Just as Immortal Venerable was about to start, the entrance examination officially began.

The assessment is divided into three levels, the first level is to be able to pass three moves under the hands of the immortal king; The second level is to enter the illusion realm to test the mind, and the third level is to hunt monsters at a specified time, requiring quantity and quality to meet the standard.

That Immortal Venerable didn’t care about finding Xu Fan to settle the account, so he only said viciously that you wait, and hurried to the first level.

This has to be done according to the process, if the queue is not timely, it is estimated that it will take several days to assess!

In the first level, a ring is set up, and an immortal king sits in the ring.

“Welcome all candidates to come, as long as you pass three moves under my hands, then even if you pass this level.”

“This, isn’t this Elder Lin of the Tianyan Sect? I heard that his strength value is one of the best at this stage of the Immortal King, and he can compete with the sword cultivation genius Elder Su.

“Oh my God, the first level is the Devil’s difficulty level! What happens after that!

“I can only carry it hard, as long as I can’t die, I will hold on to that ring.” It’s just three moves, I’m going on first! “A monk walked into the ring like a strong man, and looking at the back, he could still see some sense of tragedy.

The monks who were waiting for the assessment in the audience were worried one by one, as if it was themselves who walked up to participate in the assessment, and they all stared intently at the first monk who walked up.

“Senior, please advise!” The monk saluted the Immortal King.

As soon as the ceremony was finished, he was slashed off the ring by the palm of the Immortal King!

Everyone was stunned.

How can you win this?!

Just wanted to see if I could help the ring, if I caught the ring, it can be regarded as passing the level after three moves, but this directly shoots the ring!

You must know that the cultivator just now is in the middle of the Immortal Venerable, and against the Immortal King level Elder Lin, he can’t even survive a move!

“Next.” Elder Lin withdrew his palm and said in a waveless voice.

However, the cultivators who had just rushed to the queue all retreated a lot.

“You go first, you go first, and I’ll watch and see!”

“Ouch, my stomach hurts a little, I want to go to a hut first!”

“It’s too fake, it’s already cleared, okay?! Can you think of a good excuse!

“I suddenly felt my beast servant calling me, he couldn’t leave me for a moment, I went first, bye.”

Just kidding, this palm down, he is likely to die!

Even if you don’t enter the Tianyan Sect, you have to save your own little life!

In this way, the monks pushed one by one, but of course there were cultivators who did not believe in evil, and a cultivator at the end of the Immortal Venerable stage jumped into the ring.

He was only a small step behind Elder Lin, and he felt that it should not be difficult for him to make three moves under Elder Lin.

“Senior, please advise.”

Lin Immortal King immediately slapped out a palm, and this cultivator’s action was very agile, directly dodging Lin Immortal King’s palm.

Lin Immortal King raised his eyebrows, yes, he actually avoided his move.

The monk couldn’t help but feel a little happy in his heart, it seemed that this was closed.

However, what he didn’t expect was that Lin Immortal King actually suddenly had luck and quickly made two moves.

The second move that the monk also surveyed and dodged, but the angle of the third move was extremely weird, and it hit the monk directly!

The monk vomited a mouthful of blood, was knocked flying tens of meters, and fell to the ground.

The candidates under the ring gasped.

Good fellow, not even at the end of the Immortal Venerable?!

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All the people took two steps back, and even some people in the early stage of Immortal Venerable directly gave up the assessment.

“I’ll try!” An Immortal King jumped onto the ring, “Elder Lin, please advise.” ”

Elder Lin exerted 8 points of power and struck down that immortal king with one palm, but the immortal king was not in the slightest hurry, and steadily followed Elder Lin’s palm.

He took a few steps back, then steadied his figure.

Elder Lin’s gaze was a little appreciative, “Not bad.”

As soon as the words fell, Elder Lin made two more moves.

The Immortal King dodged the second move, but the third move still hit his body, but fortunately, he stabilized his figure and fell into the ring.

The Immortal King climbed up with difficulty, and Elder Lin patted him on the shoulder with admiration.

“Okay, you’ve cleared the customs.”

The Immortal King smiled with difficulty, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The examinees in the audience were even creepy when they saw this scene, good guy, the same level can actually become like this in three moves!

It is possible for the Immortal King to cultivate for a try, if it is the Immortal Venerable cultivation, wouldn’t it be better to abandon the exam now?!

Some of the early Immortal Venerables really couldn’t accept such psychological pressure, so they directly abandoned the exam.

Xu Fan was originally not at the front of the queue, but because of the prevarication and abandonment of various candidates, he quickly came to the front position.

The third place in front of Xu Fan was the Immortal Venerable who had just bought the Nine-Tailed Fox with him, and that Immortal Venerable naturally saw Xu Fan and snorted coldly.

“However, how can a small Da Luo Golden Immortal live three moves under the hands of the Immortal King? I advise you to hurry up and let go of the exam now!

Xu Fan smiled silently, and then watched that Immortal Venerable walk into the ring.

After this Immortal Venerable stepped into the ring, he was also knocked to the ground by Elder Lin’s three moves, and he finally grabbed the ring and was barely eliminated.

He walked off the ring with a blue nose and a swollen face, and glanced at Xu Fan defiantly.

Hairy boy, give up quickly!

Only Immortal Venerable powerhouses like me who can pass under the hands of the Immortal King are eligible to enter the Tianyan Sect!”

The two in front of Xu Fan quickly finished the assessment and ended up being eliminated.

Xu Fan jumped into the ring, and at this time the discussion under the stage was even louder.

“Good fellow, this Da Luo Jinxian actually didn’t abandon the exam? So many Immortal Venerables have gone, he actually dares to go to the stage for assessment?! ”

This Da Luo Jinxian went to the ring, wouldn’t he have to give his own life?!” Gee!

“Sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!”

Xu Fan saluted Elder Lin, “Elder Lin, please advise.”

Elder Lin looked Xu Fan up and down, frowned and said, “You really don’t give up the exam? I won’t show mercy to my subordinates, I’m afraid that your small body and bones won’t be able to survive!”

Xu Fan smiled and shook his head, “Elder Lin, please advise.” Seeing

that Xu Fan did not listen to the advice, Elder Lin’s eyes immediately sharpened, and his subordinates immediately began to exercise!

Eight Chengli’s palm slapped over, and Xu Fan dodged with a swoop.

“Good luck.” Elder Lin said coldly, and then flew over two palms, the angle of these two lengths was very tricky, it was clearly towards Xu Fan’s life!

Xu Fan changed his shape and immediately appeared behind Elder Lin.


A brick, Elder Lin fainted.

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