Most of the monks present heard about the need to measure age with an instrument and accepted it very obediently.

After the very unconvinced cultivator heard the elder of the Tianyan Sect say this, he didn’t dare to say anything louder, but quietly left.

Xu Fan looked around, there were really many cultivators who left quietly, and it seemed that a lot of people could be stuck on this condition of 10,000 years old.

The monks lined up in front of this instrument to measure their age.

If the age is under 10,000 years, the instrument will not show any abnormalities.

If the age is above 10,000 years old, the instrument will scream drippingly.

Xu Fan was probably ranked tenth.

The speed of the test was very fast, and it was immediately the turn of the cultivator in front of Xu Fan.

The cultivator in front of Xu Fan looked to be no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, but when he passed the instrument, he made a dripping sound.


“It must be that the instrument is broken, you can see how I can be ten thousand years old by looking at my appearance?!” I’m still growing! The monk said unconvinced.

The elder of the Tianyan Sect raised his eyelids, “It’s just unqualified.” Do you think I haven’t heard of anti-aging pills? As

soon as the cultivator heard the elder of the Tianyan Sect mention the Reverse Spirit Pill, his face immediately changed.

Because almost all older immortal sects have strict age requirements for disciples who enter the door.

Therefore, many unqualified cultivators will buy some anti-aging pills, which will make people look younger and may even restore their physical state to adolescence.

So it is often bought for cheating.

“You, how can you slander others for using anti-aging pills for no reason?! I definitely didn’t use anti-aging pills! The young monk said with a red face.

The elder of the Tianyan Sect didn’t listen to his quibbles at all, and directly waved his sleeve and slapped this cultivator away for several miles.

“Cheaters, end like this.”

As soon as the elder of the Tianyan Sect’s words fell, he saw the long line just now, and brushed nearly a third of the people who walked away!

Now the whole team looks like young people are very few, and almost all the cultivators remain young or middle-aged!

The elder of the Tianyan Sect glanced up at Xu Fan, and Xu Fan smiled slightly at him.

This kid already looks so young, and he uses the Anti-Aging Pill at a glance.

Wasn’t that palm just now powerful enough to scare him yet?!

The elder of the Tianyan Sect thought secretly in his heart, and then let Xu Fan put his hand on the instrument.

The instrument did not make any noise.

The elder touched his beard with satisfaction, it seemed that this was indeed a young man.

After Xu Fan passed the first age test, he followed the other cultivators who participated in the Immortal Sect’s entry assessment into the test level.

Most of the cultivators who were qualified in terms of age were cultivators of Immortal Venerable, and most of them were young and middle-aged, and after seeing Xu Fan, they looked very contemptuous.

“Even the Great Luo Golden Immortal dares to come to participate in the assessment level of the Tianyan Sect? Aren’t you afraid of being folded here? ”

Hmph, hairy boy!”

You must know that although the threshold for the recruitment of the Tianyan Sect is said to be the Great Luo Golden Immortal, most of the cultivators who cultivate today can only be disciples of the outer sect after entering the door.

And the entry assessment of the Tianyan Sect is very dangerous, generally except for the kind of Da Luo Golden Immortal who is cornered and can’t accumulate his own cultivation resources at all, no Da Luo Golden Immortal will easily come to participate in the Tianyan Sect’s entry assessment.

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Therefore, most of the embellishments naturally regarded Xu Fan as the kind of Da Luo Golden Immortal who did not know his cultivation resources, and naturally looked down on him very much.

What’s more, they have a bunch of middle-aged and young people here, most of them are close to 10,000 years old, and Xu Fan looks very young, so it naturally attracts their jealousy.

“This is no way, after all, there is no ability to accumulate their own resources, and they can only rely on this way, hoping to change their lives against the sky!”

“Competing with this hairy boy is simply losing my face!”

Xu Fan’s age and cultivation are placed here, and they can’t reach the level of Da Luo Golden Immortal at this grade of Xu Fan, so naturally they want to gain more superiority by suppressing Xu Fan.

What about being young?

It’s not a low repair yet!

Although Xiu Wei can be considered okay at this age, the immortal world speaks with strength, and no matter how talented a Da Luo Golden Immortal is, he still has to treat their group of immortals respectfully!

What if you’re young and talented?

It’s not like to participate in such a difficult sect entrance examination!

Will definitely fold here!

Xu Fan did not care about the discussion of the people around him, but took out the nine-tailed fox and gluttony that he had put into the storage space before.

As soon as the two of them came out, they were simply shocked to the audience!

This, this, this, and this are all ancient high-level demon beasts!

How could a Da Luo Golden Immortal have such a beast servant?!

With such a beast servant, it can only be said that the name is either that this teenager is powerful, or that the young man’s family lineage is superior!

This is not at all what they just thought!

Say that you can’t even accumulate enough cultivation resources?!

Damn, there are actually two such powerful monster beasts at a young age.

Envy, envy, hate!

“What about such a powerful demon beast? Not a big Luo Jinxian yet!

“It is.”

“I wait for Immortal Venerable to not have such a beast servant, how can a Da Luo Golden Immortal be qualified to drive such a beast servant?”

Many cultivators looked at the gluttony and the nine-tailed fox guarding Xu Fan’s side, and couldn’t help but let out sour words.

“That Da Luo Golden Immortal, how do you sell your beast servant Nine-Tailed Fox?” An Immortal Venerable walked proudly in front of Xu Fan and said.

Xu Fan didn’t put him in his eyes at all, and said without even raising his eyes, “It’s not for sale.”

“Since you are participating in this entry assessment with the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, you must be very short of resources. What resources you say you want, I can take them and exchange them for this nine-tailed fox with you!” That Immortal Venerable said again.

“Not for sale.” Xu Fan repeated again, stroking the nine-tailed fox’s hair.

“You Da Luo Golden Immortal, don’t give you a face, don’t give a face! How can the Nine-Tailed Fox, an ancient demon beast, be able to drive it by someone like you?!” Might as well sell it to me directly! That Immortal Venerable saw that Xu Fan didn’t give him any face, and immediately became angry.

It’s ridiculous, a big Luo Jinxian in the district, actually dares to refuse him?!

Xu Fan looked this Immortal Venerable up and down, and said coolly, “Oh, this nine-tailed fox likes young and strong people, and does not like old people. Immortal

Venerable was already very angry, and now when he heard that Xu Fan was actually still connotating him.

What does this mean? Is he saying that he is no longer young and strong?!

He had to give this Da Luo Golden Immortal some color and see!

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