As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 75 - My Grandma Wants You To Be Her Grandson-In-Law!

On the second day of the holiday, Himari, Akemi and Chobi embarked on a journey to the strawberry farm. They went there as early as seven since they needed to take a bus trip before changing into a cab.

At the same time, in the city, Yuina had just fixed herself a simple breakfast. She was currently laying on the long couch in the living room, admiring the clear blue sky outside the floor-to-ceiling glass walls.

In the spacious duplex condominium unit, she was the only person there. This week-long holiday would be a boring one because her husband was not here again.

Yes. Ryuu was busy with his global tour.

The news of Film Emperor Ishizaki Ryuu touched down in an airport overseas was not a secret. All of his hardcore fans went to welcome his arrival there yesterday. Vibrant colored banners and placards added liveliness to the already busy airport.

"Ryuu-Ryuu IS HERE!"

"Ah! I breathe the same air as him! Ryuu-Ryuu! I LOVE YOU!"

"He's so handsome! How could he look so godly handsome even when doing nothing?!"

Those kinds of chantings were nothing. Yuina had heard even the embarrassing ones.


"Ryuu-Ryuu! Come home with me! Be my husband!"

"RYUU! My grandma wants you to be her grandson-in-law! MARRY ME AH!"

Even until now, Yuina still couldn't get used to how passionate her husband's fans. She always wondered how could Ryuu maintain a professional smile in front of those fans that wanted to bring him home.



He's her husband ah. No one could steal him away from her.

Ring~ Ring~

Yuina's daydream was shattered by the sound of the phone ringing. She lazily stretched out a hand to get the phone from the coffee table. Her eyes lit up instantly once she saw the Caller ID.

Yuina quickly accepted the call.


Her voice raised up an octave and sounded so bright, showing how happy she was to receive the call.

"Hey, hey, Sister! What are you doing this week? Fancy a date with your brother?" Hiro was quick to say the real intention of him calling her.

Yuina laughed freely, "At what time? Which day? Your sister, I would be a salted fish if I continued staying in my home without going out. Is there anywhere you want to go?"

This was just the second day but Yuina already didn't know what to do.

Yesterday, she spent most of her time cleaning the house. The hard labor helped to ease her boredom. But, today, she only thought out lying on the couch or watching the TV nonstop.

Her best friend, Kanna was still outside the city. She wouldn't be back in a short time.

"How about we go for a trip? I've looked into a farm resort. We can try almost everything there!"

Hiro's words incited laughter from Yuina. She didn't expect her cousin brother wanted to ask her out for a trip.

"Alright, alright. Let's go over there. But, how many days are the trip for? I have to pack my clothes for it," Yuina agreed without thinking.

A trip to a farm resort sounded fun. Yuina remembered that she heard Teacher Kato and Teacher Ayase spoke about it last week. It seemed like it was Teacher Kato who would go to the farm resort.

"It's three days and two nights trip! Don't worry about everything else, Sister! Pack your suitcase and I'll pick you up at nine today. Is that okay?"

"That soon?" Yuina was shocked, "Are you serious?"


"...You want more time just to pack clothes?" Hiro lowered his voice, feeling clueless as to why did his sister sound a bit mad and surprised.

"Stinky brat! You suddenly gave me short notice! I thought you want to go there tomorrow!"

An impulse to slap her silly brother came up suddenly.

Why couldn't he at least tell her last night?

"Sorry... Ah! It's the same ah! Let's just go today!" Hiro wailed, "Going today or tomorrow is just the same!"

Yuina rubbed her forehead in helplessness, "Alright, alright. Send me the location of the farm resort. I want to do a quick search on it. Then, I'll tell you again. Send me the itinerary too."

What if her brother actually stupid enough to book a camping trip instead of a comfortable room in the resort?

It had happened once so Yuina just wanted to be careful.

If not, she might end up sleeping inside a tent while wearing her spring dress.

"Sister! I won't do that again, okay?" Hiro quickly defended himself. He knew what his sister was worried about. He kept on explaining, "Besides, Brother Ryuu was the one who arranged this trip before he went for the tour. He chose the farm resort because he said you'd like it there."

Yuina was baffled.

"...He did?"

"Yes! So, go and pack your clothes now! I'll come as soon as I can. Bye-bye!"


As if he was afraid his sister would continue asking him questions or worse, nagging him, Hiro quickly hung up the call without waiting for Yuina to say anything.

"This brat!"

Her mouth said that but Yuina was actually pleased with her husband's arrangement.

Ryuu did say he ask Hiro to check on her during the time he was away but Yuina didn't expect to have a trip arranged by her dear husband next.

Hehe, it seemed like it would be a really nice trip.

"Ah! I have to pack up!"

Yuina leaped from the couch, landing on her feet. Then, she ran upstairs.

Her mind swiftly worked to think of which clothes she should bring, how many she should take and the other necessary items for the trip.

Yuina had to be quick because the time had already shown to eight o'clock in the morning.

While she was packing her clothes and other items, Yuina couldn't help but nag about Hiro.

"If he kept acting like this, don't think that he won't be dumped by his girlfriend later if he ever has one."

How could that brat assume a woman could easily pack her trip suitcase within just an hour?!

She herself had always begun packing in a week before the trip!

After packing her suitcase, Yuina quickly changed her home clothes out. She chose a light spring dress to be paired with a jacket. The air outside was a bit cold. It was better if she wore layers.

At the appointed time, Yuina brought her suitcase out of the duplex after making sure everything inside was safe. Then, she made her way down to the lobby.

To the receptionist, Yuina made a record saying that she wouldn't be home until the last day of the trip. Although the security of this luxurious residence complex was high, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Ring, ring~

"Are you here already?" Yuina answered the phone while walking away from the receptionist's desk.

"Yeah. Sister, where are you? Do you need me to help you carry your luggage?"

"I'm at the lobby already. Where are you?"

Walking out of the lobby, Yuina headed to the visitor's car park. Hiro was able to enter the compound because Ryuu had bought a special pass for him. Whenever he wanted to come here, Hiro just had to show the pass to the security guard without being questioned too much.


Yuina whistled once she found her brother's car.

Hiro could drive but he had yet to own a car. He found it unnecessary because he always used public transportations to go to work. If needed, he would just rent one.

But, what's wrong with her brother today?

Why did he suddenly rent a luxury car?

The black Range Rover appeared so sleek and sturdy.


A man in his mid-20s jumped out of the car.

Hiro was as tall as Ryuu but, unlike Ryuu who had a masculine appearance, Hiro looked more youthful with his always bright countenance.

Today, he dressed in a black shirt and a pair of dark blue denim pants. A pair of sunglasses hung from the collar of his shirt.

His whole appearance today further increased the points of his good looks.

Yuina narrowed her eyes as she stared at him, "Why do you look so neat and tidy today?"

"...! Sister, I have always been neat and tidy!" He quickly defended himself.

Hiro felt so wrong.

He deliberately dressed up because he hadn't had a chance to meet his sister for a long time.

How could she chide him as soon as they met? Q^Q

"Say, why do you rent this car?"

Yuina pressed on the matter once she got inside the car. While latching the seatbelt over her, she turned to look at Hiro who had just returned from putting her suitcase inside the trunk.

Although Hiro's job was pretty good, this dear brother of hers would often live frugally. It was rare for him to spend so much money in a time like this. He would rather spend his money on the people he cared for instead of himself.

"Hehe, my good brother-in-law paid for the rent. I just picked the best," Hiro answered smugly.

Yuina shook her head.

She didn't know when did her husband and her brother made a deal about this.

"Well, since my husband paid for it, of course, I have to get the best," Yuina shrugged.

Hiro coughed awkwardly.

"Huh! You asked me as if you disliked it," Hiro harrumphed.

Yuina gave him a soft laugh.

It was good to spend this holiday going on an enjoyable trip.

She really needed it.

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