Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 491 108 Easter

Chapter 491 108.Easter

The matter about the ram's horn was temporarily settled as "Helaire will deal with it", but before that, Fisher also repeatedly confirmed the details of how to deal with it.

The power of this ram's horn is very strange. Although it can greatly enhance one's own rank, it does not come without a price. Fisher's idea had been tampered with just now, and he also suspected that Gelsemium's idea had also been tampered with to a certain extent. For example, just now he was so enthusiastic about finding the item he lost, but now he seems indifferent. appearance.

The three of them plus a camel were wrapped in the morning light of Hellel and flew back. Fisher looked at Gelsemium sitting in front and quietly told Heller his speculation, but she didn't pay much attention. said,

"Isn't this just right? Look at how he fought with Zorobato before. He was miserable and looked for that thing for four whole days. Even if the holy object had an effect on him, it might not be possible. It’s a bad thing, at least now he’s gone with us obediently, right? By the way, you can also study the specific effects of that thing, why not?”

It has to be you.

Fisher thought so as he glanced at Heller, who was smiling and making suggestions.

However, he was indeed not prepared to expose this matter first. Gelsemium's current state was too bad, so it would be better to take it back to the Utopia for cultivation first.

Fisher glanced at Gelsemium in front of him, who was holding his hands and humming a song as if he was relaxed. He paused for a moment and then said,

"You are completely dead this time, Zorobato, right? You have finished all your matters. Why don't you go back and see your wife?"

The ragged Gelsemium swayed his ears when he heard this, then he turned his head to look at Fisher, smiled contemptuously, and then said,

"Oh, you don't know, I have the final say in our family. If I want to play outside again, I can go back whenever I want. She doesn't even dare to fart. Believe it or not, when I arrive, Will she still come up and beg me to go home?"


Fisher pursed his lips and was about to say something, but looking at the confident look of Gelsemium in front of him, Fisher swallowed back what he was about to say and silently sat back next to Heller. .

He suspected that Gelsemium's brain had been damaged by the horn.

Heller laughed. Under her leadership, Fisher and the others quickly returned to the vicinity of the Utopia. Although the environment below was roughly the same as before, to Fisher's senses, there seemed to be something new here. Something.

At this moment, his eyes flickered with crawling ∞ symbols. With the blessing of his power, he quickly discovered that there were stars dozens of kilometers away in the Utopia. There were scattered large trees, and beside them stood many demi-humans wearing Tree Continent costumes, all of whom were around the fourteenth level.

Those big trees didn't seem to be entities, but more like tree-shaped things formed by wisps of light. Fisher didn't recognize the origin and purpose of that thing.

But when he saw the group of fourteenth-level people, Fisher quickly recalled the previous incident when Mr. Peach cast a wide net to recruit people in the Tree Continent, and it seemed that this was what they were asked to do. Plant some kind of tree. .

"What are they doing?"

"Ah, that one." Heller heard Fisher's question. She narrowed her eyes and looked over there. Then she turned around with a smile and explained to Fisher, "That was planted by the elves. [Eye Tree], comes from some kind of symbol of Lord World Tree's power. Lord World Tree is the only one among the three demigods who cannot move his own body, so the Lord God gave her the loom of fate, Giving her power over the other two brothers.”

"Now that the loom of destiny has been stolen, the immovable World Tree needs another way to accurately transmit her power. This thing is the [Eye Tree]. Presumably, Peach Blossom recruited those demi-human species to do this job. After all, not just anyone can transport these eye trees. It’s too obvious for the elves to transport them, so we had to resort to this.”

Fisher looked at the dozens of eye trees in the distance and couldn't help but wonder,

"Where is the real body of World Tree? It seems that she is not in the Tree Continent. Otherwise, she would never sit idly by when we escaped before."

"You guessed it right. Lord Yggdrasil, like the other two demigods, has a fixed place of guarding. To be precise, she is located in the [pillar] of the world. The phantom of her you see is her rule. The shadow cast in the dimension, so we couldn't touch her at that time. As the longest and stable defender of the three demigods, the previous World Tree rarely really showed her power, Lord Dragon God Because she often flew back from the cracks, she scolded her. This was also the reason why the two of them often quarreled.

"But now the death of the Elf King and the theft of the Destiny Loom have completely angered her, as evidenced by these eye trees that connect her dimension. The handle's reincarnation will end soon, and she should take care of things here. It’s already an established fact that she will handle the matter here. Once the Eye Tree is planted, it cannot be removed unless Lord World Tree removes it by himself. Chun and Margaret should also sense the approaching danger."

Fisher touched his chin. In fact, he had always had a question,

"Can the wrath of a twenty-level demigod be blocked by the loom of fate alone?"

Heller spread his hands and smiled at Fisher,

"The specific nature of a true god's items is not known, and I don't know if it can be blocked. But to be honest, what does it have to do with us whether it can be blocked? As long as she is done, we will take the teardrop and go to make a report. Isn’t that enough? What you should consider is what happens next, for example, your plans after expelling death.”

What are your plans after banishing death?

Of course he will return to the time and space he should be in. He will also go to see Renee, settle Elizabeth's matter, give Valentina the ring she deserves when she is still in the egg, and bring Rafael He would use his punishment, fulfill the agreement with Jasmine, and do all sorts of things for Eliog and Alagina, and then wash his hands after completing it as he had previously thought.

Everything after death is expelled is so beautiful, except for this angel in front of him, what should he do?

".Although it's a bit disappointing to say it, I should go back to where I originally came from, where there are many people I care about."

"People who care, people who care, as long as they think in their hearts, they are home anywhere in the world, why bother to stick to one place? Just like me, if you want to live a free and unrestrained life, you want to be happy, you know? Fisher, as a person who has been there ,I"


In front of him, Gelsemium, who was completely dizzy, began to express his heroic words again. Fisher glanced at him speechlessly, the symbol on his hand lit up slightly, and then he waved out a gust of wind, blowing away Gelsemium, who was already extremely weak. The kiss knocked him unconscious, and he fell into the morning light below, startling the camel under Helaire.

Heller was still looking at Fisher with a smile, ignoring Gelsemium, but tilted his head, and suddenly asked,

"So, was this the reason why you didn't leave with the singer?"

Heller's words were tactful, but Fisher's response was very candid.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Then, it seems that your arrangement is doomed after it's over. I can't compare to the girls you care about. If you don't choose me, I can only come to you on my own."

Fisher's brows raised slightly, and in his noncommittal expression, the previous feeling of worrying that this bad angel would fall in the years to come came back to his heart again.

Hellel may be really cunning, but in the future wars in which the World Tree, the Lock of Heaven, and the Dragon God will wither, and in the fate of the Sanctuary and the Tree Continent completely disappearing, she may not be able to resist no matter what, right?

If she really came to find him, then she should have met him very early after he was born, but he only met her when he went back in time. Isn't this in a certain sense? It has been proven that she will definitely die in the future?

When this idea appeared, Fisher's breathing stagnated for a moment. After a moment of pause, he said,

"Helaire, otherwise you can go back with me."

"Hey, aren't you afraid that other women you know will tear you apart?"

Heller smiled evilly, opened his hands, and used an extremely aggrieved and pretentious voice to vividly imitate an "interesting" scene.

"Oh my god, Fisher, who is being chased by death, is now going back in time to drive death away. I'm worried about him. I'm going to wait here for him to come back. I wait and wait and wait, and then finally, 'bang' , great, Fisher is back! Wait, but he also came back with a very beautiful angel that I didn’t know at all! The angel glanced at me, and then talked to me contemptuously Say, 'That so-and-so, your Fisher will be mine from now on, and you and the other women can get out now'."

After finishing the imitation, she looked at Fisher next to her with a smile and said,

"If so, what will be the reaction of those ladies, and what will be your fate?"

Fisher's face darkened, but he also understood the polite refusal in Heller's words. He did not refute the other party, but just looked ahead silently, without speaking for a moment.

In silence, he finally spoke,

"I don't know how they will react, but I will probably die."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Heller was amused by Fisher. She crossed her legs on the camel, and soon the lush green surrounding the outline of the Republic appeared in their sight. She did not continue, "Do you want to talk to Fisher?" Let's go back together" topic, just said,

"Don't worry, you won't die. If the world ends, you will be fine."

"My fate is so great?"

"You carry a heavy burden of reproductive capacity. If you provoke so many women, you will be hacked to death long ago, right?"

As the morning light slowly descended, before arriving at the outskirts of the Utopia, Heller laughed and replied.

Fisher and the others did not fly directly to the Utopia because Hellel's current identity was Cain, so they ended up walking back to the Utopia honestly.

The barrier at the door seemed to have recognized their identities, so Fisher entered the Utopia without any hindrance. But as soon as he entered, Fisher discovered that the scene in front of him was very different from before.

What was originally a very simple parody of the architecture of the Tree Continent has become more refined at this moment. What is even stranger is that there are some strange things hanging on it, but they are probably the preferences of various races, such as some The race has ancient fertility worship, so they will hang some things similar to XX on the building, which looks unsightly; more often, they are some animal bones or flowers in the wild. At this time, the Utopia looks like It's like a multiracial cultural hodgepodge.

There are also some white flowers similar to lilies hanging on the stone tower in the distance. The top of the tower is not shining with golden light at this moment, which seems to indicate that Margaret and Karasawa Asuka are not there at this time.

"What's going on here?"

Fisher asked while holding the unconscious Gelsemium on his shoulders and looking at the scenery in front of him.

"Ah, it seems that because of Xiao Karasawa's help, the speed of controlling the loom is unimaginable. Originally, the progress of another week is estimated to be completed in the next few days, so in order to celebrate, the transferred person Just prepare to celebrate the festival of their world, of course, it’s an adapted version, otherwise those hyenas wouldn’t hang a big XX on the door.”

"Is this so"

"Teacher Fisher!! You are back!!"

At this moment, an extremely surprising sound suddenly came from the direction of the stone tower in the distance. Fisher turned his head and saw Asuka Karasawa, who was wearing a white robe and running towards him with a small basket in her arms. Come.

When he got closer, Fisher discovered that the basket was all filled with eggs of some kind of bird, but it seemed that some red paint had been artificially painted on them.

Behind the running Asuka Karasawa, at the door of the stone tower, stood the transferee Margaret. It seemed that Asuka Karasawa was with her just now, or in other words, Asuka Karasawa these days. They are all with each other.


Asuka Karasawa's face was flushed, and she was planning to pounce directly from her posture, but maybe she saw that Fisher was still carrying an unconscious Gelsemium on his shoulder at this time, or maybe it was because she was in the peripheral vision. She saw the smiling Heller next to Fisher. In short, she did not do so in the end. She just panted and walked to Fisher, looking at Fisher and the man on his shoulders. Gelsemium asked,

"Mr. Fisher, really, where have you been these past few days? When Mr. Mikhail came back earlier, you and Mr. Gelsemium were both outside. When asked about He Cain, she didn't say anything. It's really, really embarrassing. I"

"We're fine now, but you, what are you going to do with these red eggs?"

"Ah, these, these are the eggs prepared for tomorrow's Easter. I also sewed some bunnies, which can be used for the holiday tomorrow. Well, don't worry, I've been working hard these days, and the day after tomorrow at the latest It will be completed when the time comes, and the teardrops can be taken away then!”


Coincidentally, the seventh day agreed with Heller is also tomorrow.

Fisher looked at Margaret in the distance. She seemed to notice Fisher's gaze, so she also smiled and raised her hand and waved to him.

In the residential area in the distance, many of the chubby snake men from before were faintly passing by. It seemed that they had adapted well since Chun brought them back.

"Where is Mikhail?"

"Ah, Mr. Mikhail, he has been staying in the room, talking to himself, I thought something happened to him, and Nekolia, she has been alone, Go out and play sometimes or something.”

"Ha, Mikhail is definitely chatting with Michael. Ever since his broken eye was able to communicate with him, they have been talking non-stop every day. He also told me to pay attention to it before, it seems Archangel Gabriel left the Wisdom Vortex in the Holy Realm, taking your precious holy object with him."


Fisher frowned and looked at Hellel beside him, obviously worried about Emhardt who was following Gabriel. But Heller seemed very relaxed. She only said,

"Don't worry, this might be a good thing. Lord Gabriel hasn't had such an obvious reaction for a long time. Maybe it has something to do with that sacred object? And Lord Gabriel is a very peaceful angel. , even when she was crazy, she didn’t do anything, let alone now, you can rest assured.”

In fact, Emhart is quite likable after getting along with her for a long time. Even Valentina likes to bully him, which shows that he is actually very easy to get along with.

However, Fisher was not sure whether Gabriel's condition worsened or improved under Emhart's influence. It is also possible that under Emhart's influence, it was not inappropriate for Gabriel to bring him to him. Possibly, this would at least confirm his condition first.

After not seeing each other for so long, Fisher probably felt that he missed him.

As he walked, Fisher's eyes flashed slightly again. Now that he had entered the mythical level, he keenly felt that someone else was watching him.

He turned around and saw Chun standing in the building in the distance.

Although they were nearly a mile apart, their eyes met each other as if by chance.

Fisher almost forgot that they would definitely be able to notice that he had entered the mythical level.

Chun in the distance certainly felt Fisher's state at this moment, so he seemed quite surprised, but soon he withdrew his gaze and showed no other emotions.

"Mr. Fisher, you need to have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow is Easter. I have prepared a lot of fun and delicious margaritas and taught me how to make some French dishes. I will cook them for you then. How about eating?"

"Ah, no problem."

Fisher, who could barely look away, finally regained his attention and responded to Karasawa Asuka somewhat sluggishly.

Under the influence of Margaret, the atmosphere in the ideal country was quite good, just like what a grand festival should be, warm and happy.

Tomorrow is a holiday Fisher is not familiar with, Easter. And after tonight, Heller will be a real female angel.

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