that although this Chen Yidao has a bad character, his combat effectiveness is indeed high, mainly because he always makes a conspiracy move.

Xu Fan dodged his attacks again and again, and Chen Yidao gradually became impatient, “Can it still be done?!” You shrunken turtle, are you a real man?! The

core disciples of the security team had all experienced Xu Fan’s ability, and secretly mourned for Chen Yidao in their hearts.

You kid also deserves it, I haven’t heard of the prestige of Xu Fan, the Great Demon King of the A-Class Academy, it’s simply looking for death!

Chen couldn’t cut Xu Fan with a knife, of course, his mood became more and more irritable, and his moves became more and more impatient.

Xu Fan was in no hurry, waiting for him to finish all his tricks. Chen Yidao saw that he was going to take advantage of the disadvantage, and he didn’t know what to throw out of his sleeve, and smashed it towards Xu Fan.

“Senior Brother Xu!”

“It’s so despicable, you actually want to use a dark weapon!”

Xu Fan seemed to be restricted by the dark weapon, and Chen Yidao laughed and delivered a fatal blow.

Who knew that just when his sword went down, an avatar of a forty-meter big knife appeared behind Xu Fan, which was actually a spiritual power embodiment!

The big knife formed by the spiritual power quickly slashed down, and Chen Yidao couldn’t dodge, and he saw that it was immediately split in half!

The core disciples of the A-class academy also opened their eyes to the maximum, this, this is not a human life!

Who knew that the Aura Great Dao turned into a force after touching Chen Yidao’s body, and the impact caused Chen Yidao to spew out a mouthful of old blood.

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