Originally, the Shadowless Blade of the eighteen consecutive swords was not difficult to handle, but the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect once again used the Shadowless Blade that the knife split out again to block the Shadowless Blade that had been split out before.

These shadowless blades could not disappear out of thin air after the impact, so they were more and more, and the Sect Master of the Chenghai Sect was becoming more and more overwhelmed!

Sect Master Chenghai gritted his teeth, and finally chose to release his Origin Magic Weapon first.

Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes in the spiritual power center, stretched out his hand to take the magic weapon, and then threw it into his storage bag.

“A Da Luo Golden Immortal, actually dares to rob my magic weapon?! Look at the move! ”

Another strong attack!

The spiritual power that came out of these attacks all surrounded the spiritual power around Xu Fan, and Xu Fan seemed to become a cocoon wrapped in spiritual power.

What kind of strange trick is this?!

Why did this Xu Fan seem to have become the same attribute as his Origin Magic Weapon?

He was actually able to convert the spiritual power attacked by others into his own spiritual power to use?!

This is feasible to say, but in fact it is extremely low.

First of all, the spiritual power attributes between different cultivators are different, and they cannot be fused at all, and secondly, it is even more difficult to absorb the spiritual power of cultivators who are higher than their own cultivation!

How did this weird trick come about?

In this instant, countless thoughts flashed through the mind of the Sect Master of Chenghai, and he finally made a judgment.

This Xu Fan is really too weird, and his wisest choice now should be to choose to avoid the battle!

Thinking like this, the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect immediately withdrew and suddenly withdrew a few meters away.

Where there is life, there is hope!

His strength has gone to another level, and he will meet this Xu Fan again!

However, the Sect Master of Chenghai Sect was still thinking too beautiful, and just when he wanted to slip away, all the tricks he had just sent out rushed towards him!

The Sect Master of Chenghai Sect reacted extremely quickly, and immediately mobilized the spiritual power of his whole body to resist these moves, but these shadowless blades. Ten of his successes.

Man cannot defeat himself, he died under his own sword!

After Xu Fan released all the tricks, the spiritual power around him was still boiling continuously, as if it had turned into a whirlpool, absorbing the spiritual energy of Floating Cloud Peak everywhere!

The sky above Floating Cloud Peak seemed to form a huge vortex of spiritual energy, providing Xu Fan with a steady stream of spiritual energy.

This abnormal scene naturally attracted the attention of all the cultivators!

Originally, the sect masters of the major immortal sects were still watching the exchange match at the competition venue of the exchange competition, and suddenly the spiritual energy in the air seemed to be much thinner, and it seemed to be gathering in one direction.

Which of the great powers present was very sensitive to the fluctuations of the aura, and naturally noticed the direction of the floating cloud peak!

“That! That’s a Aura Vortex?!

“What the hell happened?” Why did the aura of the A-class academy fluctuate so much?

“It seems to be the direction of Lingyunfeng, let’s go and take a look!”

The sect masters of the major immortal Venerables had different minds, and the people who cultivated immortals had a keen sense, they had long seen Lingyunfeng’s spiritual energy vortex, and for a while everyone had different thoughts.

With such a large spiritual energy vortex, it is very likely that someone has advanced to the next level.

But now almost all the Immortal Sect Masters are here, and I haven’t heard of any Immortal King Immortal Emperor in the A-class Academy, close to the advanced level?

What’s going on here?

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Elder Li was naturally even more confused, such a strange thing had not happened in thousands of years.

He looked around, did not see Xu Fan’s traces, and suddenly clicked in his heart, this movement could not be made by Xu Fan, right?

I don’t know what’s going on, Elder Li faintly has this premonition.

He hurriedly greeted the sect masters of the major immortal sects, “Sect masters, I don’t know what happened on the Floating Cloud Peak, but you better wait here first, I’ll go and investigate first.”

“Elder Li, let’s go with you!”

“Yes, I haven’t seen this scene in thousands of years, I’ll take a look.”

Elder Li hesitated, “This… I’m afraid this is a little inappropriate, after all, the matter on the Floating Cloud Peak can be regarded as the internal affairs of the A-class academy…”

“Lao Li, you won’t still hide with us here, like such a large spiritual energy vortex, eighty percent of the people are advancing, and the students of your A-class academy are only immortal cultivators, and they can’t make this kind of movement.” Let’s go and see what’s going on?

“Elder Li, will our group of old men still make a move to stop others from advancing to the next level?”

The sect masters of the major immortal Venerables said a word, and I replied to Elder Li’s words one by one, after all, they were really curious about who was advancing.

They have long been paying attention to their apprentices, so it is definitely not an apprentice advanced, so it is very likely that the sect master of some immortal sect is advancing.

Elder Li had no choice but to sigh, he really didn’t want to have an accident in the realm of the A-class academy.

“Okay, then you guys come with me.”

The sect masters of the major immortal sects immediately flew towards the realm of Floating Cloud Peak with their flying magic weapons.

At this moment, Xu Fan had reached the critical time for advancement.

He absorbed the spiritual energy in the whirlpool, and after these spiritual energy passed in his body, it was transformed into a steady stream of spiritual power, and the spiritual power that wrapped him constantly impacted his body, making the divine soul more solidified.

The end of the Da Luo Golden Immortal!

The early days of Immortal Venerable!

Immortal Venerable Middle Period!

The end of Immortal Venerable!

It may be that he stayed at the end of the Great Luo Golden Immortal for too long, and this time he advanced Xu Fan to cross the third order and directly ascended to the end of the Immortal Venerable!

The sect masters of the major immortal sects who rushed in happened to see Xu Fan who was still wrapped in aura!

This, this is the Xu Fan they only met today?!

It was obviously a few hours ago, but the cultivation at the end of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, how could the speed of this cultivation be like a rocket, and it directly rose three levels in a row?!

Which of the sect masters of the major immortal Venerables was not the proud son of heaven when they were young, but they almost glared when they saw Xu Fan’s promotion speed.

Is this, this still human?!

Even if he is a cultivation genius, he has never seen anyone who can ascend the third order in a row?!

Moreover, this is the cultivation of Da Luo Golden Immortal and Immortal Venerable, according to reason, the promotion to Immortal Venerable at the end of the Da Luo Golden Immortal is already a short time in 1,000 years.

After all, the higher the cultivation, the slower the promotion.

Who knew that this Xu Fan was like taking some pill, and he directly promoted three levels in a row.

“A, A-class colleges are really talented!”

“Seeing that the aura around him is still not dispersed, will he still cross the steps to become an immortal king in one fell swoop?!”

“The afterlife is fearful, the afterlife is terrible!”

Elder Li listened to the discussions of the sect masters of the major immortal sects and wiped the sweat on his head.

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