Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 490 107 Ram’s Horn

Chapter 490 107. Ram’s Horns

Fisher, who was a little worried about the singing camel, hurriedly walked towards the place where he remembered it being tied, but to be honest, Fisher felt a little unsure whether it was still alive.

Not to mention whether it could survive the crazy destruction he had done during this period of advancement, its destructive nature was evident from the tragic situation in the forest next to it; even if it was lucky enough to survive, Fisher didn't know that it hadn't eaten in the past four days. What to do if you don’t have water to drink.

This was indeed an oversight on the part of Fisher, who honestly admitted his mistake.

According to his original assumption, the advancement time should not be that long, and the fact was indeed as he inferred, but there was an error that he had not expected.

The mistake, or the real difficulty in uniting body and soul this time, lies in his extremely deformed soul.

This change seemed to come just after his consciousness went through a dream-like journey with the invisible singing. The strangest thing was that this change seemed to be silent. If it hadn't been for the fact that he finally returned to the body and began to unite body and soul. He might not even notice any clues during the fusion process.

It was as if such a change was normal for his soul, but it was difficult to adapt when he returned to his body.

Fisher didn't know the specific reason for this, but fortunately, after these four days of difficult integration, his body has now stabilized, and there is no longer any distortion or obvious sense of madness.

Hellaire, as warm as the morning light, appeared when he was at his most exhausted.

Fisher's memory remains vivid.

Here, the Asian girl must be named again to complete the manual. Fisher finally discovered that the impact of the reproductive ability added by this thing is really harmful.

Just now, he had just escaped from the hell gate, but when he saw Heller and heard that four days had passed, the first thing that came to his mind was, "It's almost the seventh day." ".

Combined with the contributor's comments in the manual, the combination can better explain the other party's damn bad taste.

"What are you doing here?"

Seeing Fisher walking in one direction, Heller, who was floating behind him, asked.

"Looking for a gift for you."

Fisher's speed was very fast. He was surprised to find that his body seemed to have a soul-like nature at the moment and became very light. He could run very far on the ground with only a slight exertion, so he quickly Just returned to the place where the camel was tied before.

Unfortunately, here, Fisher only saw an intact big tree with a broken rope tied to its trunk.

The camel seemed to break free of the rope and run away.

Fisher rubbed his temples, feeling regretful but not frustrated at the same time, he just felt a little troubled.

Now that he has reached the level of mythology, even if the camel can fly, it is impossible to escape from his grasp, it just takes a little effort.

It would be fine if it was just the camel, but the key point is that the beautiful holy object that he decided to give to Heller was also on it. Fisher didn't know where to get a more suitable one. A gift.

"Is the gift here?"

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

Heller behind him saw that Fisher had finally stopped, so he rubbed his hands with a bright expression, looking very expectant.

"No, it seems..."

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

Just when Fisher was about to say something, his ears moved slightly, and he seemed to hear an extremely regular chewing sound.

Fisher turned his head expressionlessly and looked in the direction from which the sound came. Sure enough, he really saw the camel with a shaky expression among the few intact trees at the edge of the forest.

At this time, there were still a few weeds that had not been swallowed in its mouth, and it tilted its head while chewing.

The next second, when it saw Fisher, it seemed to become excited all of a sudden. It swallowed all the food in its mouth in three swipes, and rushed towards Fisher with joy and singing. Come and bump into his waist.

Fisher didn't move, and it fell to the ground, but it still got up and looked at Fisher, seeming to complain that he had tied it to this place for so long.

But fortunately, this guy is still waiting for me here. He has already broken free from the rope. This guy seems to have a certain affection for me inexplicably. It can't be said that Fisher's appearance has an effect on a camel, right?

After not seeing each other for four days, Fisher, who was obviously a scumbag, had been neglectful, but for some reason, this guy kissed him even more.

Fisher, who knew he was in the wrong, did not resist and let him hit his iron-hard waist. Instead, he gently reached out and touched its head. He turned his head and saw Heller looking at the camel's face. explained to her,

"I tied it here before it advanced. It lasted for four days. It must have been angry... I bumped into it when I came out with Gelsemium and the others before. It swallowed a Gospel of Life relic made by Zorobato. A failure, very spiritual. I don’t know why, but he stuck to me when I first met him, and it still remains the same now.”

While helping him smooth his hair, Fisher checked another sacred object placed on it, but suddenly thought of what Heller said about the "sense of ritual" just now, so he would just give it to her tomorrow. .

"It also sings, so it should suit your taste."

Fisher's words were tactful and he didn't explain too much. He just wanted the camel to perform the singing skills he had shown before, but the camel just kept pushing against his waist and never stopped.

Fisher's face darkened slightly, making Hellaire in front of him laugh, and then she also waved to the camel. As if telepathic, the camel immediately paused and then raised its head to look at Heller in front of him.

"Come here, let me see."

The camel looked at Heller, paused for a moment and immediately ran towards Heller. The change was faster than Fisher's imagination, and he looked like a teenager.


The camel was more excited to see Heller than to see Fisher. He kept rubbing his head against her hand, which made Fisher speechless, holding his hands and looking at the dead camel.

"Haha, it looks like it likes me very much. Sing a song for me and let me listen..."


The moving singing voice quickly emerged from the camel's mouth, like some kind of sweet musical instrument, like an euphemistic and emotional human voice, flowing like a gurgling clear spring. As Hellaire listened, the bright smile deepened little by little. .

After singing the song, Fisher raised his eyebrows because he suddenly discovered that the song the camel sang in front of Heller was not only harder but also better...

Heller saw a somewhat depressed Fisher out of the corner of his eye and laughed.

"Hahaha, not bad, I like this camel very much, it will be my mount from now on..."


As Heller said, the camel next to her agreed with her like a bitch, but Hellaire didn't look at it. He just looked at Fisher with a smile, stretched out his hand to him, and asked,

"Would you like to help me sit up and give it a try?"

Looking at her outstretched hand, Fisher finally didn't ask as straightforwardly as before, "Are you a mythical species and can't fly up?"

He only glanced at the other party's smiling blue-gold dilated pupils, then held her hand with a slight smile and reminded,

"This camel is restless. Remember to sit tight."

"I will be careful."

Then Fisher reached out and hugged her legs that were already suspended in mid-air, and lifted her, who was almost weightless, onto the back of the dromedary that was standing obediently.

The original saddle on its back was still there, and Heller sat on the camel's back, keeping his legs sideways in one direction, without straddling him.


In the forest, I felt the light angel on my back sitting on the saddle, and the beautiful singing voice lingered in it again, like an invisible ribbon wrapped around the angel in front of me.

The breeze blew a little, blowing the warm morning light and loose white robe on her body, like a holy and lazy angel looking at Fisher in front of her.

Is it because the Camel and the other person have similar temperaments, or is it simply because of Helaire's beauty?

All in all, Fisher thought the gift suited her well.

"Looks good."

However, his evaluation remained restrained. Fortunately, Heller didn't care.

She only tilted her head, and a strand of golden curls fell from her forehead to cover one of her eyes, but it did not cover her smile.

"It's indeed very good. I like it very much. I'm looking forward to the gift tomorrow~"

"You don't have to wait for tomorrow, the gift is in Luotuo's..."

"Shh, give it to me tomorrow, you know."


She raised a finger and put it in front of her lips, blowing slightly with a hint of silence, but the silence was too hard, so the next second, the finger seemed to be entrusted to her. The scented kiss was directed in Fisher's direction.

Then, she patted the saddle under her without stopping. The camel immediately shook its head and slowly walked out of the woods carrying her, leaving Fisher, who had just signed for the blowing kiss, to follow slowly. superior.

In the vast wilderness, it is a good time when the weather is fine and cloudless.

At this moment, in the woods quite far away from the previous coastline, a skinny demi-human who was dressed in a mess and struggled to walk was holding a branch and walking in the boundless wilderness.

His originally long dark blue hair was now stained with some dried blood, and the tattered silk clothing of some kind that came from ocean seaweed was even more unclothed. The whale's tail behind him was hanging weakly. He was holding on to a long wooden pole and seemed to be walking aimlessly. Then whenever he saw some demihumans or humans who might be passing by, he would ask: "Have you seen those five bastards?" , among them there is a very tall elephant race, followed by a brain demon race, a lion race and a werewolf race, and the leader is a damn human being."

Yes, this ragged whaleman was Gelsemium who had experienced a fierce battle just four nights ago.

As of today, he has not returned to the Utopia for the past four days. Instead, he has been searching hard for the original gold fluid sword he lost, and no one can give him a definite answer.

Because this thing is not only a gift given to him by Lamastia, but also a marriage certificate between him and his wife. It is very precious and important. Ever since it was snatched away by the human who killed a thousand swords that night, Gelsemium As if he had lost his soul, he wandered around Longwei Island, trying to find that guy.

It's strange to say that the guy left his name and conditions for redeeming things, but he didn't leave any way to find her. I wonder if she forgot it, or because she believes that meeting each other depends on fate and luck?

Gelsemium didn't know, but he was indeed a little exhausted.

The previous battle had exhausted all his strength. Having his limbs cut off and then reattached with blessings was simply shortening his lifespan.

He finally lay on the ground feebly, looking at the sky helplessly, seeming a little at a loss, and could only curse in a low voice,

"Don't let me catch you. If I catch you, you won't be able to live with it."

"Hey, you're here, I found you."

At this moment, Heller's somewhat surprised voice came. Hearing this, Gelsemium immediately opened his eyes, but only saw a huge camel face. He was so frightened that he sat up quickly and turned to look behind him. Sure enough, she saw Heller sitting on the camel and Fisher leading the camel beside her.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing? There is a despicable and disgusting robber! No, pervert!! She took away the souvenir of my marriage to my wife while I was seriously injured and fell to the ground! I am looking for the whereabouts of her and his accomplices."


"Yes, it's the same group that robbed the caravan of the Karkafu Snake Tribe before, etc."

Gelsemium first glanced at Heller, and then saw Fisher next to him from the corner of his eye. Then he could no longer look away, and his originally indignant words stopped in place.

His pupils narrowed slightly, then he moved closer to Fisher and subconsciously said,

"I, you... have you entered the mythical level?"

The tail of the whale behind him immediately raised up. In Fisher's view, this was the only energy he had left in the embarrassment at the moment, but even so, he kept glancing up and down as if he was watching a rare treasure. Looking at Fisher, he murmured in an almost imperceptible voice,

"Oh my god, I originally thought my wife was already a heavyweight, but I didn't expect there was another one here who was even more outrageous."

"What's wrong?"

"You left just to enter the mythical level?"

"Otherwise, I said I wanted to help you, but it seems you can solve it yourself."

"Solve it yourself? No."

At this moment, Fisher felt that Gelsemium was almost exhausted, but the look in his eyes was an absolute enthusiasm that was hard to refuse. His old doctor's habit had returned, especially when he encountered a rare case like Fisher's. when,

"The way you entered the Mythical Rank is very weird, which also makes your current Mythical Rank very weird. Look at your waist."


"Yeah, it's weird there."

Fisher was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of something. His expression immediately changed, and he opened his white robe, only to see that dense lines of blood were continuously emerging from his lower abdomen, which still maintained a human shape. , ant-like "∞" symbols surround the side of his waist.

What's even more horrifying is that the place where Renee's power originally resided has completely turned into a purple luminous body embedded in her soul, exuding a weird energy all the time. breath, and it seemed that the purple light became more active after feeling Fisher's attention.


A stream of murmurs that gave him a headache kept pouring out of Fisher's ears. At the same time, the horn he had placed in his arms was also attracted by the breath on his waist and emitted an ominous dark red color. light.

At that moment when the light floated, Fisher's body trembled irregularly again. The first thing he felt was a sense of expansion of power, and then he seemed to be surprised to find that his desire to reproduce was constantly fading.

No, not fading, but transforming.

The preference for demi-humans in Fisher's mind was receding like the tide, replaced by his love for normal human women of the same species!

But fortunately, in the next second, he saw the golden light in front of him, which represented that the Asian girl had completed the manual, flashed slightly angrily, and the dark red power disappeared in an instant, and Fisher's affected desire returned. It returned to normal in an instant.

"Stop, Fisher! Get your attention away from your body! You are already at the mythical level, and your soul and body are one. This will arouse the chaotic atmosphere in your body."

But the crimson horns couldn't stop at all and moved crazily towards Fisher's waist, as if they wanted to merge with his waist.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a ray of morning light flashed next to her, and the sheep's horn flew backwards back into her hand, and then slowly stopped.

Fisher held his waist and took a step back, while Gelsemium silently stared at the familiar-looking horns.

That night, it turned out to be you.

".This thing is the Holy Artifact of the Gospel of Life forged by Sorobato. Unlike other unfinished products, this thing has been refined. But I don't know why the forging of the Holy Artifact of the Gospel of Life caused such a level of chaos. , I almost fell into the hands of this thing that night. Zorobato should have been dead, but with the help of its power, he stood up again. If you ask me, its efficacy should be more than this, but it is definitely very dangerous. , you’d better stay away from it.”

Gelsemium narrowed her eyes and said,

"You were in such a strange state when that thing was activated just now. Even my curse couldn't understand what happened. The reason why Tianzhisuo didn't let the angels under him forge the sacred object of the gospel of life is definitely not some bullshit respect. The real reason for the life created by the Lord God can only be that this thing will cause chaos."

"That's right, that's right. You are different from us mythical species. Your aura tends to be chaotic. I don't know what will happen if you bring this thing with you. Just leave it to me for safekeeping first."

Heller also nodded, agreeing with Gelsemium's point of view.

Will Forging Life Gospel Relics Inspire Chaos?


Fisher was completely confused, but he suddenly remembered something, about the ram's horn holy object that was sticky and sticky against him, as if he were some kind of meat and potatoes. Tsuki said before that he was special, could this be it? Special?

It was the same when I saw the camel for the first time before. Could it be that it was attracted to me because it swallowed Sorobato's unfinished holy object and had a certain degree of chaos?

Thinking of this, Fisher looked back at the camel that Hellaire was riding, wanting to verify his idea, but he found that the second- and fifth-year-old camel was no longer interested in him.

Yes, the verification failed, maybe it just looks good on itself.

"I understand, I'll leave this to you first, Heller, can you handle it?"

"Well, no, I might be affected too, but I can hide it in a place where others won't find it, and then study it before taking it out. How about it?"

Fisher was noncommittal. After all, there was no better way. As long as he could take it without being discovered by others, in terms of pranks and hiding things, for some reason, Fisher almost instinctively believed in this guy Heller.

"Then next, let's..."

"Come on, let's go back and take a rest. I haven't eaten for two or three days. I'm starved to death."

It was Gelsemium that spoke, but Fisher was stunned for a moment when he heard the words.

Didn't this guy just want to find a token of his marriage to his wife?

He raised his eyebrows, but out of the corner of his eye he focused on the goat's horn held in Heller's hand.

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