As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 148 - Can You Not Joke Like That?

"Thank you for the meal, Granny Ume and Grandpa Jiro. It's delicious!" Himari was happy as she had a fulfilling breakfast.

"We'll come here again," promised Kazuya as he settled the bill at the counter.

"Don't forget your promise, you brat!" Granny Ume handed a paper bag to Himari. She smiled at the couple, "Take these buns with you. Your grandpa has just finished steamed them. Don't forget to eat them, okay? Kazuya has always loved the buns. You have to try them as well, Miss Kato."

"Hehe, thank you, Granny Ume," Himari laughed, "I'd enjoy these buns! En, smells good!"

"Call us before coming here. I'd prepare a special meal for you two!" shouted Grandpa Jiro from the kitchen.

"Okay, Grandpa!"

At seven, Himari and Kazuya walked out of the shop after bidding goodbye to the old couple. They couldn't chat much with Granny Ume and Grandpa Jiro even after finishing their meal. The shop was continuously bustling with new customers, making the couple busy.

"Don't they have any other help?" Himari asked while the two of them walked to where Kazuya parked the car, "It'd be tiring for them to handle everything themselves."

"Usually, they have their grandchildren coming to help," Kazuya opened the door of the passenger seat, gesturing Himari to enter the car, "Maybe they are a bit late today."

"Are you really okay to drive back home?" Himari changed the question. She carefully took in the concealed sleepiness from the man's face, "I could drive, you know?"

Kazuya held back his laughter. Himari was so serious as she repeated the same thing she had told him before as if she wanted him to really believe in her skills.

"Hehe, say, you won't really crash onto something or throw us somewhere?" Kazuya raised up his brows, asking in a teasing way.

Himari blinked. Her smile drooped from her lips. Under Kazuya's confused gaze, she sighed softly.

"Do you really want it to happen?" Himari squinted her eyes. She resumed in a quiet voice, "Can you not joke like that? I don't like that you're joking about accidents."

She really disliked someone joking about unfortunate things like accidents. Although she wasn't a superstitious type, something like this shouldn't be spoken casually.

There was an occurrence when Himari was young. A girl in the same class as her played truant. The girl gave an excuse that her mother was sick so she couldn't go to school. Nothing happened but it left a bad taste in Himari's mouth.

After a few times doing that, something happened in the girl's family. Her mother was fine but, her father was the one who got hospitalized. He was injured when someone ran onto him while riding a bicycle.

Himari didn't know if it was retribution because the girl kept lying continuously but, she was really afraid that it would only need a lie or a joke for it to actually happen.

Kazuya fell into silence at the sight of Himari's sullen face. It was rare to see her showing such a look to him.

"Sorry," Kazuya pursed his lips. He let out a heavy breath, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't joke about something sensitive like this."

Himari nodded lightly. Her smile was faint, "I'm sorry too if you feel uncomfortable by what I've said. I know that you're just joking but..."

"No, don't say you're sorry," Kazuya cut her off. He lifted up one hand and gently stroked her head, feeling the softness of her hair under his touch, "I understood what you meant. I'm sorry again. It's really something we shouldn't joke about."

He just wanted to tease her but, he didn't expect to receive such a reaction from Himari. Even then, Kazuya wouldn't make an excuse for himself because he understood her stance on this matter.

Yes. Some things shouldn't be made into a joke.

Himari beamed like the morning sun hanging above the horizon. Her lips curled upward, "Hehe, okay."

Kazuya felt helpless as he saw how quickly her face changed from being sullen to smiling again. She didn't even be angry at him longer. 

All of a sudden, another musing sprinkled all over his mind, enlightening what was obscured by a dim mist.

He quietly thought that it wasn't bad to always see her smiling happily like this without any concern clouded her eyes.

In the end, Kazuya allowed his young lady to drive. At first, he was on alert as he knew that Himari rarely drove. But, after witnessing how smooth she drove the car, he gradually let his guard down.

Himari let out a snicker when Kazuya suddenly sighed beside her. She gave him a side-eye before focusing back on the road ahead of her.

The journey was smooth because there were not many cars on the road on such an early weekend morning like today. They didn't have to worry about encountering traffic jams. 

"Just sleep if you're sleepy. I could safely bring you all the way home," Himari spoke as she gave a signal before slowly changing lanes.

It was obvious that he was sleepy but he still tried to keep his heavy-lidded eyes open. Himari really wanted to give this man a good nagging.

"Hehe, okay," Kazuya laughed lowly. He leaned his head against the headrest, "It's going to take another half an hour. Wake me up once we arrive at your apartment."


After giving one last look to Himari who was comfortable in the driver's seat, Kazuya finally closed his eyes properly. It didn't take him long before a light snore echoed from him.

Himari held back her chuckle. She lowered down the volume of the radio then quietly continued driving.

It had been a long time since the last one Himari drove a car. She still didn't feel a need to buy one so there was nothing she could do. The public transportation in the city was easily accessible and the fare was affordable.

En, let's just think about buying a car next time.

At a quarter past eight, the dark gray car pulled up in front of the apartment building. Because today was the start of the weekend, the roads were deserted by people save for a few who went for a morning run.

Himari woke Kazuya up. The man groggily rose up from his short slumber. His gaze was blank as he stared dumbly at the laughing Himari.

"Are you that sleepy?" Himari covered her mouth. Her eyes crinkled as she continued laughing, "En, why don't come you inside with me? Wash your face first ah."

"En, it's okay," Kazuya shook his head to refuse her, "I could still drive home."

"Are you sure?"


Seeing that the man was adamant, Himari didn't plan to press him further.

"Then, have some of the candies you save for Chiharu. They would help you stay awake," Himari's eyes fell on the compartment of the dashboard. She still remembered the night Kazuya gave her the candies.

On that night, their relationship changed.

"Okay," Kazuya smiled, "Go home now. You should rest. We're going to the basketball tournament tomorrow."

Himari grinned, "Okay. Be careful."

Both of them got out of the car. Kazuya rounded the car to get to the driver's seat. He watched Himari who was tidying a stray strand of her hair from her face.

Tenderness gleamed in his eyes as the image of the young lady reflected in his dark orbs.

"See you tomorrow," Kazuya gently brushed her bangs, slightly touching her forehead, "I'll text you once I'm home."

Himari looked up from where she stood. Her smile didn't leave her eyes as she softly replied, "Okay."

Kazuya gave her head another ruffle before he told her to go upstairs. He watched until Himari entered her apartment unit and closed the door.

If he followed what his heart desired, Kazuya would just agree with her suggestion. But, he couldn't help but ponder what would her neighbors think when seeing her alone with a man inside her little apartment.

Usually, either Chiharu or Izumi or both would accompany them but, this time he was alone.

It was fine if it was a seldom occurrence but, if Kazuya frequently went in and out of her apartment, it might make some long-tongued people pointed fingers at her.

It's okay. Once their relationship got stronger, or after they stepped into another phase of their relationship, it would be alright for him to treat this place as his second home.

"See you tomorrow."

He whispered softly, letting the wind carried his words to the air before he got inside the car and left the neighborhood.

Although Kazuya actually wanted to invite Himari to the villa, he rejected the idea even before voicing it out to her.

Tomorrow, all of them including Chiharu would go and watch Izumi play for the basketball tournament. Since the game started from early morning to the afternoon, he would just take up all of her time tomorrow. 

It was better to let her rest at home today. There was nothing to rush. He could still meet her again after the next morning arrived.

With such a thought, Kazuya smiled in a pleasant mood. The sleepiness that burdening his eyelids before dispersed together with the morning mist.

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