Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 489 106 Reproduction of One Body

Chapter 489 106. Reproduction of one body

"It seems to be a sacred object, but it feels very strange to me. Well, I don't know. Who told me that I don't know anything about the forging of sacred objects?"

Hellaire next to her heard Fisher's question and she replied.

But looking at the horns on his body at this time, Fisher seemed to finally realize something. He suddenly remembered what happened just now. He remembered the dream-like process, the black ocean he saw, the words of authority, and the process of being pulled away from his body by the silent singing.

This black ram's horn seemed to be what he saw in the dream, inside the body of the angel who was trying to kill Gelsemium. He wanted to save Gelsemium, so he said a word to the angel, and he brought this thing over without thinking. , and then the angel died.

Since this ram's horn is real, then everything that happened before should also be real.

Thinking of this, Fisher shared what he thought of with Hellaire and wanted to know her opinion. Although she seemed very unseemly, she was a mythical species after all and might know something about this.

After hearing this, Heller nodded his chin and analyzed,

"From your description, you were taken to a very strange place by the singing."

"Well, there were a lot of stars there, and it was dark. I might have seen other things along the way, but I really can't remember them."

"Could it be that the singing is going to take you to a secret place and steal your waist?"

Fisher's face darkened. If that singing voice was going to do this, then it must be Harrell himself.

"So, do you have any idea?"

"What do you think the singing voice is trying to do? Is it malicious to you?"


Fisher recalled for a moment, then shook his head and said,

"No, I don't think so. Instead, I felt very comfortable and friendly at the time. Of course, this does not rule out the other party's temptation, but I really didn't feel any malice. It wanted to take me away to a place I didn't know."

"But you didn't go with it, did you?"

Heller looked at him with a smile, and Fisher glanced at her and knew that she was asking him why.

He sighed and then said,

"Why should I go with it to a place I don't know? I still have unfinished business here."

As he spoke, Fisher thought again of the ladies who held his consciousness at the critical moment. He did care about them, especially when he thought about never seeing them again.

"Oh, the unfinished business, could it be because of someone or someone you miss? For example, the ladies you used to know?"

"Like, you?"

After hearing this, Heller held his face with his hands, laughed evilly, and muttered in a low, cute voice that imitated Fisher's male voice,

"'If it was because of Hellel, the bad angel, I would have followed that song a long time ago, because that guy is very bad and bad, always teasing me.' Is that right?"


Is Hellaire included in this?

Hearing her inquiry, Fisher suddenly thought so, but no matter how he recalled it, he couldn't remember whether he had thought of this evil angel at that time.

Maybe there was, but he didn't remember it, because when he was about to lose control, when the morning light appeared, he really felt like crying.

He slowly sat up, rubbed his head, and wiped away the tinnitus that kept popping up in his mind, and then turned his head to look at the smiling Heller.

As usual, she tilted her head generously and let Fisher look at her, making him want to kiss her.

Annoying angel.

Fisher lowered his head and looked at his palm. According to Heller, he seemed to have successfully advanced to the mythical level.

At this moment, Fisher has not fully recovered, not to mention that he has only been tortured by the madness in his mind for four full days. It is normal to have no sense of strength. He will not immediately loosen up and become like a superman or a monster after advancing. So energetic.

But this did not prevent him from checking his current state.

The most critical characteristic of the mythical species is that body and soul are integrated. Under the urging of Fisher's power, his body no longer lit up with magic circuits similar to those before. Instead, existences similar to blinking eyes began to squirm, making him I was shocked.

If you look carefully, the squirming eyes seem to be composed of countless moving symbols. Fisher has seen that symbol more than once, which is the inverted figure "∞".

"Don't look, you have indeed advanced to the Myth level. This seems to be the embodiment of the rules of your power. However, the nature of the power of each Myth level is very special. You can experiment more. Reaching the Myth level After reaching the rank, you will be like a new baby, and you will need to adapt to everything like a newborn baby."

Heller floated up, assumed a boxing stance, and continued to explain to Fisher while dancing the king's eight punches on the spot,

"Unlike our mythical species, when we are forged by God, we will accept his oracle, just like an instruction manual. The mythical species created through the authority of order therefore has restrictions, and our total The level cannot exceed 200. However, those who advance the day after tomorrow are not included in this category. After all, there are very few such individuals, not to mention that you entered this level through chaos."

"No rules can restrain chaos."

Fisher nodded. In fact, he had analyzed what Heller said before, and these conclusions could be easily reached by relying solely on logical reasoning.

He was just curious, what should he do with his magic after entering the mythical level?

The soul and body are completely fused together, but to engrave magic only requires the power of the soul. You don't know what will happen with this mixed power.

In Fisher's memory, there were only two people above the mythical level who had used magic before, namely the Mother Goddess and Eliog. One was the creator of magic, and the other used it during Fisher's training. Yes, I don’t know what the situation is.

So now Fisher has three more things to solve in front of him:

The first is to find out what the source and purpose of the singing was when he was advancing, which Fisher felt was very important.

The second is to fully understand his newly advanced mythical level body. Of course, not now, he is about to die now, but the recovery speed of the mythical level is astonishingly fast, and it is estimated that he will be completely recovered within today.

The third is to understand the function of this strange sacred object similar to a ram's horn in his arms. It is now stuck to his body and cannot be pulled off, like a dog-skin plaster.

At the same time, Fisher's chest suddenly felt hot. Fisher was very familiar with that heat. He reached out and found that all the items on his chest were intact, including the items he had just held in his hand. Renee's items used for advancement are still shining with purple light.

As Heller said, you just need to use its breath to help advance.

And it wasn't anything else that was generating heat just now, but Fisher's old friend, the Asian girl who was finishing up the manual.

With Fisher's touch, the manual on the chest suddenly bloomed with a golden glimmer that only Fisher could see. The glimmer slowly covered Fisher's eyes, and lines of illusory lines emerged. Text.

[It has been detected that your rank has been advanced to the mythical rank. Congratulations! 】

[The power of normal mythical species comes from the understanding of the rules of the world, but you are just the opposite; the chaos that disrupts the rules has become the source of your power. In a world of order, you will be tortured and rejected all the time. This is For, the nature of the madness you endured. 】

[The version of the Asian Girl Completion Manual has been updated, and the supporting services that are more suitable for the physique of babies of the mythical level have been updated]

[You have unlocked 50% of the research progress requirements for subhuman races! 】

[New research requirements: joint research, sample comparison]

[Research multiple bound research subjects together to obtain additional research progress. When certain corresponding sub-races are studied together, additional research points or progress will be generated (for example: researching dragon races and whale races at the same time) , the specific joint research sequence can be queried later]

[Myth level advanced assistance has been activated! 】

[Progress to advance to the sixteenth level: 0%. After thoroughly mastering this level, the advancement requirements and advancement rewards will be activated]

[Advanced requirements: Read the "Soul Completion Manual" completely, the two research progress of any bound sub-race reaches 75%, and you are not completely crazy or hacked to death with a hatchet (crossed out) but not dead. 】

Fisher's brows raised slightly as he looked at the large number of new things popping up.

Whales and dragons?

Doesn’t this mean that I have to study Jasmine and Rafael at the same time?

Let’s not talk about other things. One of them is fighting and killing in the southern continent, and the other is sleeping at the bottom of the sea. It is extremely difficult to bring the two of them together, right? What's more, you still have to find a reason or buffer to resolve the conflict.

This is an extremely troublesome and troublesome link. It is impossible for them to meet directly without any preparation, right?

If so, Fisher would really feel like he was going to be hacked to death by them.

Fortunately, they have never met before, so he still has a chance to operate.

Fisher thought calmly and confidently.

Although he saw the red writing on the Asian girl's completion manual, to be honest, Fisher didn't take it to heart. Instead, he focused on the requirements for advancing to the sixteenth level below.

The lady here actually offered to complete the manual. If you want to advance, you must read other manuals.

This is consistent with Fisher's previous conjecture. After he obtains the rest of the manuals, the bonuses corresponding to the completion of the manuals by the demi-human girl will become less and less.

After obtaining the Soul Replenishment Manual, he will not increase the Soul Strength; after obtaining the Life Replenishment Manual, he will not increase the Constitution.

This also shows that after the Asian girl completes the manual, she hopes to read other completion manuals, even if this will bring side effects. When he advanced to the mythical species, he was almost driven crazy. He didn't dare to think about the consequences of continuing to read.

Fisher is not sure whether he should continue to do this, because it seems that after expelling death, there is no need for him to take risks anymore. He will be thankful to God if he can eliminate the conflicts between several ladies.

He had reservations about this, and he hoped to wash his hands of the situation after this time and honestly repay the debt he owed before.

And through this, Fisher became more and more curious about the true identity of the contributor to the Asian Girl Completion Manual.

Not only does this transferred person have an extreme understanding of the completion manuals created by all other transferred people, but she is also obviously a very powerful transfer person, and based on the suspected demi-human girl mentioned by the Moon Princess earlier, she completed the completion From the manual contributor's description of the strange woman, it appears that this transferred person must be of high profile.

The strange thing is that none of the other transferred people know any information about her, and they don't even know that there is another manual circulating out there.

By the way, did Princess Yue mention that the transferred person had invited a whale doctor from the sea when she gave birth to the stillborn baby?

The doctor's wonderful rejuvenation skills actually stabilized the state of a stillborn fetus without a soul.

Looking at it this way, this description fits the unfortunate guy Gelsemium very well.

Could it be that this guy has already known the transferred person, but he just likes to hide it from himself like he concealed the matter about Sorobato?

This unlucky guy

Fisher maintained his doubts about Gelsemium in his heart and planned to confirm it later. Now he and Heller left here. It has been four days since reality. I don’t know what the situation is like with Asuka Karasawa and Margaret. Got it

Just when Fisher finished reading all the information and was about to leave, the golden text in front of him changed slightly, and another information emerged.

[Contributor's note: Congratulations on entering the mythical rank. There is one more thing I forgot to write in the completion manual, so I had to write it in the comments. 】

[As for strengthening the ability to reproduce, after you enter the mythical level and become one body and soul, this ability to reproduce will bring more interesting feelings. The patience you have at that time will be completely different from the patience you had before. Remember to take control of yourself. The most important thing is that after completing the manual, the Asian girl will help you in this aspect. I have designed a lot of supporting points to enhance the reproductive ability of mythical species. You will know when the time comes. The key is , we should study more Asian girls while maintaining our own safety. 】

【Anyway, please stay tuned! 】

【*.. ()*.. 】

I'm looking forward to your mom!

Fisher's face darkened, and he almost threw the completed manual of the hot Asian girl out of his arms, but even so, he couldn't help but breathed heavily.

There was no other reason, because in the past few seconds in the real world, he had begun to feel that something was wrong.

The terrifying power of reproduction that was originally unbearable for the body seemed to have inexplicably taken root in his soul at this moment, making Fisher suddenly feel a little uncontrollable.

He suddenly felt that his physiological conditions and desire to attack had been sufficiently enhanced. This might be a positive thing for others, but it was not a good thing for Fisher.

If he continues like this, he will really turn into a fertile beast. Well, he will still be the kind of mythical beast.

"What's wrong? You look so bad all of a sudden?"

At this moment, Heller next to him suddenly stretched out his hand and touched Fisher's cheek, which almost caused Fisher to explode. He was already feeling uncomfortable physically, but this time it was like lightning that penetrated his soul and body, making him want to press him to the ground and execute him on the spot.

But it was tomorrow night as promised, and she hadn't completely transformed into a woman yet.

So, he took a step back slightly, avoiding Heller's touch.

"Hey, are you shy?"

".No, it's just that I'm not in a good condition."

Heller nodded, and then stretched out his hand in front of him.

Fisher glanced at her and asked,


"Hold on."


After hesitating for a moment, Fisher reached out and squeezed her little hand that had become soft. He squeezed it before letting go with her satisfied expression.

"Not bad, by the way, the gift you prepared for me?"

"There are two gifts"

Fisher paused as he spoke, as if he suddenly remembered something, while Heller next to him smiled and pinched his fingers and said,

"In this case, give me one today and another one tomorrow night. Why is it more ceremonial? Why did it suddenly stop again?"


Fisher turned his head and looked at the woods that were falling to the east and west, and suddenly felt a little guilty.

The gifts he prepared for Hellel were all on the camel, and he seemed to have tied him to a tree with a long rope before he advanced.

Could it be that it has already returned to the west with the crown?

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