As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 163 - He Couldn't Help But Wonder What Else This Tiny Body Was Hiding Behind Her Cheerf

At half-past five, Kazuya went to pick Izumi up from his basketball practice. Chiharu was still sleepy when she was woken up by her uncle earlier. The little dumpling's head kept rolling up and down as she wiggled in the child's car seat.

Before he left, Kazuya asked if Himari would like to go on a date with him tomorrow. Just the two of them. They could go for a stroll, shopping or anything that she wanted. 

Only Saturday was plausible for them because Izumi would have his final match on Sunday.

"But, don't you need rest? What about the children?"

Himari asked him with caution even though her eyes brightened the first time she heard his suggestion. It was clear that she was actually delighted. 

His little lady was so silly. Cute, yet silly, he silently thought in amusement.

Even until now, she always focused on the two things every time he invited her for a date.

Either it would disturb his rest time or the arrangement for the children.

Kazuya understood her concerns and he appreciated that but, he was still distressed to hear her being so cautious about his time. 

In the end, Kazuya answered, "Get ready at nine tomorrow. I'd come to pick you up. Oh, our theme tomorrow is white, okay?"

"Okay," Himari smiled, her cheeks blushing.

Since she didn't say anything else, it meant that she was indeed free for the entire Saturday tomorrow.

"Izumi," Kazuya called without looking at the backseat.

"Yes, Uncle?" Izumi glanced at his uncle who was driving. He paused the game on the mobile phone.

"Tomorrow morning, please look after Chiharu. I'll go out. Aunt Mayu would come tomorrow."

Kazuya had made the arrangement with the housekeeper. Aunt Mayu was glad to come even though she rarely worked on the weekend. The capable housekeeper said sometimes, it was boring to stay at home because her children were away, leaving her alone.

"Okay, Uncle."

Izumi didn't ask much. The only thing that came to his mind was his uncle might want to go on a date with his homeroom teacher. If not, Uncle would just stay at home when it was the weekend.

En, just let both of them had a peaceful relationship. It would help him and Chiharu a lot in the future.

Izumi took a peek at his little sister. Chiharu was still sleeping even though Uncle said she had slept since an hour ago.

Izumi estimated that it would be hard for Chiharu to sleep when the night came. 

Aye, would she drag him to watch the princess film again tonight?

That night, even though Chiharu wasn't sleepy due to the long hours of nap she took in the daytime, Kazuya still rushed her to bed at nine o'clock. Izumi silently applauded their uncle for keeping a tight rein on his little sister.

"Chiharu not sleepy! Chiharu wanna watch the princess and prince film," The dumpling angrily bit Kazuya's pajamas sleeve.

Kazuya rolled his eyes. He bent down, carried the dumpling and put her on the pink bed.

"Who told you to sleep so much?" He asked while raising both of his brows, "You could sleep really well even after eating a pancake?"

"Ah! The bunny pancake delicious oh~ Teacher Kato's bunny pancake delicious!"

In an instant, the dumpling's attention was shifted to another matter, much to her uncle's disbelief.

Kazuya sat down on the bed. He silently looked at the dumpling who was now rolling on the bed, messing both her long hair and the bedsheet. 

What Himari conveyed to him a few hours earlier echoed again in his mind.

Kazuya stared at the little ghost in a pink nightgown and messy black long hair. He stifled his laughter.

"Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?"

The dumpling abruptly stopped rolling.


Thus, a happy dumpling was looking for a storybook while her uncle waited on the bed. Chiharu returned from the bookshelf with a yellow book.

Kazuya lifted up his brows, "My Mommy's Pancakes?"

This book was bought by him last year. 

At that time, Kazuya didn't think of anything whenever he read Chiharu this book but, tonight, it gave off a different feeling to him. 

"Hehe, Chiharu made pancakes with Teacher Kato ah," The dumpling obediently lied down on the bed. She hugged her favorite bunny plush toy while staring at her uncle, "Chiharu has no mommy but, Chiharu has Teacher Kato to make pancakes together now hehe~"

A sharp pain stabbed into his heart at the sound of her soft and milky voice.

"Did you really enjoy making the pancakes with Teacher Kato?" Kazuya softened his voice.

Chiharu laughed in joy. She kept nodding her head, "Teacher Kato said, we can do so much more ah~ Playing together, shopping together, wearing matchy matchy dress!"

The dumpling had already imagined the days she could spend hours and hours with her favorite aunt-to-be.

"Okay. It's good that you enjoyed it," Kazuya coughed awkwardly. He smiled at the dumpling before opening the storybook. The adorable illustration of the storybook fell into his eyes. He began to read, "Uncle will read now. Ehem... 'My mommy is a good cook. She can'..."

As Kazuya read the story while occasionally micmiking some gestures to make the story more interesting, Chiharu's eyes gradually closed, lured by her sleepiness. 

The dumpling would shake her head whenever she felt sleepy. She was intent to listen to the story until the end but, she still failed in the end.

"...I said, "Mommy, Mommy, make..."

Kazuya paused as he looked at the sleeping Chiharu.

The dumpling was breathing evenly with her bunny next to her. A sweet smile curved on her chubby face. At times, she smacked her lips as if she was dreaming of eating something delicious.

Kazuya felt complicated inside.

He couldn't help but wonder what else this tiny body was hiding behind her cheerful smile?

Kazuya put down the book. He reached out both hands and gently tucked the little girl in the pink floral blanket. Chiharu hummed in her sleep before she rolled over to one side.

"Chiharu, Uncle just hope that you and your brother could be happy, even without your mother and father by your side."

His voice was so low inside the quiet bedroom.

Kazuya dropped a kiss on the dumpling's forehead, silently wishing all the happiness of the world would be in her favor.

She was so small and delicate.

If he wasn't there to shield her, what would become of this little body?

Kazuya silently left the room. He went to Izumi's room next door. He leaned his body against the doorframe, staring at Izumi who was lying on the bed.

"Uncle," The boy looked up from the comic book he was reading, "Has Chiharu fell asleep?"

"En," Kazuya smiled. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something before he pulled back his intention. In the end, Kazuya just said, "Uncle's going to sleep soon. Don't stay up till late."

"Okay. Good night, Uncle," Izumi nodded.

Kazuya closed the door. He made his way to his bedroom. 

The hallways were dimly lit by the moonlight illuminated from outside the windows. His shadows elongated on the floor, appearing too lonely tonight.

Somehow, he felt so helpless. This unbearable feeling invoked undesirable memories to keep resurfacing into his mind.

The moon was beautiful yet, it was so far away.

"Just put them in the orphanage. You can't take care of them anyway."

"Are you sure you want to do this? You're backing away from your dreams!"

"Ha, so annoying. Do everything you like."

"Why can't you choose us? Have you ever loved me?"

Kazuya paused his step. He lowered his gaze to the floor underneath his feet.

It's fine, it's alright.

Kazuya clenched and unclenched his fists a few times. The muscles on his face grew stiffer as time passed by.

He had endured so much. Why couldn't he bear much longer?

Kazuya shook his head, chasing away all of the burdensome thoughts.

He didn't need the ugly voices to undermine his resolve. There was nothing to validate to the people who rejected him when he was at his lowest.

The only ones that matter were the people who kept standing with him ever since before.

And, now, there was her.

Kazuya continued walking. The moon followed from behind.

He hoped the day would come soon.

A soft smile curled up on his lips as Kazuya was reminded of the drawing he gifted to her the other day. 

The drawing was framed and placed beside the wicker basket. The mere sight of it helped to lift up his mood.

He really, really wanted to see her again.

Next morning.

Himari woke up at six. She had enough time to clean her apartment and do some laundry before going out with Kazuya at nine. 

The man asked her if she wanted to do something but, Himari really couldn't think of anything. She just let Kazuya decided. She doubted that he didn't have any idea in mind. 

At half-past eight, Himari was already getting ready. She chose a white cotton one-piece dress for today's occasion. The scallop-edged V-neck revealed the delicate necklace Himari wore. She matched the necklace with a dainty ring on her finger.

"Meow~" Chobi entered the bedroom. He had just finished his breakfast.

Himari looked down at her furry son. She laughed in joy, "Hehe, Chobi, why don't you go out to meet Yuki today? Your mama here is going for a date ah."

Chobi flicked his tail. He showed an indifferent look to his mama before he went to bask under the sun.

Himari ignored her rude son. She picked her favorite perfume and gave herself a good spritz. The sweet fruity scent floated in the air, enhancing her mood.

Ring~ Ring~

Himari put down the perfume bottle. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the name displayed on the screen. She quickly answered the phone.

"Hello, Granny Saichi! What..."

Before Himari could finish her greetings, the old woman's words thundered in her mind.

She sat frozen on the vanity chair.

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