As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 58 - Don't Be Afraid, My Love. You're Not Alone

It wasn't only Himari who was busy packing her belongings that night. Yuina also did the same but, she was arranging Ryuu's luggage.

As scheduled, her husband would go for the film tour of 'Nil: Cease to Exist' with the rest of the crew.

Yuina started by folding a few sets of clothes before focusing on the smaller items. Ryuu was quietly sitting next to her as he listened to her words.

He wanted to help but, if he reached out a hand to take either the clothes or the other items, his wife would just smack his hand.

Thus, Ryuu just accepted the way his wife was pampering him before he had to go for a long time.

"This is your sunscreens. I think Riku has prepared some for you but, just take along the extras. Don't forget to reapply them. It's for your skin's good as well."

Yuina put a few tubes of sunscreens inside a small compartment in the bag. The brand was Ryuu's favorite. Besides that, a few tubes and bottles of skincare products were stored in the next compartment.

"Your skin looks a bit dehydrated. Drink plenty of water and don't forget to layer your hydrating toner, especially at night," Yuina reminded him of another matter again.

"Riku said she would bring the shower cream from the brand that you've just started endorsing. Just use it. We could lessen your bag's weight in this way. Ah, I think she said she would bring the shampoo and conditioner too but, could you use them? Let's just use the ones at home, okay?"

Ryuu didn't mind much about which shower cream or shampoo he had to use but, Yuina was a bit particular about changing the shampoo. Some parts of his scalp would turn itchy if he randomly changed the brand that he used.

"I'll follow anything my wife says," Ryuu answered while grinning, "My wife knows me best."

Yuina shot him a glare. Ryuu reacted by smooching her cheeks hard, earning a smack on the chest by his wife.

Once the luggage had been packed, Yuina placed it aside. Riku and Yousuke would come to pick Ryuu up tomorrow morning. All the cast and crew would board the flight for ten hours before landing at the first country of their tour.

The husband and wife went downstairs, heading to the kitchen. Before Yuina could brew a pot of tea for them, Ryuu grabbed the tea leaves can first.

Yuina just smiled as she watched her husband brewing their favorite tea at the kitchen island. Little by little, hot steam swirled up from the teapot. Ryuu poured both of them a cup of tea each.

"Thank you, my darling husband~"

Ryuu smiled. He placed a cup in front of his wife, "Be careful. It's hot."

Yuina returned his smile. She took the cup, gently blew a wind to the steaming hot tea. After a few minutes, she sipped it.

The flavor of raspberry and cherries infused with the black tea burst in her tongue. Her eyes sparkled in delight.

"En, delicious," Yuina licked her lips in satisfaction.

Ryuu's eyes softened at the sight of her smiling.

Both of them stayed in the kitchen with tea to accompany them. It was one of the last moments together before Ryuu had to depart tomorrow.

"I've asked Hiro to come and visit you whenever he could," Ryuu suddenly mentioned Yuina's cousin. He placed the empty teacup on the saucer.

Yuina blinked, a bit confused, "Why?"

Then, a realization dawned on her.

Her husband was worried if her aunt suddenly pulled out a stunt and tried to do something to her. In this case, only Hiro could be trusted.

She felt both distressed and touched.

"You don't have to do this. She's all bark and no bite."

Ryuu sullenly shook his head, "I know you don't want me to mention it but, you do know that he would come out of the prison sometime next year, isn't it?"

The fingertips that were touching the cup stiffened so did Yuina's whole expression,

"...I know."

How could she not remember when would that bastard got freedom? If possible, she wanted to run far away from here before he came out from behind the bars.

Sensing his wife's budding fear, Ryuu moved closer and gently brought her in his arms. He patted her back, running his wide palm from the top of her head down her spine.

"He could no longer harm you. I swear that. Don't be afraid, my love. You're not alone."


Yuina tightly hugged him, trying to absorb his warmth to disperse her icy cold fear.

Ryuu's heart tightened by how vulnerable his wife appeared right now.

He actually had a plan. Before that scumbag came out, he wanted to bring her away from this place.

But, he had to convince her first.

As much as she feared that man, his wife loved this place. This was where both of her parents were buried.

"Let's go to bed," Ryuu breathed out, "You should sleep now. Don't think about him anymore."

Yuina lightly shook her head. She tilted up her chin, looking at his eyes.

This man was the one she had ever loved.

And, he would be far from here starting tomorrow.

"Ryuu, I want you," She whispered softly with her hands holding the back of his waist.

Let me keep you with me for a moment longer before you have to go.

Ryuu silently stared back at his wife. He nodded before he leaned down and gently captured her lips.

"Whatever my wife wants, I would fulfill it."

Yuina's eyes twinkled. She lifted up her hand and hooked his neck, pulling him closer to her.

Even though they would be apart for a long time, she wanted him to keep remembering her until the time they would reunite.

He was her life.

The night changed to another day.

While Yuina was lamenting Ryuu's departure, Himari was in a tough spot as well.

Tonight was the night of the dreadful reunion dinner.

Himari arrived at the hotel by cab. The brightly lit chandeliers and exquisite lamps illuminating the entire area of the hotel.

"Just park your car, then. I'd wait in the lobby. What? Hah, don't be too worried. It's not like I'm going into a battle."

Himari was busy talking with Nanako on the phone as she entered the lobby of Crowne Hotel.

Once she got back from school, Himari rested for a bit before getting ready.

For the occasion, she chose a light yellow chiffon dress. Once again, it was made by Nanako for her.

The collar was in color white, creating harmony with the pastel yellow color of the dress. From the waist down to the knee, the skirt was in an array of smooth pleats. Every time Himari moved, the skirt twirled along with her.

Her arms were encased in light yellow lacy fabric with white cuffs secured around her wrists. With her long black hair cascading behind her shoulders, the colors black and light yellow created a stark contrast with each other.

Himari chose to wear a pair of nude heels that she bought during the Christmas sale last year. She hadn't really gotten a chance to wear them so tonight's gathering was a perfect excuse for it.

"Yes, yes. I'm already heading to the lobby," Nanako groaned, "Don't move even if you saw our classmates, okay?"

Himari burst into laughter at Nanako's incessant worrying, "Alright, alright. I wait for you next to the fountain. Hurry up. I'm hungry already."


The reunion would be held in one of the private rooms on the seventh floor, the Ruby Room at eight o'clock. They still had fifteen minutes before the appointed time.


Himari's eyes brightened up. Without seeing, she could already tell it was Kazuya.

[Kazuya: MoonBoyKnockingDoor.jpg]

[Kazuya: You there?]

Himari found that lately, Kazuya liked using the same way to greet her whenever he texted her first. It was amusing, really.

She quickly snapped a photo of the exquisite fountain and sent it to him.

[Himari: Fountain.jpg]

[Himari: Waiting for Nanako here. What are you doing?]

He should already be at home, wasn't he?

Tomorrow was the start of the Golden Holiday week so most people were not preoccupied with work anymore. 

But, his reply surprised her. 

[Kazuya: What if I say I'm at the same hotel as you?]

She blinked and read it again.

[Himari: Do you have work to do here?]

[Kazuya: Heh, sorry. Well, I'm still at home actually, but]

[Kazuya: I have something to tell you. Could we meet for a while or would the reunion end late?]

[Kazuya: If not, we can meet some other time]

Himari tilted her head, thinking what was it that Kazuya wanted to tell her. He sounded urgent, wasn't he? If not, he wouldn't mention it right at this time.

While Himari was thinking, three people stopped in front of her. Their actions garnered attention from her. She slowly lifted up her eyes and finally met the faces of those who were from the memories of her past.

"Hey, is that you, Himari?" One of them, a tall man with gold-rimmed glasses spoke first, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you go upstairs?"

Himari's smile was a bit stiff.

She never really liked to interact with them.

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