Almost all the elders changed their previous noble and cold appearance, and kept telling Xu Fan about their advantages like a flower peacock courtship.

“There are many female disciples under my disciples, if you come under my disciple, presumably your junior sisters will be very willing to communicate with you!” Elder Chen touched his beard and said.

“Our Qinglian Peak has the most cheats, I see that these tricks used in your performance in the assessment are thousands of strange, and I must be very interested in these cheats. If you come under my door, you will definitely be able to learn more palm techniques and cheats! Elder Wang said with a smile.

“Hey, Lao Wang and Lao Chen, don’t rob apprentices with me, there are many good seedlings recruited this year, so you will give this Xu Fan to me!” Elder Liu said to Elder Chen and Elder Wang.

“It depends on how young people choose! After all, we all have to follow the wishes of our disciples! In

order to attract Xu Fan to worship under their door, these elders simply did everything they could.

Some even can’t help but scramble.

“This Xu Fan has to worship under my door!”

“I want to accept Xu Fan as an apprentice, you can’t teach this Xu Fan, you can’t even beat Elder Lin, can you teach him?!”

“Hey, Elder Li, look at what you said? I can’t teach Xu Fan, can you teach Xu Fan?!” Our Wushan Peak is the best at fighting, and if Xu Fan loses under my door, he will definitely be able to get better development!” The

disciples who were waiting behind Xu Fan to worship the master were all envious, jealous and hateful in their hearts.

If there was an elder who could favor them, they would already burn high incense, and look at Xu Fan.

This Xu Fan was simply like a baby bump, and almost every elder rushed to ask for it.

“Chief, I haven’t accepted a disciple in 2,000 years, this Xu Fan should worship under my disciple if he is reasonable, right?” Elder Li said to the leader.

The head of the Tianyan Sect didn’t know what to do with Xu Fan, this was indeed a good seedling, but no matter which elder he worshipped under, the other elders would definitely not be satisfied.

Unless this Xu Fan has a doppelganger technique, he can conjure dozens of doppelgangers, and then an elder divides one.

“Cough, I see that there is no point in you arguing here, it is better to let Xu Fan choose by himself.” The head looked at Xu Fan, “Xu Fan, which elder do you want to choose as your apprentice?”

Xu Fan had been listening to these elders bickering, and occasionally looked at Su Yuntian, who was sitting there, but now he heard the head ask him, and immediately replied, “The disciple already has a master, so he doesn’t plan to worship the master again.”


“You entered the Tianyan Sect, what are you doing without worshiping a teacher?!”

“It’s not! Are you here to show off your abilities?

“With so many of our elders, can’t anyone enter this Xu Fan’s eyes?!”

“Hmph, what about strong strength?! Arrogant! It’s so arrogant! Many

elders were very dissatisfied when they heard Xu Fan say this.

One by one, they all wanted to take Xu Fan as an apprentice, but Xu Fan said that he had a master who did not plan to worship the master for a long time.

Isn’t this playing tricks on them?

Besides, the master that Xu Fan worshipped in some corner and nook, could it be that they were still strong?!

The head of the Tianyan Sect listened to Xu Fan’s words, and he was a little surprised, but it made sense to think about it, after all, Xu Fan’s ability is so strong, it is really a fantasy to say that there is no master, and if he becomes a talent on his own.

“Since you already have a master, why do you want to worship under the Tianyan Sect again?” The head of the Tianyan Sect asked Xu Fan.

“It’s not a secret, the disciple did not worship the master before coming to the assessment of the Tianyan Sect, but he worshipped the master during the assessment, so the disciple thought that since he already had a master, he did not have to worship the master at the worship ceremony.” Xu Fan smiled slightly and explained slowly.

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“Who the hell started so quickly?”

“Not me.”

“It won’t be a worship of the invigilator elder as a teacher, right?”

Many elders began to discuss, but no elder of the Tianyan Sect claimed Xu Fan’s disciple.

Hearing Xu Fan say this, the head nodded to show understanding, “Since you have already worshiped the master, then go and stand behind the master.”

Xu Fan looked around at the elders sitting in the clouds, and sure enough, there was no cheap master from him.

“Chief, my master is not sitting in it.” Xu Fan said to the leader.

The head listened to Xu Fan’s words and frowned.

Why is there so much of this Xu Fan?!

He had just clearly said that he had worshiped his master in the Tianyan Sect, and now he said that his master was not among these elders, so which master was he worshiping?!

“Are you telling the truth? All the elders of the Tianyan Sect were sitting here. The head said to Xu Fan.

“There really is no disciple’s master here.”

The head was really a little impatient, “Since your master is not an elder of my Tianyan Sect, then you can’t enter the inner gate and go to the outer gate.

“Yes.” Xu Fan saluted the leader, and then walked to the team at the outer gate.

The disciples standing behind Xu Fan were in an uproar.

“Good fellow, this is really iron! Is this Xu Fan not very brainy? There was a chance to enter the inner door, but now it’s okay, go directly to the outer door.

“This is too much pretense, so it is retribution.” If Xu Fan hadn’t pretended to be forced just now, it would be better to choose a random master than to enter the outer door now!

“Alas, don’t be so arrogant as a person.”

When Xu Fan was walking towards the team at the outer gate, several elders stopped Xu Fan.

“Xu Fan, would you like to come under my door now? If you don’t worship a teacher, you won’t have a chance!

“The resources of the outer gate are not as good as the resources of the inner gate, if you really want to cultivate at ease, I advise you to worship under my door!”

Xu Fan turned around and saluted these elders, “Thank you elders for your love, the disciples already have a master, then of course you can’t worship other elders as teachers.”

“Hmph! I don’t know how to be evil! At

this moment, an auspicious cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

When the head saw this auspicious cloud, he was shocked.

This, this, this ancestor who has not been out of customs for ten thousand years came?

The elders were all stunned to the side, looking at the shape of this auspicious cloud, who else could this be, isn’t it the ancestor in Minghuan Mountain?!

“Welcome to the ancestors!”

“Welcome to the Founding Ancestor!”

Before the beginner disciples could react to anything, they felt a powerful coercion, and then couldn’t help but kneel on the ground.

Standing on that auspicious cloud was a young man, “Oh, I’ll take my apprentice.” ”

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