Three days passed, and the worship ceremony soon came.

Most of the disciples are selected by the master, and the disciples selected by these elders will become inner disciples, while the other disciples will still be outer disciples.

There was a big difference between inner disciples and outer disciples, so almost all the disciples who had just entered the sect were very uneasy.

When entering the sect’s assessment, their assessment performance was recorded, and most of the elders would also select apprentices according to the results of the assessment and their performance in the assessment, and each elder could only select a maximum of two apprentices.

In addition, at the worship ceremony, these disciples can also choose the elders they want to worship, and show their behavior and ability, and if they perform better, there may be elders who will accept them as apprentices.

Therefore, almost all the candidates brought out their best side, striving to make a certain elder of the Tianyan Sect fancy him and accept him as an apprentice.

Early in the morning, all the newly initiated disciples had already gathered in the square of the Tianyan Sect.

All the elders were sitting in the clouds, looking at these beginner disciples.

The head sat in the highest position and announced the beginning of the worship ceremony.

The order in which the disciples worship is based on the order in which they pass the assessment.

The first disciple heard the head call his name and stepped forward.

“Disciple Wang Hetian, the early cultivation of Immortal Venerable, is relatively good at wood spells and fire spells, please ask the elders for guidance.”

“Well, the performance in the assessment is not bad, but being good at wood spells and fire spells should not be suitable for worshiping under my door.”

“It’s okay whether it’s mental or cultivation, but if you want to take a place for me to worship a teacher, I’ll think about it again.”

“Immortal Venerable’s cultivation in the early stage is a little too low, so I won’t think about it.”

“This person’s performance in the second level is quite eye-catching, and it seems that his heart is good.” One of the elders sitting in the clouds spoke, “Wang Hetian, you may wish to worship under my door.

Wang Hetian was originally trembling, waiting for the selection of these elders, and he couldn’t help but be overjoyed when he heard that this elder was willing to accept him.

You know, as long as he is accepted by one of the elders, he can be an inner disciple without having to mix outside.

Wang Hetian quickly bowed down to the elder, “The disciple is willing, the disciple is willing!” Master Xie is willing to accept disciples as apprentices!

“Then you come with me.”

After the elder spoke, Wang Hetian got up and flew behind this elder.

Immediately afterwards, the second disciple stood in front of the square, waiting for the selection of these elders.

Most of these elders were still relatively cautious in selecting their apprentices, so it took a long time.

The second disciple was not seen by the elders, and he was very anxious, so he wanted to show the elders his tricks.

This disciple was relatively good at ice spells, and after he showed his tricks, there was still no elder who wanted to accept him, so he could only stand in the back row of the team with his head down.

Immediately after the third disciple, the third disciple stood in front for a long time, and finally an elder wanted to take him as an apprentice.

Xu Fan stood at the back of the team and looked at these new disciples to worship the master, feeling a little bored, after all, he had already worshiped a cheap master, and he did not plan to worship the master again.

“God, I’m so nervous, it’s going to be my turn soon! I really wish that there would be elders to take me as an apprentice, and I especially want to worship under Elder Su’s door!”

“Wake up, Elder Su is a big hit, so many sword cultivators want to lose under his disciple, he really doesn’t necessarily want to take you.”

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“Yes, I’m just nervous now, and I feel that these elders are so harsh.”

“Can it not be strict if it is not strict? After all, it is to accept disciples, this is his own face in the future, or it is better to accept disciples cautiously. ”

I want to worship under Elder Lin’s door, and I don’t know how his injury is now, whether he is healed or not.”

“Alas, little bit quiet, look at the 4th person behind you, I heard that that person is the one who injured Elder Lin.”

“It’s so powerful, I don’t know which elder will accept such a chaotic demon king.”

“Gee, I really don’t know.”

Xu Fan lazily listened to the discussion of the person in front of him, and couldn’t help but stand and take a nap.

If you enter the inner door, it is also advantageous, that is, you can know more secrets, and if you want to inquire about the news of the body, it may be more convenient.

Xu Fan’s mind gradually appeared his cheap master’s appearance, since his cheap master can appear in the small world in the trial level, it must be quite close to the Tianyan Sect.

I just don’t know if Master Cheap has come to participate in this worship ceremony.

It seems that the probability is that it did not come.

Unlike the nervous mentality of the other disciples, Xu Fan was very relaxed, anyway, everything went naturally.

Nearly an hour later, it was Xu Fan’s turn.

Xu Fan walked to the front of the square, “Disciple Xu Fan, Da Luo Golden Immortal cultivation, there is no spell that he is good at.

After listening to Xu Fan’s words, the elders sitting in the cloud were very surprised.

You know, almost all disciples will bring out their best state in order to worship the master, and as a result, this Xu Fan is good, and it is directly rotten.

He actually said that he didn’t have a spell that he was good at.

Originally, if it were someone else, the other elders would definitely not choose such a disciple.

Think about it carefully, if you want to cultivate, if you don’t cultivate, if you want to have ability or not, what kind of master is this, what other apprentice is this take?!

“Rotten wood cannot be carved! What an attitude is this! And it’s actually just a Da Luo Golden Immortal cultivator. An elder couldn’t help but shake his head, and then began to look through Xu Fan’s assessment records, he wanted to see what such a presumptuous disciple’s assessment results looked like!

“Xu Fan, the first level directly stunned Elder Lin, the second level passed in two minutes, the third level captured the high-level, and there were more than thirty demon beasts and intermediate demon beasts…” After

reading Xu Fan’s results, most of the elders fell silent.

This, this is the disciple who stunned Elder Lin?!

There is actually only the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal?!

Is this true? It’s unbelievable!

After a quiet silence, the various elders began to act.

“Xu Fan, are you willing to worship under my door?”

“I see that you are gifted and intelligent, and your temperament is very bohemian, very similar to my Tao, are you willing to defeat under my door?”

“Xu Fan, although your cultivation is not high, your ability is very strong, if you want to improve your cultivation, I suggest that you can defeat under my disciple!”

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