Hello everyone, I am Yiweixi.

So far, the story content of the second volume of "Ajin Musume Completion Manual" has come to an end.

Everyone has their own opinions on the plot. Here I will only talk about a few things I want to say on a creative level, as well as some previews of the content of the next volume.

First of all, many readers of this volume have actually figured out that the character I really wanted to write about was Elizabeth. She was my original human heroine, but in the end, I made her a female supporting character and used Another set of plans to tell her story.

As early as in this volume, I have already written the theme of this volume through the mouth of Jasmine's mother: "Love is a blessing, love is also a curse." This word cannot describe any of the characters who appear. It is for Elizabeth alone. Designed.

She was a badass woman who was half good and half bad, and I spent an entire volume writing about that trait.

When she does not appear, all the setbacks and tricks that Fisher encounters come from her. This is her cold-blooded, ruthless, crazy but inexhaustible side; when she appears in front of the readers, she is the loving one. But poor Elizabeth, not only does she love Fisher, she actually has a sense of responsibility for Nally. She knows that leaving Nally to Dexter will have no future.

Note: In the annihilation line where the demi-human girl has not completed the manual, she actually ended up marrying Fisher and giving up the plan. Therefore, the world destroyed by the four annihilators will have some subtle changes after Elizabeth ascends the throne. Change.

Therefore, for such a character, I foresee that readers will have polarized evaluations of her. Some will love her very much because of her good qualities, and some will hate her very much because of her bad qualities.

Rationally speaking, designing her as a yandere who is popular, not so sick, and then opening a Shura shop may be the right way to make money by writing online articles. In fact, I know this very well, but in the end, I still don’t want to give up this Characters, especially when I write female characters, I take them into account when writing them. This leads to me being convinced that Elizabeth is such a person when she first appears.

The foreshadowing clues I wrote in Chapter 150 have made it very clear that in fact, when Elizabeth first appeared, this ending was already doomed. I basically did not modify the outline of any chapter and content you see, including Anna.

In the original plan, Anna would not die, she would be reincarnated into the "Treasure of Life".

This can be proven by foreshadowing, because anyone else who uses [meat transplant] technology, such as the artificial witches and Blake of the Witch Research Institute, will have their appearance distorted because of this, but Anna will not. She is gathering After taking the flesh and blood of all the sisters, she became the most beautiful person.

Erwind's previous experiments failed precisely because none of the experimental subjects had as pure a belief as Anna and her sisters, and Anna also received praise for this belief, and she was reborn, and in future chapters She will also appear.

Of course, I'm not saying how well I wrote this volume, because it can be seen with the naked eye that it still has many shortcomings, such as combat power, the improvement of the male protagonist's golden finger, etc.

In particular, this kind of design will be very unfriendly to readers who have been following the reading, and there will be something strange before the full picture of the matter emerges.

But once there is a lack of reading of books, the creator will be very hit, and sometimes he will really feel conflicted because of this.

Therefore, I must sincerely thank all the readers who have been following me for a long time. Thank you for your continued support. I will improve this situation in the next volume.

Oh, yes, there is also the matter of Jasmine.

In fact, as the heroine, her current character is not the one I ultimately want to write, because I don’t want a silly and sweet image to be her label. There will be plots dedicated to her in the future, so there is no need to worry about her image.

Finally, let’s briefly talk about the content of the next volume.

The next volume will go to the North. I have briefly laid the groundwork for these last few pictures, and will write about other content later.

And, to my delight, there will be a lot of demi-humans appearing in the next volume!

The main force in the next volume is the demi-human girl, which happens to correspond to the main plot of Fisher using the demi-human girl to complete the manual and confront the Life Minister. Of course, there are other branches, but according to the outline, The style of the next volume is very different from this one, and it will become more relaxed. In fact, writing this kind of writing does not require too much effort.

After leaving Elizabeth and Saint-Nali, Fisher will begin to let himself go completely. Then of course the next heroine will appear in the next volume, and my writing will mainly fall on her.

Oh, and one last thing, that is, in theory, there will now be five demi-girl heroines.

Originally, the synopsis included a demi-human female co-star who had a very important role. I thought she was also a very attractive lady, so I would add more color to her in the future.

So, Jiang Zi, the second volume ends here, and the third volume will start immediately,

【God of the Sky in the North】

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