Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 10 Rhetoric and deception

That night, Qin Sang and Mingyue had evening classes together and studied Taoism.

Like the Netherworld Sutra, Qin Sang couldn't read it. Fortunately, Taoist Ji Xin could explain it patiently. Qin Sang studied it seriously. He found a piece of charcoal and wrote down what he learned.

Returning to his room late at night, Qin Sang took out the "Netherworld Sutra" again and compared it with the words he had just learned to understand the meaning of the sutra. It was very difficult, but he never tired of it.

The next day, Taoist Ji Xin went down the mountain to perform rites and came back at noon, carrying a bag of coarse grains on his donkey. In the afternoon, the bright moon steamed a pot of vegetable wotou and fried a can of salted fish. He helped Taoist Ji Xin pack his luggage and medicine. box.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Qin Sang woke up and saw Taoist Jixin missing. When he asked Mingyue, he found out that he had left at Yinshi. That day, he and Mingyue followed Taoist Jixin's instructions and there were no mistakes.

On the morning of the tenth day of the lunar month, Qin Sang finally took a break from exhaustion and started playing "Fuhu Changquan" in front of the house early in the morning.

"Brother, what kind of punch did you hit?"

Mingyue was holding a bowl of porridge and sitting on the stone next to her, watching Qin Sang's fight against the tiger, feeling a little ready to make a move.

"This kung fu is called "Fuhu Changquan". Why, the Taoist priest never taught you martial arts?"

After Qin Sang finished the call, he felt that his whole body was smooth and he wiped the sweat and asked.

"No," Ming Yue shook her head, biting the tip of her chopsticks, with curiosity on her face, "Senior brother, master also knows martial arts?"

"How do I know? I've only been here a few days?"

Qin Sang rolled his eyes and thought to himself that he thought Taoist Jixin dared to go into the mountains to collect medicine and was not afraid of wolves, tigers and leopards, and might have martial arts skills nearby, so he deliberately punched in front of Mingyue to induce him to talk.

If you know martial arts, there is no reason not to teach it to your disciples. During these two days together, Qin Sang could tell that Taoist Ji Xin loved Mingyue very much and treated him as his own son.

Is he really just an ordinary Taoist priest?

"Do you usually only learn sutra chanting and medical skills from the Taoist priest? Have you never learned magic?"


Mingyue looked confused, "I have spent a lot of time reciting sutras and reading Chinese characters. I have also learned hexagrams. I can decipher signatures, hyphenate words, and trace talismans, but I am not skilled at it. Master doesn't dare to let me do it in front of others. I also know the process of rituals. I can do it." I will help Master. Master also taught me how to identify herbal medicines and prescribe medical treatments, but Master said I still have to study for twenty years before I can become a master, otherwise I will waste my life."

Qin Sang's eyes lit up, "Isn't the talisman a magic spell? The other day I heard that couple say that their house was uneasy, and the Taoist priest gave them a talisman, saying it could attract good luck, avoid disaster, and drive away evil spirits. Isn't this a magic spell?"

Mingyue chuckled, looked around and then whispered: "Brother, let me tell you, don't go outside and say it. Master said that these are all lies."


There is a god here!

Qin Sang said angrily: "If it's not allowed, aren't you afraid that people will come to your door?"

"It's such a mysterious thing, who knows what is accurate and what is inaccurate?"

Mingyue shook her head, "Even if someone comes to your door, you can still stop them with words. Senior brother, you will know sooner or later."

Qin Sang was very injured and was listless all day. Mingyue pestered him to learn "Fuhu Changquan", so she had to promise to teach him once his leg injury healed.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Sang stayed in the Taoist temple for more than twenty days, and the three masters and apprentices became truly familiar with each other.

These days, Qin Sang has been working hard to practice boxing, chant scriptures and learn calligraphy.

In addition to rituals, the Taoist priest also taught him Mingyue's medical skills and the divination and fortune-telling techniques. Only then did Qin Sang confirm that it was all words and deception, and he gave up completely.

However, the deception contained many insightful truths about world affairs, which also gave him a lot of gains.

The injury on his leg was getting better day by day, and he no longer needed a cane to walk. He couldn't take any time off, so he first cut down bamboos to use as water pipes to bring water from the stream to the yard, and built a small pool with stones in the yard.

After trying several solutions, I finally made it.

Now, Mingyue no longer had to do the heaviest work, and the water in the bamboo tube continued, and the vegetables and herbs in the garden grew better and better. Not only did Senior Brother Mingyue call him more and more affectionately, Taoist Jixin's view of him also changed.

Then, Qin Sang made a bamboo ladder, climbed up to the roof, and replaced all the broken tiles in the room where the three of them lived.

Later, he felt that the food in the Taoist temple was too boring, so he thought about making a few tricks, which allowed him to catch a few hares and pheasants.

Mingyue advised Qin Sang not to kill animals in the Taoist temple, as he would be punished by the master, so Qin Sang had to build an earthen stove next to the stream. Outside the Taoist temple, Taoist Jixin could not control it.

This world does not have as many seasonings as in the previous life, and he is not good at cooking. The grassy and earthy smell of game is difficult to get rid of, so he can only eat it roasted and sprinkled with salt, and the taste is acceptable.

Mingyue couldn't bear it and didn't dare to kill, but she dared to eat and it was delicious.

It's been more than ten days, the leaves have withered, and the weather has turned cold.

The wind on the mountain blew on them, making it colder than down the mountain. The three masters and apprentices were doing evening classes in the Qingyang Hall. The cold wind penetrated all the way, blowing into the hall, and the flames on the oil lamps flickered.

Qin Sang stretched, put down his quill, and flicked the lamp. Seeing that it would take a while for the master and apprentice next to him to finish their evening classes, he said softly: "Taoist Master, I will go back to the house and sleep first."

With that said, he picked up the pieces of paper he had just written on, wrapped himself in his robe, and left the hall. His leg bones had healed and he was planning a trip to Three Witches City.

Reading changes your destiny.

In the past month, Qin Sang worked harder than when he was a senior in high school in his previous life.

Today, I finally recognized and understood all the words in the Netherworld Sutra. Taoist Ji Xin was very knowledgeable, and his knowledge was richer than imagined, and he was willing to teach patiently. Qin Sang was very grateful to him.

After returning to his residence, Qin Sang first played "Fuhu Chang Fist" to calm down his restless mood.

Qin Sang has been following Bai Jianglan's instructions and practicing "Fuhu Changquan" every morning and evening without interruption. He obviously feels that his physical fitness has become stronger, but there is no trace of the legendary Qi.

After punching and washing away the smelly sweat, Qin Sang went back to his room and took out a stack of yellow paper from under the bed, which was full of words. Then he compared it with the book and filled in the last sentence by the moonlight.

The entire "Netherworld Sutra" has finally been translated.

Qin Sang held the yellow paper book, her palms trembling with excitement. She took a deep breath, calmed down, and started reading from the beginning.

Over and over again, without any distractions, he immersed himself in the "Netherworld Sutra", first reading his own translated version, then reading the original version again, speculating little by little, and then revising his own translation.

Qin Sang didn't dare to practice rashly. Who knew if he made a mistake, he might go crazy.

Based on his current humble opinion, the "Netherworld Sutra" is indeed a method that guides people to practice. After the exercises in it are completed, there will be a flow of 'Qi' in the body along the meridians, and there are also stories such as Zhou Tian.

Fortunately, he has been studying medical classics with Taoist Ji Xin, and has some understanding of meridians, acupuncture points, etc., and can barely understand them.

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