As soon as the Sect Master of Chenghai’s voice fell, he directly began to exercise his luck again, attacking towards Xu Fan.

“Good boy, let you try my serial eighteen knives!”

Countless blades swept the rioting aura and forced it in front of them.

What a fast knife technique!

Xu Fan mobilized the power of heavenly thunder in his body, and came out with another tiger-shaped whale drop fist.

The Sect Master of Chenghai Sect originally felt that Xu Fan would definitely die after making a move, but he did not expect that his series of eighteen knives was actually blocked by Xu Fan’s fist wind, and he immediately made a decision and sacrificed his own life magic weapon.

It seems that he really underestimated Xu Fan, this kid, then let him taste the power of the Origin Magic Weapon!

After Xu Fan’s fist wind blocked the eighteen consecutive swords, there was still some power left, and it came towards the face of the sect master of Chenghai.

Sect Master Chenghai smiled, he hadn’t met such an interesting opponent for a long time, if he was not mistaken, there was actually a trace of the law of time mixed in this punch.

But just right, let this punch come more violently!

Seeing that the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect was about to be affected by Xu Fan’s fist, who knew that the magic weapon in his hand flew into the air, like a funnel, forming a huge whirlpool, and even the surrounding wind increased.

That vortex directly sucked in the fist wind mixed with the power of heavenly thunder and the law of time, not only that, but even Xu Fan felt that the spiritual power in his whole body was boiling in his body!

This kind of spiritual power boiling was not a good thing, because Xu Fan felt the loss of spiritual power.

The loss of these spiritual powers, at first, was silent, and then became violent, Xu Fan was likely to be sucked dry by this thing, and the spiritual power became a human being!

Xu Fan immediately made a decision and immediately stopped running the exercises, and he didn’t know what kind of evil thing this old man was holding in his hand, and he could actually continuously absorb the spiritual power of the cultivator.

To know whether a monk’s ability is strong depends entirely on the cultivation of the monk, the higher the cultivation of the monk, the more spiritual power he can contain and use.

It can be said that spiritual power is the foundation of cultivation!

If once the spiritual power is exhausted, even if the cultivator’s cultivation is high, there is no way to use powerful tricks.

Seeing Xu Fan’s solemn expression, the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect laughed pervertedly, he liked to look at people frowning the most.

“Hahahaha, you are smart, if you don’t have luck, I really can’t absorb your spiritual power anymore, but if you don’t have luck now, you may die!”

After speaking, he began to mobilize his strangely shaped magic weapon again, and the vortex generated by that magic weapon gradually became smaller and began to condense into a huge energy ball.

And this energy ball just contained all the spiritual power of the punch that Xu Fan had just thrown!

“With the other body, return the way of the other!”

The energy ball rushed towards the impact!

Xu Fan’s palms faintly sweated, and the fighting intent in his heart was surging, he had not faced such a powerful killing intent for a long time, and this killing intent stimulated the bottleneck in his body.

Xu Fan seemed to hear a bang, as if he had turned on a switch, and the spiritual power in his body began to boil again.

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The originally extremely fast energy ball became very slow in his eyes, and he quickly threw a magic weapon from his sleeve and collided with the energy ball!


The transfer of spiritual power and spiritual power produced a violent explosion, and that energy ball was directly engulfed!

The Sect Master of Chenghai Sect was shocked, and what Xu Fan threw out was a heaven-level magic weapon!

Such a high-grade magic weapon was actually thrown out and casually blocked the attack?!

This is also too violent!

Originally, he felt that Xu Fan’s cultivation was good, and it was a pity, if Xu Fan was his apprentice.

As a result, as soon as he saw Xu Fan throw out this magic weapon, he immediately became angry.

Damn, just such a big Luo Golden Immortal, the magic weapon thrown out casually is worthy of the grade of his Origin Magic Weapon, how can he not be angry?!

He kind of understood why his apprentice regarded Xu Fan as a mortal enemy! Your proud cultivation is not comparable to him, and your beloved magic weapon may not be comparable to what others throw out casually, how can this not make people angry?!

What a mad old man!

However, the sect master of Chenghai Sect immediately thought of Xu Fan, since he could easily throw out this magic weapon, there must be many such magic weapons, and when he killed Xu Fan, wouldn’t these good things become his?

However, the explosion just now may attract the attention of other cultivators, and it seems that he has to hurry up and make a quick decision!

The Sect Master of Chenghai Sect was still manipulating his Origin Magic Weapon in case Xu Fan urged spiritual power, in addition, he began to exercise, used ten points of skill, and used that move to a series of eighteen swords.

The Sect Master of Chenghai Sect thought very well, if Xu Fan was lucky, his spiritual power would be sucked dry by the magic weapon, if Xu Fan did not luck, he would definitely not be able to block his serial eighteen swords, and would also die under his sword, this plan was simply seamless!

The spiritual power in Xu Fan’s body was boiling, and suddenly there was a riot, and his whole person seemed to be surrounded by spiritual power, and even his face was a little blurry.

When the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect saw this scene, he was naturally very proud in his heart, it seemed that Xu Fan had already made a choice, and he would definitely be sucked up by the magic weapon.

Just when the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect was triumphant, he found that his magic weapon seemed to be attracted by Xu Fan, and slowly flew towards Xu Fan.

The Sect Master of Chenghai Sect flew in and took his magic weapon in his hand, but this attraction was too great, and the magic weapon even flew towards Xu Fan with the Sect Master of Chenghai!

At this time, the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect sensed that something was wrong, “What evil method did you kid use?!” The

Shadowless Blade of the Eighteen Swords he had just unleashed could not get close to Xu Fan, who was wrapped in spiritual power, but instead mixed around Xu Fan in a disorderly manner, and as the Sect Master of Chenghai approached, he attacked the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect again.

This, this is obviously his trick!

How can it be?!

At this critical moment, the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect had two choices, one was to let go of his magic weapon, so that it was possible to avoid the attacks of these shadowless blades, and the other was to follow the magic weapon and continue to be attracted by Xu Fan, the closer he got to Xu Fan, the stronger the attacks of these shadowless blades!

Of course, the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect couldn’t bear his magic weapon, so he held the magic weapon in one hand and his knife in the other, and slashed towards him, attacking his shadowless blade!

In the sound of the collision of metal handover, the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect was struggling, and even his body was scratched by these blades in several places!

He is unwilling, but he is just a Da Luo Golden Immortal, we will bring him such a strong oppressive force?!

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