Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 225 1. Chaos species

It was a fine afternoon. At this time, in the shade on the deck of the Iceberg Queen, Fisher was holding a pen and writing something in a book.

Beside his shoulder, a floating book kept whispering something in this gentleman's ears,

"No, no, how could it look like this! Your painting skills can only be described as too ugly. It makes my hands really itchy. I wish I could grow hands right away to help you draw. You are a dragon race. Everyone can draw quite well, why can’t they draw [Chaos Species]?”

Fischer glanced at the floating Emhardt speechlessly, and refrained from tearing out a few pages from his book.

If there is really a painter in the world who can paint a portrait that is 100% consistent with Emhart's description, he will really worship him devoutly, not to worship his superb painting skills, but just to praise his Hundreds of times beyond human understanding.

After swallowing a bad breath, Fisher rubbed his brows and said to Emhart,

"伱, repeat the characteristics of the Chaos Species again."

"Oh, you are an anthropologist. Although this is my first time working with other people, I dare to conclude that your IQ is already in the middle and lower levels of the entire world."

Looking at Fisher, who looked unhappy in front of him, Emhart's second half of his sentence came to an abrupt end. He coughed a few times, stopped complaining about Fisher's painting skills, and concentrated on describing the appearance of [Chaos Species].

"Ahem, let me tell you about the chaos species again. This is a very dangerous sub-human race. If you don't recognize it and suffer a loss later, don't blame me. You know, in the past, you humans were Many people died because of the Chaos Species. If it weren't for magic, you would have been exterminated long ago."

"First of all, the Chaos Species are a very weird sub-human being. Their body is not a lump of matter that can be recognized in the real world. It is very close to the soul you know. When they come to the real world, they will be Forced to produce the corresponding reality [carrier], this reality [carrier] is what we often call the [chaos species] demi-human."

Even if he listened to Emhardt's explanation again, Fisher was still in a completely vague category about demihumans such as Chaos Species, but it could not be said that there was nothing gained at all.

After hearing this, he quickly raised his eyebrows, thought of a piece of known knowledge, and said,

"You mean, the body of the Chaos Species actually comes from the spirit world?"

"Ah, yes, it's the spirit world. Now you know that the spirit world and the real world are completely covered, but you definitely know nothing about the situation there. Although I know very little, fortunately, neither is Paimon. I learned a little bit about the spiritual world from her."

"Paimon describes the spiritual world as a 'melting pot of massive consciousness', which is full of chaotic consciousness and knowledge. Those contents are mixed together all the time and are in constant motion. At the same time, the spiritual world is also in contact with reality. are closely related, and you humans should know this best. Your magic uses a very strange method to leverage the feedback from the spirit world. I don’t know who taught you this method, but the person who designed this method definitely He is a genius; on the contrary, things in the real world will also have feedback on the spiritual world."

"The constantly flowing thoughts of countless creatures and the soul fluctuations born from the cycle of life and death are making the consciousness of the spiritual world more and more chaotic. This is a good thing for the world, which allows it to better support changes. The real world is becoming more complex, making the creatures in it more and more intelligent. Otherwise, where do you think the souls of so many new lives in your species come from?"

"It is precisely because the environment in the spiritual world is very chaotic and dangerous that the sober intelligences born in it are extremely dangerous and high-ranking beings. Chaos species is one of them, and it is also the one with the largest number. Among other intelligences Regardless of the situation, they quickly occupied the spiritual world with their numerical superiority."

It turns out that this is the case. If the ontology of the Chaos Seed comes from the spiritual world, then when you enter the interface between the spiritual world and reality, are those star-like eyes you see the true body of the Chaos Seed?

"But one day, the chaos species were fed up with the darkness and loneliness in the spiritual world, and began to try to break through and reach the real world. Their huge and strong souls were forced to adapt under the distortion of the rules, resulting in the reality of [ Carrier], and also possesses all the characteristics of reality, including gender, lifespan, feeding needs, etc. This is the source of the [Chaos Species] demi-humans that we can see and touch."


When Emhart said this, Fisher suddenly thought of Renee.

I still remember that when her magic power overflowed, the magic power would automatically form a material body outside her body, which was the Hart bird.

So, will Renee's principle of producing the Hart Bird be similar or even the same as that of the Chaos Species?

Fisher had always thought that this was a special characteristic caused by excessive magical power. Now it seems that this may not be the case, but Fisher has no evidence to conclude.

"The appearance of these chaotic species is as twisted as the essence of their will, and their appearance is indescribable, so they probably have a human shape, and then have characteristics such as tentacles, black hair, and fair skin, so you can Has it been drawn?"

Fisher frowned and drew a dark stick figure in his notebook, and then added a few hairs and tentacles to their heads at random, making them look like the cartoon characters in Saint Paris who bought squid tentacles. Abstract, but I didn’t expect Emhart to say that this was the best painting he had ever done.

It seems that it’s not that I’m not good at painting, but that my aesthetics are different.

After all, a book is different from a person's physique, and Fisher soon realized that this guy had never seen the true form of the Chaos Species at all. He only described it like this just to brag to himself, pretending that he knew a lot.

"Although I don't know why you are asking about the chaos species, I still remind you that their level of reality [carrier] is so high that it is unimaginable for humans, let alone their true form in the spiritual world. Once you encounter Just run away, otherwise you will die young. However, the good news is that basically all the carriers of chaos species died in the real world because of the war, so you may not encounter them."

Emhardt finally said that when the Chaos Species began to enter the real world, they inevitably fought with many races at that time, and the outcome was very obvious. In the end, the Chaos Species failed and died, and their consciousness was sent back to the spiritual world.

In fact, Fisher asked Emhardt all this to find out more about the demi-human girl completing the first tag in the manual that he had almost completed, [Royal Choice].

There are only five races in total, which is very friendly compared to other races, which can easily number in the dozens or hundreds. Moreover, three of the races have been recorded in his demi-human girl completion manual, except for [Phoenix Race] and [Phoenix Race]. Chaos Species] Fisher is not sure yet.

Emhardt said that the phoenix species has disappeared in the north for a long time, and is estimated to be completely extinct now. There are very few existing documents about the phoenix species.

The demon Paimon only recorded their most glorious time, when the entire northern territory was the territory of the Phoenix, and worshiped them as gods.

But she didn't know how this once powerful demihuman race came to an end, because at that time all the demons were driven into the abyss and could no longer witness it.

And if the Chaos Species are really as dangerous as Emhardt said, Fisher can't go looking for them to study without thinking. He can only try to see if there are other sub-human labels that require less effort. .



At this moment, right next to Fisher, under a blue sky and white clouds, countless crew members wearing short shirts were neatly arranged on the deck for training. They were running circles around the deck and training in fighting skills and so on. It seemed like A training rhythm similar to that of a regular army.

And this is indeed the case. When Aragina defected from the Sardinian Kingdom, the people who rebelled with her were her most loyal subordinates, and they were also regular troops serving in the Sardinian Navy at the time.

Therefore, the pirate ship Iceberg Queen is essentially a Sardinian warship, and its firepower and quality are not at the same level as those of other ordinary pirates.

After defecting, he basically walked sideways on the sea, robbing whomever he wanted. No wonder it didn't take long for him to become one of the famous "Four Pirates".

And Pahz's unassuming and fat first mate is not simple either. She was once the commander of this army, and was awarded the title of knight in the Sardinian Kingdom. In other words, she is an armor commander. The noble class who can carve a feather.

The most important thing is that she is also the military teacher assigned to Alagina by her biological mother who was killed by Alagina

It sounds complicated, but that's probably what happened with the Iceberg Queen.

Well, this is the inside story that Fisher learned last night when he was drinking with these rough women. They were very fond of Fisher. Because of Alagina's relationship, these women especially respected Fisher.

"Tu tu tu tu!"

"Don't run!"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"You idiot... you idiot!"

And further away, you can still see Kalma and her three little ones holding a mallet and a small shovel, leading a group of mice to chase the steel knife parrot flying in the sky, running and screaming, their cute appearance will The atmosphere on the boat became much more lively.

In just a few days, Kalma and the others had already gathered all the local rats on the ship and returned them to their team. The three of them cleaned them up and divided them into three armies of rats, each named after the three sisters.

Well, the ultimate goal of this team with high hopes is to defeat the hateful big parrot demon king with a steel knife. This smelly bird often goes against the three sisters. On weekdays, it likes to go and call the three sisters at six or seven o'clock in the morning. To be precise, when I got up, I woke them up by scolding them alive, and then the relationship was sealed.

The two gangs are now fighting fiercely every day, just like a large-scale TV series, so that Pahz and a large group of crew members have to move a small bench to sit and watch the two sides fight each other every day.

After these few days, old Jack, who was a little nervous at first, has relaxed a lot. Recently, he has been running to the kitchen on the ship every day, even ignoring the three naughty children.

Fisher glanced around the bustling Iceberg Queen and looked up at the mast in the middle. As expected, he saw the fully covered Second Officer Osie there.

She was also the only person Fisher found strange after getting along with her in the past few days.

Now, she was wrapped up in the wide and heavy robe like a dumpling, sitting on the top of the mast. According to Fisher's observations in the past few days, she would basically stay up there all day, except for eating and sleeping. She will come down when going to the toilet. The rest of the time, all you need to do is look for her to look up at the mast.

She sat on the top of the mast like a sculpture every day, blowing in the wind, looking at the sea from time to time, and watching her parrots playing with Kalma and the others.

Yes, that steel parrot is Ossie's pet.

The parrot can speak human language and is very humane. Although it often scolds Karma and the others, it is more playful in nature.

Fisher was still very interested in this second mate, not only because of her somewhat eccentric character, but also because she was a ready-made Cangbird demi-human.

Ever since he learned that he could get rewards from the Demi-Girls Completion Manual by studying more demi-human girls, Fisher couldn't wait to find more demi-human races to study. He didn't know if this was the completion manual. The disadvantages brought about by the manual made him feel a little dazed.

But in the end, it turned out that this was either a matter of completing the manual or Fisher wanted to study it himself, because it was a bit too boring to stay on the boat every day and do nothing. If he continued to be idle without studying anything, he would I’m going to dismantle Emhardt to see the internal structure, or study the three ratmen Karma.

Finally, after thinking about it, it still wasn't too punishing, so I gave up.

As for Isabel

Just when Fisher was looking around with the book in his hand, a faint aroma of sea salt suddenly came from the side. Fisher looked sideways and saw Aragina in captain's uniform walking up to him at some point. Beside him, people were watching everything on the ship with him.

In fact, in Alagina's mind, she did not have any lofty goals. In other words, after she defected and killed her mother to avenge her father, her goal was lost.

Being a pirate is just to be responsible for the sisters who defected with her. She has to earn a lot of money until the amount of money is enough for each of them to settle down.

But now, the man she likes is by her side, watching the sisters who have been born and died with her. This kind of warmth is something Alagina has never experienced in the past many years.

She suddenly understood why the women in her hometown always dreamed of marrying a virtuous man and returned home. Perhaps the feeling they had been pursuing was what she was feeling at this moment, right?

Thinking of this, Alagina's heart beat a little faster. It wasn't until Fisher turned around and said hello to her that she said some irrelevant words with a blank mind.

"The voyage has just begun, and I'm afraid it will take longer than expected. Because we took a detour to the vicinity of Saint-Nali, the stored fuel was not enough to return to Pirate Port. We still need to take a detour to replenish before entering the East Ocean range. Just once.”

Alagina had no idea why she suddenly said this. Anyway, she just felt the need to say something to talk to Fisher, so she said it, and she was eager for Fisher's response.

"It's okay, I see everyone else is really enjoying the time now."

Even with such a simple answer, Alagina was quite satisfied.

Emhardt, who was next to him, was already used to Fisher's virtues. He stood on Fisher's shoulder with squinted eyes without saying a word. It was obvious that he had seen through the treacherous world and chose to bow to reality. He didn't want to be reminded again. Fisher was caught in his pocket and put into confinement.

There is a truth that if you want to destroy something, you must first make it crazy.

He planned to let Fisher indulge in the gentle land first, and then wait until one day when he really overturns the boat and see blood, he would jump out and ridicule him, making him regret not following the advice of the great Emhart.

Eh, but if you think about it carefully, wouldn't your deal be ruined after this guy dies?

According to his terrifying chatting speed, it is very likely that he will die before completing his deal! How can this be good?

No one knew about Emhart's contradiction. Anyway, after hearing Fisher's words, Aragina glanced at Fisher quietly again and started thinking about the next sentence in her head.

She was thinking randomly: Can I invite him to visit my room now? Is this too direct and abrupt? How about having a meal first and then visiting? Or should I give you something to pave the way and convey my meaning? So, what should you give?

Amidst such random thoughts, Alagina suddenly saw the dense notes in Fisher's notebook. She then remembered that Fisher seemed to be a famous scholar, and he had a lot of knowledge about subhuman races. Have some interest in research

She was just about to start a conversation on the topic of "subhuman races", but the next second, Fisher's and her eyes were simultaneously attracted by the blond girl who walked out from behind the captain's cabin. That was Isabel. There is a noble lady with elegant posture and full of brilliance.

But at this time, her expression was a little sluggish and her face was very pale.

This guy Isabel has been dying since she got on the ship. She stays in her room every day and doesn't come out until lunch or evening. The word decadent is not enough to describe her.

For example, it was almost afternoon now and she had just come out of the room. She was obviously so hungry that she reluctantly came out to look for food.

Alagina said after seeing Isabel,

"I'll ask the chef to make her lunch."

Fisher frowned, shook his head and refused,

"No, don't do it yet, let me talk to her first."

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