As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 188 - For The First Time, We Have A Fight

"I'll bring dinner home. Immediately call me if there's anything."

"Okay, Uncle. Don't worry. Chiharu has been napping. There won't be trouble."

Kazuya stifled his laugh once he heard Izumi's choice of words.

The meaning was clear. As long as the dumpling was sleeping soundly, no trouble would fall in the span of time their uncle went out of the villa.

"I'm going now," Kazuya walked out of the entryway, he closed the door behind him.

Once they left the studio, Kazuya brought the siblings to their favorite restaurant. Even though his mother wanted them to stay for lunch, he vehemently rejected her suggestion.

Maybe because of how serious their conversation was before, his mother didn't continue pressing on the matter. She just watched the three of them left the area of the studio.

Kazuya didn't even bother to ease the lingering tension around them. He simply ushered the children into the car.

As usual, Chiharu was the only one who waving goodbye at Madam Tokioka with a bright smile plastered on her face. The bubbly little girl was thoroughly overjoyed because she received a beautiful sparkly tiara from her grandmother.

Chiharu vowed to wear it with a pretty dress!

Kazuya arrived at Himari's apartment twenty minutes later. His eyes drifted to her apartment unit as he parked the car. Without him realizing it, his lips curled up into a tender smile.

It was a good idea to come here to see her. He really needed to do something to help him to mellow out.

If possible, Kazuya wanted to treat what happened with his mother as nothing. But, he couldn't shake off the unpleasant feeling completely.

Kazuya quickly went upstairs. He pushed the doorbell twice.

The moment the door was opened, a face beaming with a smile was carved into his eyes.

"You're here already. Come in," invited Himari. She moved away from the door, giving room for the man to enter.

Kazuya's smile softened. He patted his stomach, "I'm hungry."

"Oh, you've just arrived yet that's the first thing you said to me?" Himari threw him a glare.

The man laughed with a helpless look on his face.

Kazuya entered the apartment, placed his shoes at the entryway then wore a pair of man's home slippers. The slippers were recently added to this apartment, something little that made him happy.

Izumi and Chiharu had their own shares as well. Theirs were placed inside the shoebox.

Kazuya followed Himari. She was talking about what food should they have for lunch. It was quite late already as the time was showing a quarter past two o'clock.

Chobi wasn't at home. He vanished somewhere else after eating a hearty lunch.

"You can handle spicy food, don't you? Well, it's not too spicy actually. I plan to make some creamy tom yum pasta. Is that okay?"

"I don't mind it," Kazuya took off his jacket before he draped it on the strawberry couch. His eyes fell on her, "Let's prepare the ingredients. I'll help you."

"Okay~" Himari smiled, her eyes curved softly.

Making the dish didn't require a tedious amount of effort. But, if her boyfriend offered help, why should she refuse? 

She won't let him have lunch here without doing some job ah.

"Wear this apron," Himari took out a navy blue apron from a cabinet, unfolded it then tiptoed to put the strap over Kazuya's neck.

Kazuya suppressed a grin. He stared down at the lady who came ever closer to him, "So, you've expected me to be a helper here? Where did you get this apron?"

"Of course, there's no such thing as free lunch, don't you know?" answered Himari righteously, "I bought it at a thrift shop. It only cost me a dime."

Kazuya let out a helpless laugh. An idea struck his mind the moment Himari wanted to back away after putting the apron over him. 

Reaching out both hands, Kazuya pulled Himari back to him. His lady was startled by the unexpected embrace.


Kazuya held her so close to him. He chuckled, his warm breath fanning over her neck. Kazuya put his chin on her right shoulder.

"Tie the straps at the back. How could you just do it halfway?"

His teasing tone made Himari blushed. She coughed awkwardly before she fumbled to hold the two straps of the apron and began to make a knot, securing the apron over his body.


What a new way to tie the apron. Should he really hug her because of this?

Himari wanted to find a hole to bury herself into because there was no way that Kazuya didn't hear how loud her heart was beating right now. 

Although this was not the first time they were in such an intimate position, Himari couldn't help but still blush. 


A slightly messy knot was tied on the man's back. 

Shouldn't he let go of her already?

Himari's guess didn't come true as Kazuya suddenly tightening his arms around her. He rubbed his face over one side of her head, the loose strand of her hair tickled his skin but he just laughed softly.

"Kazuya?" Himari lowered her voice. Seeing that the man didn't give her any response, she asked cautiously, "Are you alright? After meeting your mother?"

Her hands that were hanging aimlessly after tying the apron were now gently patting his back. Himari just let this man continued to embrace her.

His chest was hard. The warmth exuded by him slowly seeped into her skin.

The moment Kazuya shared with her about the situation of his family as well as how uncomfortable for him to meet his own mother, Himari understood he was opening up more and more about himself to her.

Until now, they were being together for just a short while but, this man had already shown her such a vulnerable side. 

Himari's questions were answered by a weak laugh from Kazuya. 

"It's nothing," He buried his face into her neck, taking in her familiar sweet scent, "It's just... For the first time, we really have a fight. I... lashed out at her."

"A fight?"

Startled, Himari pushed Kazuya away slightly, just enough to see his face.

The man was still smiling but, the anguish in his eyes was unconcealable.

"What did you guys fight about?" Himari frowned, concern lingered in between her brows, "Did she say something that upset you?" 

"Cough, it's nothing, really," Kazuya forced a smile on his face. He put his palm over Himari's head, "We should start cooking now. You must have been hungry. It's already this late."


Himari dropped the subject in the face of Kazuya's reluctance. The man gave her a grateful look as she didn't press on the matter anymore.

Both of them started working in the kitchen.

While Himari was boiling the pasta, Kazuya helped to peel the shrimps and slice the squids. The vegetables; bell peppers, baby spinach, baby corns and had been washed by Himari earlier before he came.

"Where did you get this?"

Kazuya pointed out a small bottle of tom yum paste. Inside the bottle, reddish-brown paste appeared appealing to the eyes as he recalled the delicious yet spicy cuisine whenever he visited a Thai restaurant.

"Aunt Mio gave it to me. Her niece just got back from Thailand," Himari raised up her eyes from the pot, she smiled at him, "I found the recipe on the internet. Looks so yummy."

Not long after, two plates of creamy tom yum pasta were served on the dining table. The fragrant scent of the tom yum floated in the air, alleviating the couple's appetite.

"It's delicious," remarked Kazuya after taking a bite. He grinned at Himari who sat opposite him, "Seems like I made a good choice by not having lunch yet today."

Himari poked onto the sliced bell pepper, she sent one of it hanging before her mouth as she replied, "Hehe, isn't it tastier because a beautiful lady accompanies you right now?"

Kazuya burst into laughter. His eyes gleamed with tenderness, "Sounds like it's the truth."

Himari grinned. She pushed the bell pepper inside her mouth. The tips of her ears reddened due to feeling bashful even though she was the one who made the joke.

The light in the man's eyes mellowed as he fondly looking at his lady.

After finishing their late lunch, Kazuya washed the dirty plates and cups while Himari wiped the dining table. Both of them were silent as they did their own task.

Even so, the air around them was engulfed by harmony.

Kazuya didn't immediately go back home after lunch. The couple spent time together in the living room.

"Let's play this?"

Himari happily showed something to Kazuya.

The man was amused, "A jigsaw puzzle?"

"Hehe, a 100-pieces jigsaw puzzle," Himari put the puzzle on the low table. She sat next to Kazuya, "I bought it yesterday when I went out with a teacher from school."

"Ah," Kazuya squinted his eyes. He shot a disappointed look at Himari, "I forgot that you went out with another person after rejecting your boyfriend's offer to have dinner with you last night."

Himari giggled. She blinked her eyes a few times, her lips curling up, "En, but today I cooked a delicious dish for my boyfriend. Wasn't that enough as compensation already?"

Kazuya smirked. He rested his chin over the back of his hand, "Huh, it's not fair. I cooked for you too before. How could this be enough?"

Himari brought the puzzle board to her face. She eyed Kazuya suspiciously, her pouting lips were concealed by the board, "Then, what should I do?"

Aye, since her man was feeling gloomy today, she should just entertain his pettiness.

Kazuya smiled. He took the puzzle board, put it down on the table then scooped Himari to sit on his lap. Although his lady was startled, he still hugged her from behind.

"Didn't you say you'd offer me a hug? Let me hug you a bit more," Kazuya spoke softly, he placed his chin on Himari's left shoulder.

"...en, okay ah."

Himari lowered her face. She didn't dare to turn around and look at the man behind. Blush spread from her cheeks to her neck.

Day by day, she found that a certain someone grew to like holding and touching her. 

Although she was ashamed to admit it, Himari had to say that she enjoyed their closeness.

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