Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 488 105 Morning Light

Chapter 488 105. Morning light

Under the package of black mud, Fisher's consciousness did not shut down like a power outage. Instead, he felt more and more awake, as excited as if he had received 10,000 injections of stimulants.

Just at this moment, he seemed to undergo a change that he could not predict from top to bottom.

The first is the level of consciousness.

He suddenly saw a lot of unknown and difficult-to-identify knowledge. The knowledge was engraved into his brain like signals. However, when he recalled the magical knowledge he had learned in the past, it seemed as if he could not read it. , brought nothing but profound pain.


Fisher roared angrily. At this moment, the crazy feeling he had when reading the Soul Replenishment Manual in the past once again filled his head, as if it was about to overflow, and all his seven orifices poured out of it. Black mud, like black mud, I don’t know what it is.

He seemed to have seen the vast starry sky, as if he had seen strange shining celestial bodies, as if he had seen strange beings huddled in dark corners, or wrapped in bright stars.

Just seeing those great, indescribable existences, Fisher's body almost burst, but for some reason, his consciousness was exceptionally clear, as if he was not affected at all.

Fisher's consciousness continued to shuttle in such a completely unfamiliar, magnificent, and silent world. It was not until the cold loneliness filled his body that he vaguely heard a song coming from his heart. .

The voice and language that are the carrier of the song are really difficult to understand, but Fisher seems to be guided by the song, as if he has become one with it, following the endless sound that runs through the universe...

Instead of getting further and further away, it brought Fisher to the place he was most familiar with.

In the deep night of Dragon Continent, Fisher's consciousness floated up along with the singing, crossing the camel next to him as if nothing had happened, crossing the coast he had just walked, until the singing took him When passing by the devastated beach below, he seemed to see the beaten whaleman below.

His consciousness suddenly froze on the spot, so he spoke softly,

"Wait a minute..."

When these words came out of his mouth, he felt absurd at first. Even he himself didn't know why he was speaking to the singing voice or existence around him whose origin he didn't know, but he just felt a vague sense of intimacy.

But the next second he spoke, the singing movement slowly stopped.

Zorobato, who seemed to be in madness below, was now entangled in layers of Gelsemium, which was already in a desperate situation, trying to completely suck him in and then forge it into his next proud work.

The moment the singing stopped, Sorobato's crazy expression also turned around. He looked around and said with confusion and surprise,

"Life, O gospel of life, let me hear your voice..."

"Ah, I heard it, I heard it..."

Fisher did not look at the other party. At this moment, he clearly looked at Gelsemium, which was tied up by him, and saw that his limbs were cut off and he was in danger...

Fisher wanted to save him.

The invisible singing voice seemed to sense Fisher's wishes, and the next moment, the invisible singing voice, like babble, became clearer.

After listening for a longer time, Fisher actually understood a little bit of what the other party was singing or saying, as if he was a self-taught teacher.


Does it want to say something to that strange angel?

Fisher was silent for a moment, and then spoke softly to the angel,

"Go to hell…"

The next moment, as if the words were spoken, the singing voice next to him suddenly became louder. As Fisher's voice fell, something in the strange angel's body instantly gave Fisher a warm response, like a devout believer who had followed him for a long time, and left Zoroba behind in a "swish" Thoroughly moistened.

The next moment, Zorobato disintegrated on its own in confusion, and the seriously injured Gelsemium was out of danger and fell to the ground. Several shadowy figures in the distance who had been paying attention to this place also popped up with their own heads...

Fisher breathed a sigh of relief, as if something had settled on his mind. The next second, the singing voice continued without stopping, like a pair of gentle big hands, supporting him and continuing to float upward, but he didn't know the specific direction or direction. destination.

He just kept following the singing.

As time went by, Fisher found that he could understand more and more words. Although they seemed to be discontinuous and as difficult to distinguish as pieces of broken glass, Fisher found that he could understand more and more words. At last you are no longer listening to the Book of Heaven.

Just listen to the invisible singing voice,


Fisher was being carried and moved by the other party like this, and everything around him seemed to change in front of him at this moment, until everything around him turned into deep darkness, and turned into a world with only a few blinking stars watching. Strange space.

Here, Fisher's originally clear consciousness felt a great joy. Like a baby about to sleep, his consciousness became more and more drowsy. I am afraid that even if his favorite demi-human lady came in front of him, he would not be able to feel it. Recognize…

This is indeed a terrible lethargy.

Fisher only vaguely remembered that he crossed the stars; crossed a spreading building that was created by an unknown civilization; crossed countless struggling and undulating bubble-like oceans...

In the confusion, Fisher finally realized that the invisible singing in front of him seemed to be taking him somewhere. No matter where it was, he only felt that he was getting further and further away from the place he was originally familiar with.

In his mind, the shadows of the ladies and important people he had met suddenly exploded, and he suddenly woke up and stopped where he was, no longer following the singing beside him in the starry sky here.

The singing voice next to him that made Fisher feel familiar was keenly aware of his will. Its voice was slightly higher, as if it was urging him to move forward, but Fisher never moved again.

Fisher completely remembered that he had gone back in time to deal with death, and Renee was still waiting for him in the future.

At this moment, he is still in the process of advancing to the mythical level!

This may be the confusion of chaos, because the way he advances is somewhat different from others. He must return to his own body. Only when the body and soul are united can he enter the myth.

"…I want to go back."


Thinking about this, Fisher suddenly opened his mouth and said this to the singing voice. Then, before the other party could react, he left decisively and no longer followed the beautiful singing.

The singing around him stopped suddenly, but at this moment, Fisher vaguely felt a touch of disappointment from the other party, but soon the feeling disappeared.

It had no intention of stopping Fisher. Instead, it dissipated little by little, slowly receding in a certain direction in the dark sky like a tide.

That direction is like the end and the ultimate, and the singing seems to come from here.

The process of going back was much easier than Fisher imagined. He did not see the scene when he left, but quickly found his body.

The strange thing is that the black mud covering his body has completely disappeared, only revealing himself covered with dense ∞ symbols all over his body.

Everything was normal, and Fisher felt more relaxed than ever before, as if the mythical rank was right in front of him, but he would soon regret thinking so.

The reason lies in his soul.

He couldn't wait to integrate into his body again. Under the guidance of a breath that could break all rules, Fisher's strong body and soul began to be closely connected, but it wasn't until he felt a sharp pain from both soul and body. , he finally discovered that his soul was even more twisted than before.


The severe pain was more unbearable than the torture of playing the pipa, as if Fisher's ribs were being cut off one by one with a razor.

In reality, Fisher's body began to undergo distortions that were unimaginable to ordinary people with a heart-breaking crackling sound. Countless strange knowledge hidden in his mind began to emerge at this moment, making him about to merge with his soul at this moment. The two-in-one body made it extremely difficult to adapt.



In the forest at night, harsh sounds that didn't seem like human beings were rising and falling one after another, with a constantly creeping shadow running rampant through the woods, causing regular fluctuations one after another.

The tethered camel in the distance was so frightened by the sound inside that it trembled. It didn't even dare to sing anymore. It buried its head in the obstacle piled with fallen leaves as if pretending to be dead, pretending to be an ostrich, but it was Didn't leave.

Of course, it may not be because it is so loyal to Fisher that it is reluctant to leave his side.

The reason is that before Fisher advanced, he tied up the camel and it couldn't move even if it wanted to, that's all.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

It was still morning, but the forest was not quiet. Compared with the previous forest, many trees suddenly fell down here. There were traces left on the ground that seemed to be caused by some kind of giant monster. There were holes up to ten meters deep, scratches and countless black mucus, making the woods in the early morning look like hell.


At this moment, at the end of the forest, a naked man was hugging his body. The strong muscles on his body were still surging, as if strange eyes were shaking crazily.

Fisher squinted one eye in exhaustion and looked at the dark sky at this moment. In his mind, all kinds of strange knowledge kept colliding with his sanity and drove him close to madness.

Don't think that he has calmed down by being so quiet at this moment, it's just because he has no energy at all.

Fisher was breathing heavily, not even daring to move. He was afraid that if he moved, his body would be disintegrated and turned into some kind of deformed monster.

In such extreme suffering, Fisher's mind went blank, and all living consciousness was used to resist the madness from the depths of his soul.

He didn't want to think about anything, even dying at this moment...

Fisher's squinted eyes closed gradually tiredly, and the weird squirming of his body became more and more obvious. Until the next second, a warm light suddenly came from the east and passed through the body that was knocked down by his deformed body. Trees and soil fell on his face.

Is it dawn yet?

Fisher thought so.

Perhaps because of the warmth of the sun, Fisher accidentally opened his eyes again.

In the haze, he vaguely saw a figure in white robes squatting in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

The other party's short golden curly hair lay in front of her pair of blue-gold dilated pupils without looking messy. She just kept squatting with her bare feet, only about a millimeter away from the soil, floating in front of the embarrassed Fisher, tilting her head and looking at him.


While muttering, Fisher spoke like this, as if he was trying to determine whether what he saw was an illusion.

Until the next moment, the beautiful and holy angel in front of him, falling in the morning light, heard his words, and really stretched out his hands to Fisher like an apostle in heaven who came to save the believers in trouble in the world. She slowly held his head in her arms.

Her crouching posture, which she was looking at, gradually sank down, turning into a side-sitting position without touching any soil. She could not stop until she placed the back of Fisher's head on her thigh hidden under her white robe.

In the morning light, for some reason, the pain that almost tortured Fisher was getting away little by little, and he only felt extremely warm.

"How did you come?"

But the moment he gained strength, his opening was still not rated high - maybe it was just that for this bad angel with a bad taste in front of him, Fisher suddenly had the attribute of being upright in speech and body?

Heller, who was holding his head, didn't care at all about his words. Instead, he felt that Fisher missed her terribly, so he smiled and asked him,

"How about it? Are you almost moved to tears when you finally see me?"


Fisher closed his eyes, turned his head and leaned into her arms. He didn't cry, but just rubbed her body gently,

"At one point, I felt like I was really going to die just now."

The smile on Helaire's face suddenly brightened several times, but he did not say anything.

She raised her head, looked at the slowly rising sun in the sky, and suddenly said,

"Be confident, you won't die even if the world ends."

"Are you a little too confident?"

"Because I'm here, I've been watching your condition these four days..."

Heller raised his temple holding Fisher and made a bow string gesture. He pouted at Fisher to attract his attention and added what he had not finished.

"Don't forget, you still have the arrow left by Cupid on you."

"Cupid's arrow means that I have succeeded, but I still feel a little...wait a minute, what did you say, four days?"

Fisher originally wanted to say that his state was still very wrong. Although it was more comfortable to stay with Hrel now, he was not yet sure that he had successfully advanced to the mythical level.

Until he vaguely noticed the change of time, he advanced for four days?

But in fact, this is not the key, and Fisher is not someone who cares about time.

The key point is that if these four days are exceeded, wouldn't it mean that tomorrow is the day agreed with Heller?

Does this mean that Helaire is very close to the gender transformation?

No wonder, Fisher seemed to smell a bit of charming and warm fragrance at this moment, but it just came from nowhere.

Fisher, who was lying in Heller's arms, blinked, then raised his head to look at her, but only saw the folds of the undulating white robe and her smiling face.

But all he saw was Heller smiling brightly, holding his chin and looking directly at him.

Then, she stretched out a finger and dangled it on his lips, like fishing, but she didn't know if she was fishing for Fisher's tongue.

The white fingers just shook like that, and occasionally touched Fisher's lips slightly, causing an itch that felt like an electric shock.

"Hmm, what's wrong?"

The Herel in front of her was still shrouded in the holy morning light, as dazzling as a real angel, but at this moment, in her smiling expression and condescending gaze, her true character seemed to be glimpsed, and thus a fatal temptation bloomed. .

Faced with her gaze and smile at this moment, Fisher's eyes averted for an unprecedented moment, and even his words became awkward.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to ask how Tangze, who I have entrusted you to take care of these days, is doing..."

After a moment of pause, Heller still kept smiling, which seemed to be a silent reply.

Fortunately, Fisher said again at the critical moment,

"By the way, I prepared a little gift for you."

"Oh, specially prepared for me?"

The Angel of Hellel was activated again.

"... I just found something interesting by the way, it's not really specialized."

"Oh, so. In other words, when you find something, the first thing you think of is me?"

"Did I advance successfully? Why don't I feel anything..."

Fisher closed his eyes and said this, but before he could finish speaking, Heller, who was holding his head, lowered his head and kissed him gently, just like a dragonfly touching water, it just fell on his forehead.

"Hahahaha, you are so cute..."


Fisher's face darkened. He had said before that he didn't like others praising him for being cute, but Heller especially liked to do so.

The key is that Fisher is also difficult to pursue against her. The cunning angel would always add a light kiss as a gift when he said such evil words, which made Fisher unable to resist.

He was too lazy to pay attention to this evil angel, but to be honest, his condition suddenly improved more than a little, and even his squirming limbs slowly returned to consciousness. There was still a little tinnitus in his ears, and occasionally there was a little unexplained murmur. That’s all.

As a result, before he could move, he suddenly found that for some reason, a pitch-black horn like a black goat was lying quietly in his arms.

"What's this?"

Looking at the items in his arms, Fisher rubbed his temples with a headache and asked in question.

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