Originally, everyone thought that Chen Yidao was split in half by Xu Fan’s Aura Dao, but they didn’t expect that in the end, Xu Fan still left Chen Yidao and one life.

The core disciples of the security team clapped their hands in surprise.

“It’s worthy of Senior Brother Xu, it’s powerful!”

“Senior Brother Xu is really too knowledgeable!”

Fortunately, Chen was left with a knife and a life, which is really difficult to explain to Chenghaizong.

Chen Yidao was seriously injured at this moment, and even the realm fell down a large layer, he looked at Xu Fan viciously and clenched his fists.


Obviously he is just a Da Luo Golden Immortal, how could he lose to such a person?!

“You have the ability to kill me!”

Xu Fan landed with a smile, “Chen Xianyou, this is not right, let’s talk about it, why make a fuss!”

After that, he stepped forward and patted the ash on Chen Yidao’s body, “Xu still has things to be busy, if Chen Xianyou has nothing else, I will leave!” ”

You, you!” Chen Yidao pointed at Xu Fan with his finger, and he was so angry that his heart trembled.

“It’s still Senior Brother Xu’s generosity, we don’t have time to waste on irrelevant people!”

“That’s it, hurry up and patrol, today’s exchange competition will start soon.”

So Xu Fan and the security team did not pay any more attention to Chen Yidao, leaving him to heal his injuries in place full of resentment.

Damn it!

I already knew that he wouldn’t come to this Xu Fan’s trouble, it would have been time for the Immortal Sect Exchange Competition immediately, his realm is now down, his internal injuries are serious, if he replaces the Immortal Sect to compete, he will definitely not be able to achieve good results!

Chen Yidao hated Xu Fan in his heart, he didn’t want to admit Xu Fan’s strength, let alone admit that he was actually defeated by a big Luo Golden Immortal.

Wait, one day, he will let Xu Fan know how powerful he is!


When Xu Fan led the security team to the exchange venue, the match had already begun in the ring.

The contestants in this match were Wang Zhun, the core disciple of the Hongmeng Sect, and Li Shiyu, the core disciple of the Xianqi Sect.

A man and a woman flew into the ring, and in a blink of an eye, they began to move.

I saw that the female cultivator held the Vajra hammer in her hand and smashed it towards the male cultivator one by one!

The male cultivator used his long sword to constantly resist the female cultivator’s attacks, but it did look a little difficult.

“Senior sister, come on! Hammer this scumbag! ”

The junior sisters of the nuns cheered on in the audience.

“Senior Brother Wang, stab that man! Bring out the majesty of our men! The

disciples of the Hongmeng Sect were not to be outdone.

Good fellow, dare to feel that this is coming to take personal revenge in the arena, no wonder this female cultivator looks like she will not give up if she does not kill this male cultivator.

The other cultivators of the Immortal Sect in the audience naturally ate melons and ate happily.

“Hahaha, more than that! Ye loves to see this kind of love and hate! ”

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Don’t say, if I were surnamed Wang, I wouldn’t be able to afford this kind of nuns, this is too fierce, right?!”

“But what this surnamed Wang did is really excessive, change your heart, and like the little junior sister of the Immortal Qi Sect, it’s strange that you don’t hate him!”

However, about fifty moves, the male cultivator was hit by the female cultivator’s Vajra hammer, and he vomited out a large mouthful of blood.

“I was sorry for you at first, but you did it too much! I won’t fight you, I admit defeat! Wang Zhun covered his chest and walked down the stage weakly.

Li Shiyu felt that he was simply blind back then, and actually looked at such a scumbag! Even if the slag is over, it is not yet responsible.

With a single brush, she threw the Vajra Hammer in front of Wang Zhun, blocking his way.

“Wait, did I let you go? Our exchange competition is signed with a life and death certificate!

“I’ve already admitted defeat, do you still want to beat me to death?”

Wang Zhun quickly flew off the ring, afraid that Li Shiyu would entangle him again.

Of course, Li Shiyu refused to give up, and picked up the diamond hammer and caught up with Wang Zhun.

“I remember before I was with you, I said that after being with me, there was no breakup, only widowhood! Since you betrayed me, then die here today!

The onlookers looked strange, after all, almost every Immortal Sect exchange meeting will have this kind of thing, either with personal grudges or to seek revenge, and this kind of accident often has a certain chance of causing a scuffle.

It is possible that what was originally a matter of two cultivators has evolved into a matter of two sects.

Therefore, the probability of accidents and accidents at the Immortal Sect Exchange Meeting is very large, and the institutions that undertake the Immortal Sect Exchange Meeting must minimize the impact of this kind of thing.

This is where the importance of the security team is reflected!

“I remember that the last second-class academy had an accident, because it didn’t stop me, right?”

“Harm, is this kind of thing still rare? Let’s stand far away, save and be affected again!

“Oh, I’m afraid that this hammer will not save my life, my God, I don’t dare to look at it!”

“What about the people from the A-class academy, why didn’t they come out to stop it?”

“As far as the cultivation of these students is concerned, it is not difficult for them!”

The unrelated people in the audience were talking a lot, and the disciples of the Hongmeng Sect and the Immortal Qi Sect also became emotional.

Wang Zhun was originally seriously injured on the stage, and now seeing Li Shiyu wielding a sledgehammer and constantly smashing at him, of course, he was caught off guard.

The disciples of the Hongmeng Sect were very unconvinced, “No wonder, only villains and women are difficult to raise, obviously they have all stepped off the ring, but they still chase people!” Do you female cultivators of the Immortal Qi Sect have a competitive spirit?!” ”

The man of the Immortal Qizong, I see that now the immortal world knows your notoriety, who else dares to marry you!”

“Oh, it’s you scumbags who hit! I can’t even beat a woman, but I’m embarrassed to mess with flowers and grass, and I will go to the end of the day!

“Damn, fight with this group! Give Junior Sister a blow! ”

Originally, Wang Zhun and Li Shiyu were fighting, but as a result, the disciples of Hongmeng Sect and Xianqi Sect were angry, and just now they said that they would be angry for their senior brother/senior sister.

The tension was on the verge of escalating, and the atmosphere in the audience was simply more tense than the atmosphere on stage.

Of course, Xu Fan noticed this change for the first time, and a flying person stepped forward to stop Li Shiyu, who was wielding a sledgehammer.

Originally, if Xu Fan didn’t come, Wang Zhun would have been smashed by Li Shiyu a long time ago, and now that Xu Fan held her hand, she naturally couldn’t wield a sledgehammer.

“What are you? Dare to take care of my affairs?! Li Shiyu was extremely angry and shouted angrily at Xu Fan.

Wang Zhun who had been hammered into a pig’s head hid behind Xu Fan one after another, “Thank you for this immortal friend for helping!”

“Please calm down, this is a place for competition exchanges, not a place for personal revenge, if you have any personal grievances, you can report it after leaving the first-class academy.” Xu Fan stood lightly between the two, “Under Xu Fan, ordinary security personnel.” ”

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